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Re: do any athlon motherboards completely die when the cpu fan header is disconnected?

In my experience a some boards won't read the rpm signal if only one wire is conented, they want the ground wire also connected to the fan header, it's extrange but I've seen it. And the Athlon cpus don't die so easilly because of overheating, as long as the have the heatsink atached they will fail/ …

Re: Vogons users, how do you deal with anxiety?

in Milliways
My wife has been struggling with anxiety and depression for three years. And after all that time I also ended up in psychiatric treatment. The environment greatly influences mental illness, if those around you do not act correctly, anxiety and depression only get worse. Treating mental illnesses as …

Re: Windows 11 has been released

Just use Linux and be done with it. A typical statement, linux is not the definitive answer any more than any other OS is. Well then use Windows 10 or 11 or whatever and stop complaining. :p I think you misunderstood me or I didn't explain myself well, I'm not complaining about how Windows works …

Re: Windows 11 has been released

weedeewee wrote on 2022-02-19, 21:01: Hoping ? No TempleOS ? How dare you ! 😁 Jokes aside, I did not know that OS, I am very curious to try it at some point, it seems very interesting. Unfortunately I am not a programmer but trying all kinds of different OS is something that I really like. Shame …

Re: Windows 11 has been released

Just use Linux and be done with it. A typical statement, linux is not the definitive answer any more than any other OS is. Curiously, today I just changed the OS of my HTPC, I had Linux and I just installed Windows 10 Pro, simply because Linux no longer met what I needed and Windows meets it better …

Re: Windows 11 has been released

I always use it after the first start and I only apply the recommended options, it is true that after some updates you have to use it again, but if you change the configuration manually the same thing happens, and you have to look for the changes, so it is very comfortable and fast, it deactivates a …

Re: Windows 11 has been released

I can't install Windows 11 without cheats, so I'm not planing on using it, but I'm curious how O&O shut up 10++ (https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10) works on Windows 11, even if it has 10 in the name it still supports on 11. I don't know if someone in this forum has already tried it. I am …

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