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Re: MT-32 is no longer receiving data

Yes, it was working previously. I disconnected it to move the PC, and when I reconnected it, it no longer works. Very strange how it stopped working. I don't think there's a hardware fault, as the MT-32 comes on and looks normal. It just doesn't receive any data. I got munt working, but it's not …

Re: MT-32 is no longer receiving data

I presume there's no native Windows game that will run on Windows 10 that can use the MT-32, hence you're presumably running DOSBox with MIDI passthrough? Perhaps the Windows enumeration for devices has changed, and DOSBox is no longer sending to the correct MIDI interface? edit: Whoops, obviously …

Re: Star Control 2 Ultrasound patch?

Hrm. The only real conclusion in that thread is the problem is fixed by running on DMA 5, and even that conclusion is challenged. I don't remember reconfiguring the GUS to get the game to run properly, but this was a *long*-ass time ago, so I don't fully trust my memory. To add insult to injury, I …

Star Control 2 Ultrasound patch?

Hi all, I've recently become aware of the PicoGUS Project and it's compatibility list. They state they have an issue with Star Control 2. This gives me pause because I clearly remember having a bizarro random-sounds-playing bug when I played Star Control 2 back in the day on my actual Gravis …

Re: Wing Commander 1 & 2 CM32L problem

It sounds like SysEx is not reliably making it to the CM-32L somehow.... What kind of bare metal is this running on? Wing Commander is not known to have SysEx timing issues, and the CM-32L shouldn't have the buffer overrun problems of the rev0 units. Physically there's nothing magical about SysEx, …

Re: Wing Commander 1 & 2 CM32L problem

Some games have custom instruments that sound "incorrect" on certain generations of LA32 hardware, yes. To my knowledge, Wing Commander and Wing Commander 2 are not among them. And Munt (typically, at least) reproduces these differences correctly. There's a particular drum-like sound used by Master …

Re: Wing Commander 1 & 2 CM32L problem

I have a real CM-32L and can confirm that it does not play right on the real hardware, thats because I found this thread whilst looking into what is causing my issue. :) Explosions, asteroids and weapons all sound odd. I don't have real hardware, but I have played Wing Commander and Wing Commander …

Re: Roland MT-32 CM-32L upgrades?

And here's a different listing that *is* a rev0 MT-32 https://www.ebay.ca/itm/285261478572?hash=item426ae8baac:g:Q~gAAOSwcqlkTpgQ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4PZ%2FPGcxIXoHD373kFb8qWHdGPu%2B%2BM0mPP2xA2Z5PE5cCxFlp4p5t%2Fgo%2FbaSHdisVplVFQeh52sA3Ru290VAwr98XUoOsup3aY4bbYsLvw% …

Roland MT-32 CM-32L upgrades?

There's a bunch of these having been sold on eBay https://www.ebay.ca/itm/285243529321?hash=item4269d6d869:g:dMIAAOSw3MtkQEbx&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4ELLvR%2BUFss%2Bq%2FpGHCg5OzqN9pa%2FLUhIZ%2B13NWiNo6s% …

Re: MT-32 SB16 CT2290 NO GO :)

If you don't need MIDI IN, and you don't need to actually connect a joystick(s), maybe this might be of value? https://www.serdashop.com/DB15MIDI And if you're actually planning to do fancy MIDI stuff, maybe you might want to consider splurging for one of these? https://www.serdashop.com/ISA-MPU- …

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