Peixoto's patches for a few old games

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Reply 20 of 894, by Peixoto

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TheDrifter363 wrote:

Alright thanks Peixoto. So for Dino Crisis 2, how would I go about creating custom bindings that would fit my xinput controller. Like emulate mouse/keyboard combinations to the controller? I know you did this for DIno Crisis, but I don't know how to do it for the second one. I've already set usemacros and controller to true. Anything else I havve to add in the ini file?

The keyboard emulation is done with the option macros. On Dino crisis 1, it is like this:

which button corresponds to which keys depends only on the order that the keys are listed. Check the Dino Crisis 1 help page and you will figure it out

CoolGamer wrote:

Peixoto, thanks for this tool. Can you create patches for Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (Podracer) and Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace games that enable dumping textures and replacing them with custom higher resolution ones? Widescreen hacks with proper aspect ratio would also be nice. These games work very well on modern systems via dgVoodoo. I think they use the same game engine.

I have included a patch for The phantom menace in the last update, duplicate the ini file to use it with the other game.
I also fixed a few other issues, but widescreen patches (for me at least) are not trivial. There are probably people out there
that can do that kind of stuff easily, but for me it is very time consuming

Reply 21 of 894, by cloudhaacker

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Rank Newbie

Hey Peixoto! I've been trying out your patch for a few aof my different games - it exciting to try but I've had issues with each game I've tried so far. My version of Project Eden crashes everytime I try to go to the graphics settings, so I was hoping your patch would let me change my resolution, but it doesn't work for that, but it did force the fmv's into the same window so that was nice! I tried Dino Crisis 1, and it makes it hd and let me use my controller but the fmv's don't display at all, just sound. And now I'm trying Onimusha, and it crashes as soon as it tries to load, and I assume it's at version 1.2, but if I try the patch 1.2 it gives me a different error that's in chinese or something. I haven't tried any others yet, but plan on it! Is there something I'm doing wrong on these games? I appreciate the work you've done so far though! 😀 Thanks!

Reply 22 of 894, by Peixoto

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I noticed that The Phanton Menace also has some frame rate issues and uploaded an update with a fix for that just now

cloudhaacker, i am going out on a travel, but i will look on these issues next week when i return. Can you please post the contents of the error.log file? Its is create in the peixoto folder every time you start a game

Reply 23 of 894, by cloudhaacker

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Rank Newbie

Yeah I'll do that! Have a good time, thanks for looking into this. I'll either upload them tonight or tuesday when I can mess with it some more! Thanks again!

Reply 24 of 894, by JmanP

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Rank Newbie

Sorry for my ignorance but are these the full games you can download or just add-ons to the games you already have???


Reply 25 of 894, by UnH

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Rank Newbie

Hi Peixoto! You tool seems to be very nice, but I have an issue with Tomb Raider II. When I use your patch, the music skipping or not playing at all. Do you know if there is an easy fix for that? It plays fine when I run the game straight out of Steam

Do you need to know more details about my pc?

Reply 26 of 894, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++
JmanP wrote:

Sorry for my ignorance but are these the full games you can download or just add-ons to the games you already have???

In your ignorance, what exactly do you think "patches" would imply?

While some message boards are considerably more permissive about such subject matter, the distribution of full games is usually illegal and discussion of such distribution is consequently discouraged here.

Reply 27 of 894, by Peixoto

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UnH wrote:

Hi Peixoto! You tool seems to be very nice, but I have an issue with Tomb Raider II. When I use your patch, the music skipping or not playing at all. Do you know if there is an easy fix for that? It plays fine when I run the game straight out of Steam

Do you need to know more details about my pc?

Have you installed the multipatch as instructed in the help?

Also, try going in the sound menu and change the music volume

Reply 28 of 894, by UnH

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Rank Newbie

Yes, I've installed the multipatch. Changing the volume doesn't help. Also, after some saves and loads the music will play correctly, but then it will disappear after another load or changing the level. So it is pretty random. It will also play nice if I Alt+Tab out of the game.

I was also able to break the overlay inventory 😁 After some play time (or alt tabbing, I am not sure) the item models disappeared, leaving only the descriptions.

Reply 29 of 894, by cloudhaacker

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Rank Newbie

Peixoto, sorry it took me so long to get back to you! Life got in the way a bit 🤣 I have the log for Dino Crisis 1 so far, do you want the text just pasted here or should I upload it to something like my google drive and post a link? I'll get the one for Project Eden tomorrow or Friday. I got Onimusha to finally work, just reinstalled the game completely and then followed your patching instructions and it worked great! So thanks for that! Do you make these patches yourself? If you do - I have a few old games that don't quite run right in windows 10 that I would love to get working in there instead of relying on virtual machines running windows xp! Anyway, let me me know about the log file, and thanks again for all your work! Appreciate it!

Reply 30 of 894, by Peixoto

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cloudhaacker wrote:

Peixoto, sorry it took me so long to get back to you! Life got in the way a bit 🤣 I have the log for Dino Crisis 1 so far, do you want the text just pasted here or should I upload it to something like my google drive and post a link? I'll get the one for Project Eden tomorrow or Friday. I got Onimusha to finally work, just reinstalled the game completely and then followed your patching instructions and it worked great! So thanks for that! Do you make these patches yourself? If you do - I have a few old games that don't quite run right in windows 10 that I would love to get working in there instead of relying on virtual machines running windows xp! Anyway, let me me know about the log file, and thanks again for all your work! Appreciate it!

Just paste it here, it would help if you an also donwload apitrace (https://github.com/apitrace/apitrace ), paste ddaw.dll or d3d8.ddl in the game directory play until you find the bug and then upload somewhere the .trace file it will create . That is the best way to solve bugs... the error log is informative but apitrace logs all DirectDraw\Direct3D calls.

Reply 31 of 894, by cloudhaacker

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Rank Newbie

Peixotos's patch remote settings:
32bit: 1
args: 2231325
d3D: 3
d3D_Driver: aticfx32.dll
deadzone: 0.25
error_log: C:\Program Files (x86)\Peixoto\error.log
FMVScale: 1
HD: 1
Hideborder: 1
injector_dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Peixoto
macros: Up,Down,Left,Right,c,v,d,z,b,b,x,x,F5,A,F9,w,Up,Down,Left,Right
ManageTextures: 1
max_4x3_res: 1024x768
Mydocs: C:\Users\digit\Documents
os_version: 10.000000
resolutions_list: 640x480 800x480 800x600 1024x600 1024x768 1280x720 1280x768 1360x768 1366x768
script: scripts\dino crisis.ahk
script_hwnd: 0x1140c2c
singlecore: 1
target: C:\Games\Games D\Dino Crisis 1\DINO.exe
target_dir: C:\Games\Games D\Dino Crisis 1
target_name: DINO.exe
Textswap: samples=4;thumbnail=256;Quick=Shift;Next=[;Prev=];dump=Home;Switch=End;color_switch=Delete;path=C:\Users\digit\Documents\games\DinoCrisis\Textures;nopopins=True;
usemacros: 1

Succeeded to create the DirectInput Interfaces
Succeeded to create the DirectInput Interfaces
Succeeded to create the DirectInput8 Interfaces
Succeeded to create the DirectInput8 Interfaces
Succeeded to hook IDirectInputDeviceW::GetDeviceState
Succeeded to hook IDirectInputDevice8W::GetDeviceState
Desktop 1366x768
Direct3D user mode driver implemented in aticfx32.dll
OpenAdapter Hook 0
DirectDrawCreate Hook: 0
Succeeded to create DirectDraw
Succeeded to create Direct3D
Succeeded to hook IDirectDraw4::CreateSurface
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::restore
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DDevice3::EndScene
Succeeded to hook IDirect3D3::CreateDevice
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DTexture2::Release
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DDevice3::SetTexture
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::Lock
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::Unlock
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::QueryInterface
ManagerLock4 0
ManagerUnLock4 0
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::Release
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::GetAttachedSurface
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::SetColorKey
Succeeded to hook IDirectDraw4::SetDisplayMode
Succeeded to hook IDirectDraw4::EnumDisplayModes
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DViewport3::SetViewPort2
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DViewport3::Clear
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DViewport3::Clear2
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DDevice3::DrawPrimitive
Succeeded to hook IDirect3DDevice3::DrawIndexedPrimitive
Succeeded to hook IDirectDraw4::SetCooperativeLevel
Succeeded to hook IDirectDrawSurface4::blt
CloseHandle Hook : 0 <- 0 means no error

Reply 32 of 894, by cloudhaacker

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Rank Newbie

It wouldn't let me upload the trace file, I tried to add .jpg to the end to trick it but it was 18mb and it wouldn't allow more than 5mb so I uploaded the trace file to my google drive - here is the link. I'll do the same for the other games I have had issues with. So far, this is all Dino Crisis 1.
Thanks! 😀 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B51VNgVJY4T … Ym1waWdiSGhXSXM

Reply 33 of 894, by Doctor GME

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Rank Newbie

i played dino crisis with the patch and worked just fine
but i have a problem with dino crisis 2
from your previous replies you suggested creating ini file
my game keeps repeating the intro scene without menu appearance
i think that is because no playpad is connected, just the keyboard
could you please help me with disabling it as i don't have experience in this

Reply 34 of 894, by Vernick

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Rank Newbie

Hi, Peixoto! It will be very nice if you make support for another old game which works only in 640X480 - Martian Gothic.
I've tried to apply your other game's patches on it, and it looks great in hi-res, except couple things:
Wrong appearance of inventory screen (F4), Impossible of texture swapping - all textures in a memory are very fragmented.

Your tool might bring to this game hi-res support, perfect 3D model scaling, support of Xinput controllers. Also, all backgrounds in MG
performed in 24 bit color depth, but game displays them only in 16 bit color mode, it will be awesome to fix this.

Reply 35 of 894, by Peixoto

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Rank Member
cloudhaacker wrote:

It wouldn't let me upload the trace file, I tried to add .jpg to the end to trick it but it was 18mb and it wouldn't allow more than 5mb so I uploaded the trace file to my google drive - here is the link. I'll do the same for the other games I have had issues with. So far, this is all Dino Crisis 1.
Thanks! 😀 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B51VNgVJY4T … Ym1waWdiSGhXSXM

I haven't looked into it yet because i have been busy, but i haven't forgotten it

Doctor GME wrote:

i played dino crisis with the patch and worked just fine
but i have a problem with dino crisis 2

Vernick wrote:

Hi, Peixoto! It will be very nice if you make support for another old game which works only in 640X480 - Martian Gothic.

I'm going to add those games to my "to do" list

Reply 36 of 894, by Casey

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Rank Newbie

Hi Peixoto,

very good job on fixing the GUI scaling thing for unreal.

I'm with the 227 patch development for unreal and would like to integrate that directly into the patch. It's been a long standing issue where the GUI is exceptionally tiny with no real way to fix it without upscaling the heck out of textures. It seem the method you use works perfectly.

can you share with me how the opengl hook accomplishes this?

Reply 37 of 894, by Peixoto

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Rank Member
Casey wrote:
Hi Peixoto, […]
Show full quote

Hi Peixoto,

very good job on fixing the GUI scaling thing for unreal.

I'm with the 227 patch development for unreal and would like to integrate that directly into the patch. It's been a long standing issue where the GUI is exceptionally tiny with no real way to fix it without upscaling the heck out of textures. It seem the method you use works perfectly.

can you share with me how the opengl hook accomplishes this?

Hello Casey, here is the autohotkey script that implements the necessary hooks. The functions of interest are:


Reply 38 of 894, by Casey

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Rank Newbie

Thanks Peixoto, this will surely be useful. I will be sure to get you credited if we can implement this, which will make many people happy.

Reply 39 of 894, by LGDMF

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Rank Newbie

Where and how do i patch Resident Evil 3 btw? I download the patch but unfortunately there is no option for RE3, only RE1, RE2 and RE2 SourceNext.