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Windows 2000 hangs on "please wait" screen

I'm installing Win2000 SP4 on my 486 system (DX4-100, 80 MB ram, Opti 802C, 4 GB Quantum Fireball) and it gets stuck on the GUI "please wait" screen. Shift+F10 opens the command prompt, so the computer isn't frozen. Does this part just take a really long time? How can I tell what's causing it to …

Re: Resurrecting an old IBM Valuepoint 486 machine. How can I get it to contribute to World Community Grid?

I don't think this is going to work (stating the obvious??) Looks like Win98 can no longer communicate on the internet using any modern security protocol. I got the client to connect, but it won't transmit anything. Same problem using even the latest browsers that could run on Win98 (Opera 10 seems …

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