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Re: No space in your room to store old PC?

in Windows
Time to say goodbye to a few of them! I made a promise to myself that I won't store hardware in the living area. Let's be honest, it's not nice when you have to navigate around "e-waste" in your living room or hallways. Stacking them up also makes them harder to reach when you need them. Use a wall- …

Re: Tips to be a pro fleebay seller.

in Milliways
mkarcher wrote on 2021-08-05, 18:00: Is waiting for an "item not received" case in some way the easiest or cheapest way for a seller to back out of a transcation? Is it worth it to tarnish their feedback score with all the negatives? Aren't too many defects lead to restrictions/suspending on Ebay?

Re: Tips to be a pro fleebay seller.

in Milliways
Always use "untested/no returns" in the description even though you know full well that it doesn't work. I could sell like a 100 of faulty boards that way to unsuspecting bidders, none of them have any burn marks on them so it would be easy. Too bad I have a conscience.

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