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Re: Hardware overlay support

Not related to dgVoodoo2rectly, but it seems like modern AMD cards have overlay support? GetCaps returns- OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY+OVERLAYSHRINKX+OVERLAYSHRINKY+OVERLAYSTRETCHX+OVERLAYSTRETCHY+OVERLAYDEINTERLACE+OVERLAYFILTER+OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY which isn't present on my Nvidia GF10 card

Trying to find a counter strike map

It was where I learnt firing headshots... When I was 8. What I remember is it had no hostage missions...it was either a full squash match (fy?) or most probably a bomb match (de). I remember it stood in the maps list after cs_747 but before maps like de_aztec. The theme was blue (similar world …

Windows games that work upto Win7/Win8 but not on Win10/11

On various contexts over years, the compatibility of Windows 7+ OS was questioned. First, DWM issues of Windows 7, which was mostly fixed by closing the explorer.exe. Then the frame rate and DirectDraw issues of Windows 8. Then the problem translated to Windows 10 and the older forums have a lot of …

Re: List of video card tech demos

Can you guide on how to perform the waves stuff in Linux? I can't find anything for windows For windows: Decompress two .xz-archive files (don't know if 7zip or other archive software for m$-win supports .xz format - find which software will do the job for you), then open console (cmd.exe) in same …

Re: Superbike 2001 by EA fails to launch.

Bringing this back up again to say in my W11 machine, this does not work, despite copying the exact same steps as for W10. Using the noCD replacement and DDraw.dll from ddrawcompat, with win 98/me and 16bit color compatibility, the best I get is a black screen that flickers back to desktop. No …

Did GUI operating systems have a preferred video mode?

For example, my Windows 98 SE always booted into 256 colour, 640x480 mode. When I moved to XP, it used 16-bit colour, 640x480 and in Windows 7, it was 32-bit colour, 800x600. Win11 probably used 32-bit colour, and native monitor resolution. For Windows 8+, it is understandable as to only having 32- …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

Funny enough this month's project is finding cracked versions of my games less then 10 years old. ironically in the same process today, some game's "setup-extracting-setup" file ran a VB script that made a mess on my registry (disabling defender, uac, windows updates, etc...). Got the UAC to work, …

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