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Re: Windows 3.1 Sound Problem.

I did the install according to Ian Hawdon's guide. I set the interrupt to seven as the guide told me, but when I try to play a sample in Sound RecorderI get this error. Here are the SB16 settings I set: Base I/O Address: 220 MIDI Port Address: 330 Interrupt Setting: 7 Low DMA Setting: 1 High DMA …

Windows 3.1 Sound Problem.

Hi, I managed to install Windows 3.1 (not 3.11) onto DOSBox yesterday using my original installation disks. The sound in the DOSBox environment works fine, however, in Windows 3.1, it whines about a sound driver. Is there any way I can fix this? I believe that in the DOSBox.conf file it is possible …

Microsoft Windows 1.01

Hi, just today I tried to install Microsoft Windows 1.01 under DOSBox. First, I mounted two directories - one to act as a floppy drive and one to act as a hard drive. For the Hard Drive, I just made a WIN101 directory in my DOS_GAMES folder, and for the Floppy Drive, I put the needed floppy files in …


Just thought up of an idea. This may or may not have been suggested before - I didn't do a search. Lately, I've been using the DOSBox.conf file to edit settings such as the machine line where you set the graphics display such as VGA, EGA, CGA, Hercules, and Tandy. However, rather than deal with the …

Re: Rally Championship

Well, it seems that the INSTALL program worked under DOSBox, I selected the language, selected what install, but then it goes back to DOS while having the path as C:\RALLYC with nothing in it... Very strange.

Rally Championship

Hi, I just found my old disc for "Rally Championship". I cannot remember the exact year it was released but I remember the graphics looked like something from the 1996 - 1998 era. So far, I've tried to get the install or actual Rally Championship program to work, but I've had no luck at all. So far, …

Multiple Floppy Installs

in DOSBox General
Hi, I'm trying to install an old version of Microsoft Windows (Version 1.01 or 1.03 to be exact) and it has five or six disks for installation. I did a search on the DOSBox forums and found out that I could use the RESCAN command to access a different floppy. However, I cannot do this during the …

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

Hi there, Recently got a copy of 'Callahan's Crosstime Saloon' and it runs fine in DOSBox 0.63 except for one small thing. When I do not configure the sound in the program 'setsound.bat' the game works perfectly with no problems. However, when I attempt to use the setsound.bat file to choose the …

James Bond: The Stealth Affair

Hi, after obtaining a copy of "James Bond: The Stealth Affair" I attempted to run it in DOSBox using version 0.63 with VGA features and 3000 cycles. At first, all goes well, and I click OK on the first screen, but when the game goes to the early copyright protection screen, the game crashes. If I …

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