First post, by Waxxxz018

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1st off I would like to say what a great forum Vogons is. 😁

If it were not for this site I myself think I would not have got a taste of the emulator world. Thanks fellow game-aholics! The Emu world has changed my outlook completely with comp’s now days. I know this is the console forum but this is the way it started for me

It all started with a DOS game from good ol’ Interplay which most of you know, Redneck Rampage. This was a childhood favorite for me and I don’t care if there is a better first person shooter out there that you know of, it was just the game its self that took me in and the music and the awe of actually playing something with such a taboo plot and all, for its time it was in my book awesome.

Enough on that a back to Emu. Well as the people who’ve got Redneck running or any other build game in Windows XP all know about VDMSounds, NOLFB (Vesa Fix) , VGAFix, Building the Batch (.bat) file, Ect., If not Check out these links to get ya started….

http://www.ece.mcgill.ca/~vromas/vdmsound/ (VDMSound Home Page)

http://www.advsys.net/ken/build.htm (Ken Silvermans Build Page)

patch for WinXP/2000 monitor issues ( Simon Hradecky’s VGAFix)

Problem Children (Problem Children- Nicht Sehr Gut)

redneck rampage with winxp..NOT with a dual boot (Redneck Rampage with winxp…NOT with a dual boot)

Follow this stuff carefully and you can get your build games running in no time! Well anyways to let ya all in on a little secret… It took me a couple of days to get up the stuff as I had no one to help except the awesome notes these guys left and a little search engine fishin’! I was so bummed the day I finally got my copies of the whole Redneck Series and they didn’t work when I put them in! 😢 I kinda figured this though as DOS and is graphical & sound drivers as we used to know them have evolved in a different way, that’s for sure!

So I was so stoked when I finally configured my setup right & the ol’ spaceships and shot up mailbox appeared once again! I felt so awesome! So I ended up finding a new hobby and interest in the world of Emu. I have started to emulate other old DOS games as I found my old Doom & Wolfenstien (still haven’t put them in yet though, im sure I can no prob!). My wife is a big Quest for Glory fan and she has the Anthology and we have them all emulated in her laptop, whole series. I’m still working out some bugs though mainly in 4. or any other Quest for Glory with the help from the post below….

Quest for Glory Patches!!! Anyone Know Where or if they exist anymore!!!

A little trick I did learn about them on my own with VDMSound is that in order to install the series you need to open the CD by “Right-Clicking & using the Explore feature. Find the Batch file labeled INSTALL.BAT (go figure) & run it using VDMSound go through the dos installer and presto, Quest for Glory!!! Actually a better way I was informed of recently was to run it in DOSBox! Just mount your CD drive in DOSBox and run the above batch file. Speaking of DOSBox fallow this link below for all your needs.

http://dosbox.sourceforge.net (DosBox Home @ Sourceforge)

That’s a good foot note for all you DOS game fanatics as these programs listed above from there respected programmer represent essential puzzle pieces in the DOS gaming foundation for multiple game types on today’s computers!

My Emu Moves To Console

Well as I grew more interested in the world of DOS Emulation, and Emulation together I found myself thinking about a little thing called Bleem!. A couple of kids in the town I lived in were lucky enough back in the day to actually play with one of the 1st PSX Emu Programs.

Bleem!.Along with C.V.G.S ( Connetix Virtual Game Station) & others are now extinct. But there is my favorite, ePSXe & a bunch of others that are not. For starters they can be found at the link below and links to there respectable Home Pages also through this link.

http://www.ngemu.com (Great Emu Site)

This is Console Emu site! Which has Emulators for Dreamcast, GB Advanced, Gamecube, N64, Playstation 1 & 2, Saturn , & Xbox along with all there plugins and utilities ( I will go over some of them later)

Quick Explanation Time

A Bios File is a main foundation file of some Emulators that are found in the actual systems themselves , usually required by the freeware Emulators. I cant tell you how to yank them out of your console or where to get them except go Search Engine Fishin & have fun!

A Plugin is a is a type of driver that emulates your sound, video, cdrom, controller, ect., A Requirement of all EMU’s

A Utility is usually an extension program for the emulator its self. Enhancing the emulator in a new fucntion or apperance.

http://www.epsxe.com/help.php (ePSXe Help Page)

Check out this link above to ePSXe's help file for more explanation of Bios, Plugins, & Utilities. This will give you a little feel on how they work.

The thought of PSX being emulated intrigued me very much! I figured if the good ol’ PSX could be emulated, then NES, SNES, Genisis, N64, & the rest of our favorite systems could be too!

For Tonight I Would like to touch base on the emulation of PSX, with 2 Emulator in mind, ePSXe & C.V.G.S. 1st off no matter what anyone says both of these Emulators are great in there own respectable way. ePSXe with its smoothness and up to date technology. C.V.G.S with is great aspect on compatibility and wide programming range to adapt and emulate almost in itself onto Windows XP & the Pentium 4 with certain patches, and programmability to make it run with newer games even though it is extinct. A Great deal of those patches amongst other really neat tools for C.V.G.S & ePSXe , amongst other Emu’s and even some other cool odds and ends can be found at this link….

http://www.aldostools.com (Awesome Programmer)

This guy spends a good portion of his time bustin out all kinds of cool programs! Aldos Tools is a must check out especially if you want to learn more about C.V.G.S!

I have found myself fondly in love with ePSXe though, it’s great! Every game I have emulated so far I have got to work pretty much without any flaws in an .iso format as running from my disc’s were really glitchy as it took a lot of buffer time and rendering from disc as we all know lags more than running from hard drive. 1st off I would like to let ya know I am not too big on the whole pirating thing and I only suggest having games you own because the law is the law and that’s that. From what I understand too is that you are allowed too have 1 Image copy of any game ya own and no more. You must also own the Original copy also. If you get rid of it you have too get rid of the Image. That’s just how it is.

To also note, it sure takes up a lot of space to hold those games! 26.3 gig for me and im still getting used games! I have the memory to handle it though. 160 gig Maxtor Internal with an 80 gig Seagate External on its way. So Mem. Is not an issue for me! The best Utility I have found for the Emulation of a CD\DVD ROM is Daemon Tools which can be found at the link below…

http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/portal/index.php (Daemon Tools Homepage)

If you wish too do this install Daemon Tools and and fallow there 1:1 copy guide

Once you have your .iso file load it into your Virtual Cdrom, the play should be much better.

I was able to emulate all my games and they all work great! Right now the games I own are…..

Castlevaina S.O.T.N
Final Fantasy Origins, Chronicles (w/Chrono Trigger), Anthology, VII, VIII, VIIII, Tactics
Lunar-Silver Star Story Complete
Parasite Eve
Brave Fencer Musashi
Saga Frontier
Vagrant Story
Syphon Filter 1 & 2
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen & Soul Reaver

And a couple more, but I always buy used games to add to it. But Remember games = massive filled gig’s!

A couple of other cool utilities are the ePSXeCutor Frontend program and Aldo’s ePSXeLauncer and speaking of Aldo, you have to check out his other utilizes too. He has memory card manager programs, the my game launcher, and all kinds of other cool stuff too boot! That’s…

http://www.aldostools.com (For ePSXeLauncher)

http://www.pbernert.com/ (For ePSXeCutor)

As for Plugins, a great factor depends on the game & the comp (e.g video & sound card, processing capabilities). I am kinda partial to the Eternal SPU v1.41 for my sound as its got great sound capabilities. go here for it.

http://www.ngemu.com/psx/epsxe.php?action=plugins (Iori's Awesome SPU Plugin)

As for Graphic drivers I usually use P.E.Op.S GPU 1.15 which can be found here…

http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/peops/ (Project P.E.Op.S Home @ Sourceforge)

For My CDR I Use P.E.Op.S CDR or CDRSaPu made by the famous inventor of SaPucdex.
Which can be found at…

http://www.sapu.ngemu.com/ (SaPu’s Programing Page)

http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/peops/ (Project P.E.Op.S Home @ Sourceforge)

For Input (controllers) I’m using the ePSXe driver because I only have my keyboard right now & for the life of me I cant get my Logitech Freedom 2.5 or my Wingman Cordless Rumblepad to work either. Theres some kinda of conflict with the controllers and the ePSXe driver. I got some of the usb PSX controller adapters on oreder so it doesn’t matter anyway!lol

Any of these Plugins can be downloaded at once from the link to ngemu below…..

http://www.ngemu.com/psx/epsxe.php?action=plugins (ngemu where a lot of plugins, utilities, & Emulators are found )

Heres the Link below to ePSXe's Homepage for ya to check out...


Well that’s a good lil' diddy to get your Emu-Minds a turnin! I will be adding entries to this passage regularly to help with the console EMU cause as there is not much! Please feel free to post anything helpful too keep us gamers informed as all knowledge is appreciated! Know one was born knowing and respectable thought is a definite +

😵 Waxxxz018 😵

Last edited by Waxxxz018 on 2004-08-11, 01:22. Edited 7 times in total.

Reply 1 of 6, by Waxxxz018

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Hello once again Emu people! I do want to add some additional info to may 1st entry.

If you find that you are interested in C.V.G.S fallow this link to negmu for it

http://www.ngemu.com/psx/vgswin.php (Negmu C.V.G.S Page)

then immediately check out http://www.aldostools.com for tools to get it running on you system Especially XP Users!!! Or If You Have A New Pentium 4!!!
Patches are available!!!

Here's the actual manual that Connectix wrote in .pdf form...


😵 Waxxxz018 😵

Last edited by Waxxxz018 on 2004-07-25, 10:08. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 2 of 6, by Waxxxz018

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For today I think I Would like to cover N64 Emulation. I Would like to cover the Emulator Program 1964. I myself as you know from above, am in all aspects a Windows Geek! But I am not a biased person when it comes to an OS because I see pro’s & con’s in all of them. I just prefer windows because that’s what I have had experience with. I have seen & had a little hands-on OSX Panther for Mac & seen some demos for the new Tiger, & it’s pretty damn impressive! 😁

My best friend, a couple of miles from me has a really nice Mac Im pretty sure is Powerbook G Series & his Girls dad is a Mac buff so its all souped up! Well any ways I don’t know much about Mac, but before I bust out with 1964, I would like to give you Mac people a link to one of the 2 N64 Emulators for Mac, they are the SixtyForce & The Mupen64 Emulators.

So far From what I do know from my friends experience with Mupen64, that there are some bugs in it that need to be worked out. I don’t know if it was just his OS or not, or the way he had it setup or something.
As of the time I’m writing this he hasn’t heard of SixtyForce so I am going to tell him about it and see what he has to say after testing it.

If you fellow Mac Emulator peep’s want to test em any way I have provided links below to both of Emulators, as the plugins are already provided in both from what I have read. There are links to both of there respectable Authors homepages found through these links too. One more quick note Mupen64 works on the Linux OS too!!! 😁

http://www.ngemu.com/n64/sixtyforce.php (Ngemu’s SixtyForce Page)

http://www.ngemu.com/n64/mupen64.php (Ngemu’s Mupen64 Page)

I just wanted to shout out to all ya OS people other than Windows and make sure I didn’t leave ya out! If ya Check em’ out post it here and let me know how they run for you or if there is better N64 Emulators for your OS out there so people with the same OS know. Now for my fellow Windows users.

1964 is the best Emulator I have found to run on the windows system so far. The real funny thing is from what I have read, 1964 was kinda the Underdog of the N64 Emu world until about 2002. Not anymore as from what I have experienced, as it has great compatibility & quality.

After configuring my plugins (My main focus was on my Sound) I found a great all-around N64 Emu Program! These are the Current plugins I’m using….

(Note- I will list the plugin Authors Homepage if I could find it, if not they can be downloaded from the link to Negmu below.)

http://www.ngemu.com/n64/1964.php?action=plugins (Ngemu’s 1964 Plugin Page)


GlN64 0.4.1 & The Rice Video 5.6.0 Plugins are very nice, & have great quality and texture if set to your plugin to video system right.

http://gln64.emulation64.com/ (GlN64 Home)

(The Source code for Rice’s Video Plugin can be found at the link above to Ngemu’s 1964 Plugin Page)


Azimers Audio .40 Beta 2 works well after you configure it right. On my system I was getting a nasty snapping feedback with most of the other SPU I have. Azimers plugin is the only one I have found so far that gives me crisp, clean Sound & Music.

Input (Controller)

N64 Virtual Pad .51 from SJR rules!!! I was able to map in both my Logitech Freedom 2.4 & Wingman Cordless Rumblepad directly into the Emu so I don’t have to get controller adapters & if I use the Rumblepak option it actually works the dualshock in my Rumblepad & it emulates a mempak too! Most Awesome!!!

The games that I own and have Emulated so far are….

Conkers Bad Fur Day
Duke Nukem 64
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario World 64

They all work Superb! So from my experience with 1964 I would have to recommend it as my pick for an N64 Emu. That will now end my lil’ diddy on N64. If anyone feels that I have missed something or has a better emu I should check into don’t be afraid to let me know as I love respectable input! 😁

😵 Waxxxz018 😵

Last edited by Waxxxz018 on 2004-07-25, 07:31. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 3 of 6, by Waxxxz018

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BIG,BIG FOTNOTE FOR D.C PEOPLE: D.C GB-ROM WILL NOT, REAPEAT WILL NOT WORK IN A CD OR DVD-ROM DRIVE!!! READ MORE BELOW WRITTEN BY VirtuaIceMan AT THE LINK BELOW THIS.......I was told though some is programing patched drive files to read GB-ROM from Targaff on the same Post and as soon as I hear more I will write about it at this post and this will be removed when or if i can provide links to them. 😢

Re: Dreamcast Emulation...

I think that since I got a little time on my hands I will talk about a Dreamcast Emulator and this one is quick & you will see why in a minute. It's Chankast ver.0.25. & its only for Windows. Supposedly the only D.C Emu. that plays Retail Games!

Bammer for all you other OS's! 😢

It's said to be fast and actually has sound which is a plus! 😀

The crap aspect for me & the reason for being so short is I have no Dreamcast games, as I have never owned the Sega Dreamcast system... Bammer! 😢

("Hmmm.....there is Ebay & House of the Dead 2, D.O.A, Soul Calibur, & Virtua Fighter. 🙄 ...Damn that sounds good... I wish!!!" 🤣 )

Well any ways here's the link to Chankast, it's plugins & utilities....

Chankast Ver.0.25....

http://www.chanka.org/ (Chankast Home Page)
http://www.ngemu.com/dc/chanka.php (Ngemu's Chankast page)

The Plugins (Only 1 so far...)


DarkMan's DInput 3.0 which can be foud here...

http://www.ngemu.com/dc/chanka.php?action=plugins (Ngemu's Chankast Plugins Page)

Last but not least here's a link to some Utilites....


If someone has tested this let me know how it works or if you know of a better Dreamcast Emu. As I have no exp. with this as I have lack of D.C. games! 😒 🤣

That concludes my lil' Dreamcast Diddy, Enjoy!

😵 Waxxxz018 😵


Last edited by Waxxxz018 on 2004-08-01, 19:18. Edited 8 times in total.

Reply 4 of 6, by Waxxxz018

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Back Once Again!

Im eating some of those words on D.C above in happiness, as from experience our fellow gamer Targaff has proven me wrong on D.C Emulation! Thanks Targaff!

The reason i'm so happy is that there is another D.C Emu. that plays games! It's Icarus!

I went into this Icarus forum spouting a little about Chankast to see if they had used it and if the stuff about Retail Games was true, here check out the response your self if ya want.......

Re: Dreamcast Emulation...

Well im happily eating those words because I was wrong! 🤣 😁

Heres the Links to some rally nice Icarus screenshots & there will be a Download at Ngemu in the future as it's heavy in development right now.

http://icarus.boob.co.uk/ (Simply Beautiful...)

http://www.ngemu.com/dc/icarus.php (The Icarus Emulator Page @ Ngemu)

check it out! More than one working D.C Emu! YAY! 😁

😵 Waxxxz018 😵

---"Nothings Impossible!!! It Can Be Done!!! It's Just A Damn PC!!! Show It Who's Boss Man!!!"---

Reply 5 of 6, by Waxxxz018

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Hi Again People!

Glad to be back on after my little mishap. Thanks Qbix & Vlad!!! It’s been awhile since I have covered a new emulator, so it’s about due time! I’ve been on Genisis Emulators lately and think I’m ready.

Gens & Kega Fusion

The 1st Genesis Emu. I had the pleasure of coming across was Gens! Gens in just about all aspects is a very superior Genesis emulator - great, clean, smooth graphics, crisp sound, played every game (Cartiridge 😉) I have!!! It even worked with my Logitech Freedom 2.4 & Wingman Cordless Rumblepad (no dualshock as there was none back then! 🤣 )

Every aspect of Gens is great! Even has SegaCD & 32x Adapter plugins built in! But the dreaded problem with these two in Gens is there is no coexistent form of play in between these two, 😢 which is not a great key when it comes to your 32x CDRom. There are a lot of great titles in this format too, two of which I own.

-Night Trap
-Corpse Killer

So you bet I was bumming hard when I tried to configure Gens and knew I had the Bios set right & everything, but was still getting the “plug in your 32x adapter” error. Fellow member Kaminari suggested to try Kega Fusion right when I found the website (weird huh?) 😳 😁 so…. I took this as a sign to check into it…. Low and behold we got a winner! 😁 Steve Snake's Kega Fusion (properly configured with its right SegaCd & 32x Bios, will run 32x CdRom flawless! 😁 Here check these screen shots below this article & see for your self!!!

Not only does it emulate the whole Genesis Console, it also emulates Sega SG1000, SC3000, Master System, & Game Gear!!! Wow!!! It’s pretty much Gens + way, way more!!!

Like Gens it still has all the nice video options to render & filter to your needs. The 2 Rendering plugins that are out make a big difference in crispness & visual clarity for me on XP. Let me justify one thing too, Fusion only is on Windows right at this point, but as soon as I find out there is ports for other systems I will let ya all know.

Sound quality is great too, I’m set at 44100Khz, with SuperHq, & Overdrive turned on, and man let me tell ya, my laptop sounds like some DolbyDigital 5.1, all suround style, sweet!!! 😁 Perfect Sync mode helps it flow a little bit better but I’m thinking it might demand a little more from ya so make sure ya got it!

It’s got a fps view mode so you can see whats going on & adjust your games to your needs. The SegaCD Led Mode is even cool it lets ya know when ya boot a SegaCd Disc. All around , you know my choice now chek the link below to check into your copy of Kega Fusion!!! That concludes this diddy…….

Kega Fusions Home @ Eidolons Inn

(note: The plugins are located @ the link above too! 😁 )

😵 Waxxxz018 😵


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---"Nothings Impossible!!! It Can Be Done!!! It's Just A Damn PC!!! Show It Who's Boss Man!!!"---

Reply 6 of 6, by Waxxxz018

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All righty, this installment is well over Due!!! 😒 😦

Sorry it’s been so long my fellow Emulator Freaks… All my time has been focused in college lately… But I haven’t forgotten about all ya that are still interested in my Emulation ramblings of a mad man ( Ozzy Rules!). Damn that came out of no where….

Well anyways were going to get a little more to the roots of the console systems this time round. I would like to talk about SNES Emulation…. For those of you with mean parents or if your from another planet, that’s thee ol’ Super Nintendo Entertainment System!

There were some great games on this system!!! Loads that I will remember forever!!!
So I think its due time for me to bring up ZSNES.

This emulator is the bomb! Great graphics, quality sound, works great with all game regions. Hell I played a version of Excitebike with the Mario Characters, that if it were not for this Emu. I would have never even got a taste of riding the track as Wario! Most Awesome!!!

It’s has a really easy interface to work with. Navigating is a breeze! It supports up to 5 controllers (Compatible with DirectX Controllers like Logitech’s & any USB controller converter!!!) There are even options too bring back some of the old peripherals such as the SNES Mouse, Super Scope, The Lethal Enforcers Gun, & options for the Super System.

There are other nice options such as Auto Frame Rate, GFX Engine Adjustments, Save State Settings Ect. Ect.

The Video Options are nice and packed so ya can fine tune it to your system, same with the Audio Options!

As Always with every emulator it has a built in Hex editor to input & find codes!

Hell it even has an option for Netplay!!! (Super NES Games Online!?!?! Hell yeah!!!)

Check out the GUI setup!!! Damn!!! Talk about going all out!!! Adjust away people because this is a most flexible SNES Emulator!!! Now if you haven’t got it already get it through this link to the Zsnes Homepage

It supports DOS, Windows, & Linux. I don’t think there is a Mac port though, if there is not I kinda highly doubt there will be as it has not been worked on since ’03 (That’s about the only negative aspect I see) …

The reason is that’s probably due to the fact that this is a great emulator as it stands!

That will conclude this little diddy on Snes Emu, now go get your copy & have some fun…I will leave ya with these screen shots of one of my favorite RPG’s on the system, Brain Lord!!!!


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    This is one helluva hack in slash epic RPG!!!
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    And in the Begining when God created... Oh yeah, that was something else.......
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---"Nothings Impossible!!! It Can Be Done!!! It's Just A Damn PC!!! Show It Who's Boss Man!!!"---