Peixoto's patches for a few old games

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First post, by Peixoto

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Last edited by Peixoto on 2023-09-24, 00:05. Edited 34 times in total.

Reply 1 of 893, by Jorpho

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Did you make all of these from scratch yourself?

A little more documentation would be nice. It's a little alarming to read nothing but "double click Help.exe to start using the patches".

Reply 2 of 893, by Peixoto

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Jorpho wrote:

Did you make all of these from scratch yourself?

A little more documentation would be nice. It's a little alarming to read nothing but "double click Help.exe to start using the patches".

If you double click, you will see a lot of documentation

Reply 4 of 893, by brassicGamer

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Ooooooooh... 16:9 Unreal!

Check out my blog and YouTube channel for thoughts, articles, system profiles, and tips.

Reply 5 of 893, by KainXVIII

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brassicGamer wrote:

Ooooooooh... 16:9 Unreal!

It was like this long time ago

Reply 6 of 893, by Jorpho

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Peixoto wrote:

If you double click, you will see a lot of documentation

I think a lot of people have gotten paranoid about running strange .exe files downloaded from the Internet. Especially if they have little accompanying documentation. Just sayin'.

Reply 7 of 893, by lightmaster

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Peixoto wrote:
Here are some patches i have created for some old games […]
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Here are some patches i have created for some old games

There are widescreen and HD patches, fixes for bugs, glitches or poor performance on nowadays computers, better compatibility with today's gamepads and even some modding tools, amongst other things

The games i've patched so far are:

American Mcgee's Alice
Dark Earth
Deus Ex
Dino Crisis
I am alive
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
Onimusha Warlords
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Project Eden
Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
Slave Zero
Tomb Raider 2, 2 gold 3, 3 gold 4,and 5
Unreal Gold

Download the patches for here:

and enjoy !

Thank you but:
scan @ virustotal

Last edited by lightmaster on 2017-03-28, 00:33. Edited 2 times in total.


Reply 9 of 893, by Peixoto

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Jorpho wrote:
Peixoto wrote:

If you double click, you will see a lot of documentation

I think a lot of people have gotten paranoid about running strange .exe files downloaded from the Internet. Especially if they have little accompanying documentation. Just sayin'.

lightmaster wrote:

Thank you but:
scan @ virustotal

collector wrote:

Documentation should *never* be compiled into an executable.

If you need to be so sure, there is plain text documentation (using a simple markup) in the help folder, but all patches work by injecting new code in the executable at run time and you will need to start the Help at least once anyway, so i guess this is just not for you guys

Reply 10 of 893, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++
Peixoto wrote:

If you need to be so sure, there is plain text documentation (using a simple markup) in the help folder, but all patches work by injecting new code in the executable at run time and you will need to start the Help at least once anyway, so i guess this is just not for you guys

You see, even just writing that much is an improvement on "double click Help.exe to start using the patches".

I mean, I'm sure you've done good work and I appreciate that you are making these improvements freely available to the community, but it's a presentation thing.

Reply 11 of 893, by Peixoto

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Well, i added a less intimidating readme file and uploaded a file i had forgotten before

Reply 13 of 893, by lightmaster

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Peixoto wrote:

Well, i added a less intimidating readme file and uploaded a file i had forgotten before

Downloaded anyway, i hope the scan are just false positives.


Reply 14 of 893, by TheDrifter363

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Hi Peixoto,

I have a question about your game patches. So I was trying it out with Resident Evil 2 and while it does work great, I noticed that load game issue you were talking about. Is there no way to fix that currently? It does get annoying deciding between the fmvs or the ability to load your game. Especially because I transferred the sourcnext fmvs to the platinum version of the game. Those are some high quality fmvs. I would hate to have to not use them.

Also, on the topic of Resident Evil 3. You mentioned using that one mod, the restoration mod, with your patch. However, upon installing that mod, I didn't need to do anything extra. It already had xinput support, 32 bit colorspace, etc. What does your patch do extra that the mod hasn't already done? Also how would that mod be installed along with your patch? You mentioned creating a mod folder under Documents, but that mod comes with a setup.exe. Would we have to extract the mod files, if that's even possible? Oh, almost forgot! Your patch also enables windows 98 compatibility with this game, but I didn't see any need for it, as the mod doesn't seem to required compatibility mode at all. I know some of these old games required administrator access because they store their settings in the registry, at least that's how I make sense of it. But Resident Evil 3, doesn't seem to store anything in the registry, besides its name and a version 1.0 folder. It's really weird. Both Resident Evil 2 and Dino Crisis appear to store their settings and maybe unlockables in the registry.

For Dino Crisis 2, how would one go about creating a patch for that game. Mainly I wanted to disable the built in controller detection as it was detecting my xinput controller and not giving me any way to rebind controls. Also the widescreen resolution stretches out the aspect ratio which is rather annoying.

I also tried your patch out with Dino Crisis. Currently I can't think of anything I want to let you know about that besides that it works great. Oh, almost forgot too! I noticed you didn't have any compatibility options with this game. Now while it does work great, would it have any effect on the game being able to update values in the registry, since it's not running as administrator? Wait....disregard. I just noticed upon launching your game, I grant administrator access to it and any of its sub processes. Lol.

If it helps, I'm running Windows 10 64 bit.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Reply 15 of 893, by Peixoto

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TheDrifter363 wrote:
Hi Peixoto, […]
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Hi Peixoto,

I have a question about your game patches. So I was trying it out with Resident Evil 2 and while it does work great, I noticed that load game issue you were talking about. Is there no way to fix that currently? It does get annoying deciding between the fmvs or the ability to load your game. Especially because I transferred the sourcnext fmvs to the platinum version of the game. Those are some high quality fmvs. I would hate to have to not use them.

Also, on the topic of Resident Evil 3. You mentioned using that one mod, the restoration mod, with your patch. However, upon installing that mod, I didn't need to do anything extra. It already had xinput support, 32 bit colorspace, etc. What does your patch do extra that the mod hasn't already done? Also how would that mod be installed along with your patch? You mentioned creating a mod folder under Documents, but that mod comes with a setup.exe. Would we have to extract the mod files, if that's even possible? Oh, almost forgot! Your patch also enables windows 98 compatibility with this game, but I didn't see any need for it, as the mod doesn't seem to required compatibility mode at all. I know some of these old games required administrator access because they store their settings in the registry, at least that's how I make sense of it. But Resident Evil 3, doesn't seem to store anything in the registry, besides its name and a version 1.0 folder. It's really weird. Both Resident Evil 2 and Dino Crisis appear to store their settings and maybe unlockables in the registry.

For Dino Crisis 2, how would one go about creating a patch for that game. Mainly I wanted to disable the built in controller detection as it was detecting my xinput controller and not giving me any way to rebind controls. Also the widescreen resolution stretches out the aspect ratio which is rather annoying.

I also tried your patch out with Dino Crisis. Currently I can't think of anything I want to let you know about that besides that it works great. Oh, almost forgot too! I noticed you didn't have any compatibility options with this game. Now while it does work great, would it have any effect on the game being able to update values in the registry, since it's not running as administrator? Wait....disregard. I just noticed upon launching your game, I grant administrator access to it and any of its sub processes. Lol.

If it helps, I'm running Windows 10 64 bit.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

- Resident Evil 2 can probably be patched real quick by someone who can use a debugger, but that someone is not me, unfortunately. But for me as least, win 95 mode started working again... ask microsoft about it

- Well, the thing with the Resident Evil 3 mod is that i never got it working well on win 7, then the guy who created that mod gave up releasing other files that would be necessary. A shame because it works fine on win 10. The windows 98 compatibility is needed for correct FMV playback. I will remove the RE 3 patch. The program always ask admin privileges because otherwise it would fail to inject code in the target games and even start any game that has compatibility flags set.

- For dino crisis 2, all you have to do is to use Nvidia's controls panel\AMD catalyst to create a resolution with 4:3 aspect ratio and with the same height as your monitor. Then just create a ini file with:
and your controller will be hidden from the game

Hope that helped

Reply 16 of 893, by TheDrifter363

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Rank Newbie

Thanks Peixoto. I decided to use the sourcenext version of Resident Evil 2. It appears to be more stable. It seems if the load game screen didn't crash, then the saves would appear green and would show strange messages on the bottom. Also I could load claire or leon's save slot as the other person. It was weird. It would be nice if I could play the sourcenext version at my monitor's native resolution, but that's ok.

Ok, so I'll ignore Resident Evil 3. I can just use that mod to play the game. It appears to take care of everything.

For Dino Crisis 2, I have a question. So I tried out what you said and created the ini file and it blocked the game from detecting the controller. I wonder, is it possible to block directinput from this game through other means. Like do I have to use your app to block the input? I know they have a dinput blocker but that appears to only support directx 8 or higher. This game requires directx 7 and dino crisis 1 required directx 6. I couldn't find any dinput blockers for these older directx versions. Do you have any ideas?

Reply 17 of 893, by Peixoto

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TheDrifter363 wrote:

Thanks Peixoto. I decided to use the sourcenext version of Resident Evil 2. It appears to be more stable. It seems if the load game screen didn't crash, then the saves would appear green and would show strange messages on the bottom. Also I could load claire or leon's save slot as the other person. It was weird. It would be nice if I could play the sourcenext version at my monitor's native resolution, but that's ok.

Ok, so I'll ignore Resident Evil 3. I can just use that mod to play the game. It appears to take care of everything.

For Dino Crisis 2, I have a question. So I tried out what you said and created the ini file and it blocked the game from detecting the controller. I wonder, is it possible to block directinput from this game through other means. Like do I have to use your app to block the input? I know they have a dinput blocker but that appears to only support directx 8 or higher. This game requires directx 7 and dino crisis 1 required directx 6. I couldn't find any dinput blockers for these older directx versions. Do you have any ideas?

I've just tried my patch with the sourcenext version and it works. You only need to set the game to fullscreen (F8) before you try it with the patch, just like with the original version

I don't know any other tool to hide DirectInput gamepads

Reply 18 of 893, by TheDrifter363

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Rank Newbie

Alright thanks Peixoto. So for Dino Crisis 2, how would I go about creating custom bindings that would fit my xinput controller. Like emulate mouse/keyboard combinations to the controller? I know you did this for DIno Crisis, but I don't know how to do it for the second one. I've already set usemacros and controller to true. Anything else I havve to add in the ini file?

Reply 19 of 893, by CoolGamer

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Peixoto, thanks for this tool. Can you create patches for Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (Podracer) and Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace games that enable dumping textures and replacing them with custom higher resolution ones? Widescreen hacks with proper aspect ratio would also be nice. These games work very well on modern systems via dgVoodoo. I think they use the same game engine.