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Re: U.S Navy Fighters Issue

If you have a box full of old dos games that you played back in the day, how come you don't seem to know anything about running said DOS games? Once you have mounted a C: drive, which based on what you wrote seems to work, you now need to mount the ISO file, then you need to change to the CD-ROM …

Re: U.S Navy Fighters Issue

This is nothing specific to this game, this will happen with almost any game that is not designed to run from the install media. You first need to mount a "c:" drive. For instance, you could create a directory "dosroot" and then folder mount that directory to be your C: drive. e.g., inside dosbox: …

Re: Can't print from DOSBox

in DOSBox General
Megabuild is no longer maintained. And printing is not supported by regular DOSBox, nor is running anything other then games. You should be looking into either a DOSBox fork that does support printing, like DOSBox-X or vDOS, or you should be looking into running an emulator like VirtualBox or …

Re: Can't communicate with PLC

The dongle may be a copy protection device without which the software does not work properly. In that case, on the new PC you would have to either have two serial ports, one for the dongle and one for the PLC, or you would have to reverse engineer the dongle and implement it as a software dongle in …

Re: Dosbox Linux serial port help

in DOSBox General
You may have to logout after the usermod for the changes to take effect. But the command should work. Run "id" to check your users group memberships. Or you can run "getent group dialout" to check if your user is a member of the dialout group.

Re: Dosbox Linux serial port help

in DOSBox General
As I mentioned, instead of changing ownership of the serial port, you add your user to the right group, typically "dialout". Your suggestion of doing a chown is not persistent, because /dev will be re-created on reboot so any permissions you set on it will be lost. If you really don't want to add …

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