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Is it possible to install and duel boot Win 10 32 bits with Win 10 64 which the latter is the primary OS?

I know this is very weird but here it goes: My machine is Dell Inspirion I7 desktop and I'm curious how you'd go about installing Windows 10 or even Windows 7 32 bits WITHOUT erasing my Win 10 64 bit build? I partitioned my harddrive with like 50GB of space and named it Windows 10 32 bit for a …

How come since 2018ish this section has died?

There has been very little activity but if you go back to 2017 or earlier lots of activity up the wasu. It seems Windows emulation scene is just not active anymore. PCEMv17 seemed 2 be the last milestone and their forums are practically dead too unless you go to way older topics. Need help on …

Re: Should I buy this Gateway 9100 Win 98 laptop for certain 256 color games I want to play? I can't delete my other th

Yeah I use CPU Kill and moved it down to 75 percent which didn't affect things at all. Sim City 3000 still bounced from one end to another so I have to use the middle zoom level and be careful. On my Windows 10PC the Widscreen hack seems to fix it when I set it to my resolution so I tried that on …

How come after all these years we are NO further to getting Cruis n Exotica arcade to work on MAME?

This is as far as we ever got. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tt7LLj77Ao it's been this way since whenever it was first bootable. I think 5 or 8 years ago? The MAME devs are all into weird obscure poker machines and consoles instead of trying to get the donut hole fixed. I guess he likes his donut …

BFME1 and 2 guide

How do I create a new topic in Deep Thought? I get no icon. I was going to post a guide I found to get a clean version of BFME1 and 2 to work for those who wish 2 play it agian.

Should I buy this Gateway 9100 Win 98 laptop for certain 256 color games I want to play? I can't delete my other thread

https://www.ebay.com/itm/234805805303 Will it run too fast for Sim City 3000 or other similar games that require exact CPU speed because of the video card? Here are the specs of the machine as listed: Laptop works great, includes power adapter. Windows 98 Preinstalled with all drivers.. It is …

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