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Re: Successor to DirectSound?

Poke around here and you can get all the details on Windows 10 and 11 Audio architecture, along with what still works and what doesn't.... https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-har … s-new-for-audio

Re: Successor to DirectSound?

XAudio2 is the official successor for Windows Vista-Windows 11. Compatibility bits are left in the OS for basic use with the older DX APIs. When I was poking through the Microsoft dev site, I found out that hardware accelerated audio had returned for 10/11, but it's by no means a thing implemented …

Re: EMU Proteus/1 support for Sierra games?

I'm listening to it now, about 15-minutes deep. The quality is definitely there, given the E-MU pedigree, though it sounds a bit different to me cause the balancing of sounds is different with the SoundFont and softsynth MIDI playback that I use. That being said, I can certainly hear the E-MU DNA in …

Re: What game are you playing now?

Yesterday I beat the Dark Forces Remaster in one sitting, and it was rather fantastic. Only problem I have with it is the music, which is just gently wrong . Something about the iMuse emulation they have going on leads to some notes falling out of sync, and the soundfont they used doesn't hide it …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

For Linux, using anything (PC hardware) older than 2006 is an exercise in futility or ingenuity, depending on what your parts availability and outcome is. Based on my own experiences and observations of others, the bare minimum "Can I make this work?" config for current mainstream Linux distros is …

Re: VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

The only real hiccup I've had is that FSMP went unresponsive and locked up after I had paused playback and went back to it some time later, which made me have to terminate it and restart it, the first time I used the new driver. Apart from that, there was one other quirk where FSMP's output setting …

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