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Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

kanecvr wrote: I really wish these cards came with a TSR for wavetable midi in DOS. When in Windows, I just set the sound device to General Midi and the YMF724 plays wavetable. I use this to switch between that and FM. Does this not work in DOS also?

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

This is a most excellent guide! I just got one of these working under Windows. Legacy and wavetable blocks both work wonderfully. I'm curious, though. The pinout of the PC/PCI header is known, but is there anywhere on the motherboard that we can tap into these signals? I'm assuming that these …

Re: Extreme-G 2

in Windows
ZellSF wrote: It is an old topic, the game runs perfectly on modern computers under dgVooodoo2 or WineD3D wrappers now Oh, that's fantastic! Thanks for the heads up.

Re: Extreme-G 2

in Windows
Hey folks. I realize this is a rather old topic, but the problem with white textures is due to the format not being compatible with newer graphics cards. That's why with older graphics cards you're able to see them. *Some* textures are still visible, though, so there must be some format we can use …

Re: Extreme-G 2

in Windows
I know a lot of time has passed, but I thought I'd provide a bit of information on progress. So far, everything's been going quite smoothly. I wrote an archiver for manipulating the data files in the game. It also works on the N64 version (and actually, the data is more accessible there! I may use …

Re: Extreme-G 2

in Windows
I couldn't get that utility to work. "OutputDebug" didn't show up in the list. So I wrote a patch instead. There's more than just the hex replacement mentioned above (I also had to remove the PUSH statements for the debug strings which is a bit less straightforward) but it's getting there. Would be …

Re: Extreme-G 2

in Windows
This may be an old topic but it's certainly a recent interest of mine :) I've been trying to find ways to modify the game's executable and game files to get a fully playable version. So far, I've been able to get the game working on XP with a simple hex-replace hack: 1) Convert all instances of this …

Re: Zone 66

Simply have the GUS enabled. I think the program should auto-detect your GUS settings. There is no Setup utility from what I understand. If you still don't get anything, make sure the GUS is enabled in your DosBox configuration file.

Joystick deadzones?

I have a USB gamepad. I like to use it with DosBOX, especially when playing the arcade-style shooters or platformers. However, not all programs allow you to calibrate your joystick (Raptor by Apogee, for example.) My joystick's analog stick doesn't quite reach the outer boundaries of the box, which …

Re: Zone 66

Zone 66 is a very, very picky game. It must be run with nothing else in memory. Not even a memory manager or EMS/XMS, none of that. Make sure the settings match what's in your DosBox config. I was able to run the game with sound using GUS support and music. In fact, the GUS is the best way to listen …

Master of Magic's MIDI driver

This driver takes a long, long, long time to initialize when playing the game. But's also the only driver that seems to play the music fully without overlapping channels (the adlib one works alright, but can't play all the sounds at once.) Is there any way to fix this? MIDI drivers don't take nearly …

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