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Re: Crusader: No Remorse - 'flicpath' problem (movies)

in DOS
The readme file also indicates this: Q: The game hangs at a black screen every time I run it. A: This problem may be caused by not having FILES=40 set in your CONFIG.SYS Solution: In your CONFIG.SYS set FILES=40 and BUFFERS=40

Re: original Sound Blaster demo...

With regard to the parrot, this page indicates the following: "Mindmaker, Inc. has been known as a leading developer of intelligent personal assistants, natural language processing and other artificial intelligence technology. Not many gamers had heard of them until the debut of the Creative Labs …

Re: EF2000 Runs Too Fast on New Systems

in Windows
eL_PuSHeR, If I remember the chain of events correctly, the developer's assets (Digital Image Design's) were purchased by Rage Software. Rage was then purchased by Infogrames which is now Atari. While Atari does have a support page for the game, I wouldn't bet money on getting them to do anything …

Re: help plz, iam noob!

in DOS
Just wanted to make sure you were using the latest version. If you want to use DOSBOX, it would probably be better to post in the DOSBOX section of VOGONS. Also, it would be helpful if you would state what hardware and software (OS, etc.) you are using as well as the exact procedure you are using …

Re: help plz, iam noob!

in DOS
Did you apply both of the updates from this page: http://www.bluebyte.net/ger/products/schleich … t/p_updates.htm

AST Support Files Site

in Milliways
As I was doing some research on an old AST computer, I came across a site that may be of interest to folks with old DOS/Win3.1/OS/2 systems. This site belongs to a company that had a contract to provide support to AST customers after AST went out of business. This company no longer provides support …

Re: Lemmings Revolution

in Windows
I don't have a box with WinXP, so I can't help much. Have you applied the patch: http://www.globalstarsoftware.com/support/pat … mings_patch.exe

Re: Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon

in DOS
You did me a big favor just by asking this question. I don't have the standalone version of Railroad Tycoon, but I do have a retail copy of Interplay's Ultimate Strategy Archives which includes a copy of Railroad Tycoon. I had never played it, and when I installed the game and looked through the CD- …

Re: Demos /w "Extra Stuff"

"Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon" Demo The Ghost Recon demo is now available. The demo comes with an exclusive mission that will not be available in the final game but can be integrated into it. The mission acts as a prequel to the storyline of the full retail version and has limited multiplayer support. - …

Re: Balls of Steel too fast on Windows XP

in Windows
According to Atari's Support page: PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IF YOU ARE TRYING TO RUN THIS GAME UNDER WINDOWS XP. THIS PATCH IS REQUIRED FOR THE GAME TO WORK! A patch has been released for Balls of Steel that will upgrade your game version to 1.3. This version adds the following features to the game …

Re: Wing Commander 4 Win95

in Windows
Given the fact that no one is responding, you might want to try the Tech Support section of the following forum: http://www.crius.net/zone/index.php Good Luck!

Re: Frogger

in Windows
Microsoft Pinball Arcade (now published by Atari) is another title that fits into this category. You can play the music tracks in Media Player. I did some research into complaints from users of Pinball Arcade about this problem some time back, and the common element seemed to be that all of the …

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