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Re: Gatekeeping in the retro hobby

in Milliways
I agree there are more expensive hobbies, but the prices have definitely kicked up during the years. For me, the prices these days no longer stand in relation to what one actually get. Back in the day people pretty much begged you to grab their old computers as it was considered trash and having it …

Re: Gatekeeping in the retro hobby

in Milliways
Of course there's gatekeeping, it comes in the form of hoarding and monopolizing of various retro sources, one can observe it on this forum. A small amount of people keeping big collections of old gear is exactly what keeps it out of the hands of folks looking to get into the retro world. There are …

Re: Video games are too heavily monetized these days

in Milliways
Edit: And it has to make lots of money, of course. Maximum profits, if possible. With maximum profits come the need for software companies to prevent transfer of license ownership to other users, that's what the EU torpedoed. In the EU the owner can sell the licence to anybody and it can be used to …

Re: Video games are too heavily monetized these days

in Milliways
You have to understand that when you buy strictly online games you don't really own it, you just rent it for full price until the servers and services are working. Digital games work until you have your account but after that you are pretty much out of luck, not to mention that digital copies are …

Re: Do movies suck these days?

in Milliways
It's only a hot topic in America and some Western societies with a famously peaceful history like the UK, Germany or France. The rest of the world doesn't care nearly as much about race/gender/sexuality in movies. That forced white guilt is obviously working to make sure that you don't get mowed …

Re: Nvidia adaptergate

in Milliways
This topic takes me back to the time of IRC flame wars in 1998 when 3dfx and nvidia fanboys raged for hours while S3 owners cried in the back. Man, I'm old.

Re: Hardware you wish you'd never bought.

in Milliways
- ASUS Xonar DG. I bought it to replace the noisy onboard sound chip but it was just as noisy with the ASUS. That was the last sound card I bought. - My first prebuilt PC my parents bought me for Christmas in 1999 with 433 Celeron, 64 MB and a S3Trio3D. It cost like $950 and I didn't know much about …

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