WinXP vs Win2k....Hmmm..

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Reply 21 of 76, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

Overrated my arse. You obviously never tried the EAX Experience.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 23 of 76, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

Do shut up.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 24 of 76, by Clinton

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Hey dudes,

I am an idiot, what can I say..If you guys were a little closer to home I,d have to buy you a few beers.

Anyway, here we go.

My game with XP problems have not gone away, YET.,I know you guys will help me out.

M/B = Gigabyte GA7DXE
CPU = AMD Athlon XP 1800+ ( 1.5ghz )
Ram = 256mb DDR
Video = Leadtek Geforce 2 TH Titanium ( Driver v30.82 ,detonator)
Sound = Creative SBLive 5.1DE (latest drivers from creative www)
O/S = Windows XP
Game name = All Sierra DOS games, and Lucasarts DOS games.

Description of prob = Games run very jerky, EG, Movement on the screen of any moving object is very jerky and not smooth. Character walks like he has a carrot up his batty (slow), and music is extremely slow, as in slow like a kenny G song, even slower.

Reproducibility of prob = Always
Sound mode used = NA
Video Mode used = NA

Is this better?

Thanks for the guidelines, gents.


Reply 25 of 76, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie

Are the games also slow *without* VDMSound? Are the games slower with, say, Adlib than with MT-32/Roland, or are they as slow?


Reply 26 of 76, by Clinton

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Yes, It is still slow without VDMsound. (damn, now you gonna roast me )

I have not tried with the other two modes yet, I will try tonite.

Damn, Has anyone else out there got Win XP, with the same configuration PC, WITHOUT these freakin' problems??

Please tell me if you fit the aforementioned description.


Reply 27 of 76, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie

If it's the same without VDMSound then your problem is related to someting running in the background (using timers usually). Close all apps., and if you have that stupid Office auto-indexing crap turn it off. Don't do anything on your computer and check HDD activity and CPU usage -- is something "at work" behind the scene?


Reply 28 of 76, by Clinton

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I thought you would give me the Tech Support Slogan..

" If it aint our package, then it aint our problem ".

I really appreciate this. I cannot go it alone, its been eating what little brains I have left from the inside out.

I will do what you have suggested, and see where it leads.

I have also downloaded the drivers off the Kx Project page, and will see if that brings joy.

Will let you know the outcome
Thanks again.

Reply 29 of 76, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

I'd use caution with those drivers. They swap the front and rear channels (to get superior sound in the front channels) and don't implement a lot of things. Probably better than the Creative drivers in most cases, but also, if you only have 2.1 speakers, you can turn sound card acceleration to minimum (not "emulation only") to get around any potential problems.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 30 of 76, by Clinton

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Hey all.

No luck last nite...( with my PC I mean, hehe )..

I tried disabling running apps, disabled some services in computer managment ( print spooler, and some network related services ), and NOTHING..same slow games.

I tried leaving the system idle, and there is no activity in the background, so thats out.

I also tried the roland and adlib suggestions and ziltcho!! No change.

I tried the KXproject drivers and it solved nothing, it is a cool package though but I have uninstalled it already 'cos I dunno how safe it is.. ( no offense intended to the author ).

Damn, Has anyone else out there got Win XP, with the same configuration PC, WITHOUT these freakin' problems??

I am open to all suggestions , obviously..

Thanks for your support people, I appreciate it highly.


Reply 32 of 76, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie

Do you have XP Home or some sort of "server" XP? "Server" XP and Win2k have different timeslice lengths which may result in crappier timer emulation, though it may still be some crappy driver's fault (try to boot in "VGA mode" or "Safe mode", whatever it's called under XP now, and run the game without VDMSound -- any improvement?).


Reply 33 of 76, by Clinton

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Howst Vladr.

I am running XP Professional. Is this similiar to XP "server" you are referring to.

Are you suggesting that XP Home "might" fix my problem?

I have heard somewhere that there are different builds
(kernels?) of XP O/S's? Do you think that maybe this could have something to do with it?

I will try running in safe mode, and hope for the best. My PC runs like a dream, its just this DOS games business thats driving me nuts.

Let me know about the Home edition stuff.

Reply 34 of 76, by Unregistered

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"Professional" is actually OK. There is another flavour for server-grade configs. IIRC "Home" is for upgrades from 9x/Me, and "Professional" is for NT/2k upgrades.

Try safe mode/vga mode first.


Reply 35 of 76, by Clinton

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I have tried the Safe mode and its the same thing over and over.

There must be something different between XP and 2000 that is causing this bullcrap to occur. I use all the drivers that I used in windows 2000 to assure myself that it was not a display or sound driver problem.

The only drivers I have not touched are the mainboard chipset drivers. The installer that I downloaded from AMD only allows me to install the AGP driver and an AGP patch. The fields for EIDE and Bus master drivers are blanked out. They obviously believe that those drivers are already integrated into windows XP.

Does anyone think that one of these could be needed to rectify the fault? and If so, how do force the drivers to install.

P.S - I have not updated the Directx, because 8.1 is part of XP. Do you think I should re-install it anyway?

Thanks for listening.

Reply 36 of 76, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

I'm sorry...I think I'm missing something. Does this happen solely with DOS programs, or does it also occur with other Windows games?

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 37 of 76, by Clinton

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Its only with DOS games, everything else runs great. I cant understand it.

All, I wanna know is, Is there someone on this forum with the same configuration and O/S ( XP Prof. ) having the same problems.

If not I have a hardware incompatibility of some sort.
If yes, there is a O/s or Drivers Issue somewhere.

You have such extraordinary powers Snover..,could you setup a tech alert or something that can give some answers?


I think I will start a new post asking people for their input in this regard, If thats OK with you.

I dont mean to be pushy or anything, just shout if I'm getting outta hand.


Reply 38 of 76, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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Rank l33t
Clinton wrote:

Its only with DOS games, everything else runs great. I cant understand it.

All, I wanna know is, Is there someone on this forum with the same configuration and O/S ( XP Prof. ) having the same problems.

Well I'm using Win98SE and XP Home Edition. I haven't experienced these slowdowns with DOS titles that you have. About the only thing I can think of is that XP has a built-in (primitive) SoundBlaster emulation and 2000 does not. Using the SB emulation seems to be a drain on system resources. Audio performance (and to a certain extent, video performance) seems to lag when I use the built-in emulation. Switching control to VDMSound cured that for me. That's about all I got.

Reply 39 of 76, by Clinton

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Thanks for the info.

I wanna make the switch from XP Professional to XP Home and see if my luck changes or not.I am almost certain that Home edition is without most of the services running in the background that are not needed for home users.( Networking services,RPC, Print Spooler, etc etc. )

Just one thing, Do you have the same configuration as I do & were your games also slow when using the XP Emulation ( Compatibility modes ), and not VDMS?

When you say "switching control ", what do you mean?

Thanks again.