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Re: A question about hot swapping harddisks

HDA2 is a program that will unlock drives taken from DVRs and other satellite receivers, some of those receivers have programs for windows that allows you to recover the content that is stored on those drives but Direct TV is the big exception (the programs exist but rare). Thanks for the reply. …

Re: A question about hot swapping harddisks

As far as I know it still did work in the reciever. It hadn't been used for quite a while. Although I was careful enough not to damage the harddisk, what is left of the reciever can't be reassembled to test the drive. I think it was a Dolby Digital reciever from 2003 which was used to recieve …

A question about hot swapping harddisks

When taking apart an old (from ~2003) digital satellite reciever I found a 160gb Seagate IDE harddisk inside. Being curious about any data that might still on it I decided to plug it into the hot swap bay in the front of my computer. When the computer is turned on, it shuts down immediately. When I …

Reverse engineering a game's (Cartooners) data files.

EDIT: See: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?759753-Cartooners-Actor-Viewer-export-and-import-actors Hi, Thinking it would be a nice challenge, I've been trying to reverse engineer Cartooner's actor files. Searching the internet for information about the game, the Apple IIgs, disassembly and …

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