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Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
I try to avoid any modern series, no matter how good friends tell me they are, because with multiple seasons and 10-20 episodes per season they are huge time sinks. I'd also add that the number of canceled series are insane so investing time in them is a risk nowadays. I'm not going to start …

Re: Do you even need a vintage machine?

in Milliways
Old hardware is a love and hate game for many people. It's lovely when it's working fine but it's dreadful when it's just kinda working. The passing of time makes everything look better and old hardware are no exception. Things that were crap 25 years ago didn't magically get good after spending 10 …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
With my old PC gear I downsized a bit, put things away, and for a few years that was how I've left it. But lately I've started to think I should admit the truth and get rid of more stuff, but it's finding where to start... I could store a lot of things in the attic if I wasn't so afraid of the fire …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
Im kinda at the point where I want to downsize but I have a lot of money in this hobby ...I could sell a lot of it but I doubt I would get even half of what I put into it back which leaves me at an impasse at what to do. Same. I don't want to deal with selling individual parts for like $5 when I …

Re: capacitor plague finally struck home

in Milliways
mhm all we are suggesting is that for 10 bucks and perhaps an hour of your time you could possibly get another 20 out of it, naturally the choice is yours. He is right though, replacing caps on multilayer boards is not nearly as easy as some people make it out to be. It's a huge pita with only …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
Sometimes this hobby pisses me off so much that I have to fight the urge to rent a huge trash container and get rid of it all. Trash it, declutter, be happy that I don't have to deal with another terrible computer issue ever again. Do I even need more complications in my life? When it happens I'm …

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