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Re: Sanity: Aiken's Artifact - aspect ratio problem

This can be addressed with a simple FOV fix though, and you can play it in widescreen using such fix. If there is a FOV fix, link to it. If not, don't just make shit up. I actually just released one recently, it's here: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2862-sanity-aikens-artifact-fov- …

Re: The Cat in the Hat (2003) on Windows 10

in Windows
Game runs fine for me on Windows 11 using DGvoodoo 2. Just install the game, copy over the cracked cat.exe. Then copy over the D3D8.dll, D3DImm.dll and DDraw.dll files from the DGvoodoo 2 folder to the games install folder. I already have tried those before (running with cracked exe and dgVoodoo2), …

The Cat in the Hat (2003) on Windows 10

in Windows
So I've tried everything with this game, I tried running it on a Windows XP machine both vanilla (with CD mounted) and cracked and didn't start at all, same in newer Windows versions... has anyone ever got this game working?

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2002

So this game only runs in GPUs with up to 128 MB of VRAM, I set that in dgVoodoo, the game starts normally, but then becomes stuck in this Graphics Hardware Test and doesn't go through it. Can anyone help me on this? I already chose every GPU on the DirectX list (game uses DX8), but nothing worked, …

Re: Bandicam can't hook into dgVoodoo's DLLs

bandicam is inferior software, use obs. I've been recording games for 10 years now, and always use either Bandicam or Action with the hardware-accelerated NVENC H.264 encoder, since my GPU doesn't support the HEVC one. And I get no lag at all in almost all games that I play. With OBS, it's a …

Re: Bandicam can't hook into dgVoodoo's DLLs

Actually this only happens with the D3D8/DDraw/DDImm files. Using the Glide and D3D9 (either x64 or x86) files in games that use those APIs, it runs just fine without any crashes, even with the latest version of dgVoodoo. I don't know why that happens specifically with those.

Bandicam can't hook into dgVoodoo's DLLs

So, whenever I open Bandicam and go to any game to record with the recent versions of dgVoodoo, the games just crash right after it hooks (I suppose?). But this doesn't happen with previous versions, like 2.75.1, Bandicam hooks into the dgVoodoo's DLLs just fine. But I don't wanna use older versions …

Age of Mythology (2002)

So, when I boot the game with dgVoodoo 2.79.2 (latest version), this shows up: https://i.imgur.com/ZdvFaxj.png These are my dgVoodoo settings: https://i.imgur.com/mZM5yOw.png https://i.imgur.com/fPhGt95.png Looks like the game can't detect dgVoodoo as a supported renderer. Is there a file somewhere …

Re: Prisoner of War (2002) bit of help.

Yeah I agree, the game's framerate just isn't natural at all, I remember the PS2 and Xbox versions running better than this PC version. Also seems like a lazy PC port, with very low res textures and simple shading, even for 2002 standards. I was trying to find out the specific hex address in the EXE …

Re: Terrorist Takedown (2004)

Yes, I deleted all dgVoodoo files, and put D3D9.dll, dgVoodoo.cpl and a new dgVoodoo.conf as well, it still doesn't work. I tried all possible configs in DirectX tab in the dgVoodoo control panel, and nothing works. Check it out: https://i.imgur.com/vtlIgB6.png https://i.imgur.com/8l4mW0n.png …

Terrorist Takedown (2004)

So when I start the game with dgVoodoo, a splash screen shows up at a low resolution (bypassing dgVoodoo for some reason) and then the game just closes. Natively with DX8, works just fine without any crashes, albeit at a very low framerate during gameplay on Windows 10 (sometimes even below 10 fps). …

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