First post, by Belgianfilmfreak

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Rank Newbie

Hey, it's been years since I last played Tomb Raider but I'm back. I have a problem though.

1) I first install Tomb Raider via Steam. I play it. It plays fine. No issues whatsoever.

2) Then I download and install Glidos (I have purchased it legally), but then suddenly there's a problem with the sound. The music of Tomb Raider 1 continues during the FMV's (specifically: the one with Lara and her guide during the snow). I also hear the sounds of the FMV, but the music does not stop ... why not?

Again: this issue occurs "only" after I first installed Glidos. Without any tweaking.
Please help, thanks!

Reply 1 of 3, by Belgianfilmfreak

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Rank Newbie

Sorry for the false alarm ... I found a workaround.

Reply 2 of 3, by texterted

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Rank Member

Well do tell, for the next guy!



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Reply 3 of 3, by Belgianfilmfreak

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Rank Newbie

Well, it's funny actually. The problem resolved itself. But ... even if it doesn't ... there is a SUPER-easy work around.

When you notice that the menu music - which is very beautiful, by the way, keeps playing during the first level of the game --> simply FIRST visit Lara's mansion and the music stops. Then, from there, you can access the game immediately ... and voila! 😀