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Re: What makes (or made) WinME so horrible?

3. I liked the ME's USB, Network, fast boot, and (I could be wrong) NTFS support. Is it possible to have all this in the 98? - Windows 98 has USB support, only lacks support for USB storage - but it can be added - I have no idea what you liked about ME's network support - there's no important …

Re: What makes (or made) WinME so horrible?

There's even a thread on here somewhere about taking a second look at ME because of "quality of life" features like builtin PKZIP extraction support, builtin USB storage support, and of course a broader array of stock drivers for late 90s hardware. Personally, I never used it, but I had already …

What makes (or made) WinME so horrible?

I don't mean to sound stupid with this question. Just for the record, I was a victim of ME, it traumatized me deeply, I was 11 or 12 when I got my P166 MMX, and it had ME, numerous BSODs and problems, system restores, formatting, and I had no knowledge about that, so that terrified me, until the HD …

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