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Re: Multi-Monitor support for Supreme Commander

> Btw, Supreme Commander Forged Alliance is the same game as plain Supreme Commander? I have the latter one. Substantially the same game. I don't know if engine improvements were made, but if there was they were pretty minor. There's a couple new units, an entire new faction, and a new campaign with …

Re: Multi-Monitor support for Supreme Commander

Game behaves differently, but not correctly. https://i.imgur.com/CNbyPpr.png Second display is not initializing. Primary display also flickers and locks up upon entering into a match. Game behaves correctly if I disable the Secondary display. I think there's also some visual effects not showing up …

Multi-Monitor support for Supreme Commander

First of all, thank you so much for this project. It has enabled me to play several old games I'd given up for dead on modern computers! One of the things Supreme Commander was very notable for when it launched in 2007, was the ability to use two monitors - typically you'd have a "primary" monitor …

Any DOS/iMUSE hackers up for fixing X-Wing?

Ah, good old X-Wing, and it's awesome soundtrack, dynamic music, and haphazardly broken MT-32 support There are two releases of this game of interest (That I know about): The original Floppy disk release: - Soundtrack was supposedly composed on an MT-32 - Blasts out SysEx at high-speed, crashing …

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