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Re: Planescape: Tormet using the DDraw Fix by Aqrit

Thanks for the input, Joseph! I tested the game with hardware acceleration turned off completely and it results in worse performance and mouse cursor trails. I also tried simply disabling DirectDraw via DxDiag, which completely solved the performance issue, but still introduced cursor trailing in …

Planescape: Tormet using the DDraw Fix by Aqrit

I'm using the DDraw Fix, created by Aqrit, to fix slowdowns in PST on my Windows XP, GTX 580 machine. According to Aqrit here: http://www.shsforums.net/topic/48732-ddraw-fix-for-slowdownsstuttering/ it is noted that, "pst-drawfix has been reported to introduce minor flashes/glitches when casting …

Re: Far Cry (2004): Foggy level

Why do you want to fix the problem yourself with a hex editor when there is already a patch available that fixes the problem? Sounds a bit counter intuitive. Probably because patch 1.4 breaks the enemy AI, allowing them to see through certain models like tents. I'm curious though - what causes this …

Re: Far Cry (2004): Foggy level

Are there ways to fix the foggy level using a hex editor instead of patching to 1.4? Why do you want to fix the problem yourself with a hex editor when there is already a patch available that fixes the problem? Sounds a bit counter intuitive. Probably because patch 1.4 breaks the enemy AI, allowing …

Re: Half-Life WON Pause Menu Issue

I take back what I said about being the ideal version. I spent so much time testing different areas that I didn't bother starting a fresh game until last night. Turns out, weird placeholder text appears on-screen during the intro tram ride. As you go through you see "OPENTITLE2", "OPENTITLE3 …

Re: Half-Life WON Pause Menu Issue

Highly unlikely that the CD is the problem. Another user here informed me that patch was a major update to the engine, so I assume the changes affected the logic of those instances where the issue occurs. I did manage to find one post elsewhere on the internet by someone who had experienced …

Re: Half-Life WON Pause Menu Issue

God Of Gaming wrote on 2023-07-20, 08:11: btw did you raise the max fps to 100? I didn't mess with the framerate during my testing, so I believe it was running at a solid 72 FPS on thru Was the FPS limit changed to 100 starting at Maybe that's what corrected the issue on …

Re: Half-Life WON Pause Menu Issue

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKkJPFmDW9Q This comparison shows the gist of it. Version to has everything working correctly, the bugs this vid shows off got added after and are still present in latest steam update I recently tested every version of the WON retail game and …

Re: Doom 3 Performance & Quality Issues

why 63hz? sources like the old tweakguides page state the game's ticrate is capped to 60fps. as far as i remember the game played fine with a 60fps cap in afterburner/RTSS, i don't know what version of that will still run on XP though. internal framecaps or even just vsync are usually a lot less …

Re: Doom 3 Performance & Quality Issues

MrEWhite wrote on 2022-08-10, 23:04: This can be fixed by having a VRR monitor though. That would fix the stutter, sure, but wouldn't you still run into the timing issues (audio being out of sync)? I'm on a CRT monitor and not even setting the refresh rate to 63Hz will prevent the syncing problem.

Re: Doom 3 Performance & Quality Issues

After some more research and testing, I've come to the conclusion that is not possible to have both smooth gameplay and physics/audio in sync. It's either one or the other as all "fixes" for the stutter put the audio/physics out of sync. Apparently, this affects all Id Tech 4 games (Quake 4, Prey, …

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