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Re: Problematic Windows games list

Games that use the first Unreal engine, such as Deus Ex , Unreal Tournament , and Unreal , have problems running on modern CPUs, due to those CPUs having features that the Unreal engine isn't prepared for, such as multiple cores, variable speeds on one CPU, a very high CPU speed, etc/ There's a …

Re: dgVoodoo 2.6.x and related WIP versions

An incremental WIP containing some bugfixes for 2.63.2: ========================= WIP72: ========================= Changes compared to v2.63.2: - Bug causing crash is fixed in D3D (Hot Wheel Micro Racers) - Fixing a bug in the DXBC generator (Psychonauts) - Fixing a bug in the DX11 backend causing …

Re: Quake 1 no music?

Muz wrote on 2020-03-20, 14:18: I cannot get this game music to work in Windows 10. Any help? If you are using the CD version of the game, you need to have the game in that PARTICULAR CD drive. If you are not using CD version, and you use GOG version, then you need to demphasize your audio for …

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