GET OFF MY LAWN (the YouTube channel)

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Reply 240 of 246, by Lawnie

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Update the hundred and third!

To the 0.8% of you who find my channel through Vogons, hello!

This week's scripted video featured 10 very underrated DOS games.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-gmYZ6P6HQ

I also enjoyed playing EVERY game this week. The Oregon Trail Deluxe was wonderful as always. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVQff1Rukns

Fast Food Dizzy is an entertaining pac man variant with excellent pixel art. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et5EKrAn8Cw

Klondike Solitaire is a mouse-driven card game from 1984. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD41x8QQG-4

And finally, Fun School 3 is a children's game I played in my youth on my Amstrad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwsRDIUIRGA

Will Lawnie continue these updates despite the paltry amount of people who don't already know of him on here? Yes, yes he will! Until then!

GET OFF MY LAWN - Yet another retro PC game review channel.

Reply 241 of 246, by DracoNihil

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Rank Oldbie
Lawnie wrote on 2023-01-23, 09:49:

This week's scripted video featured 10 very underrated DOS games.

Malice honestly makes me wish there was more stuff like that for Quake 1. Or even just indie games running off of Quake 1.

There's more GZDoom based indie games than anything running on the Quake 1 family heritage as far as I'm aware.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 242 of 246, by Shreddoc

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Rank Oldbie

In quick summary, what are the modern options for playing Rebel Moon Rising? I am inferring that it can't be played (with all graphical bells and whistles) on old hardware, unless you have a Creative 3d Blaster card - is that correct?

Reply 243 of 246, by Gmlb256

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Rank l33t
Shreddoc wrote on 2023-01-23, 22:36:

In quick summary, what are the modern options for playing Rebel Moon Rising? I am inferring that it can't be played (with all graphical bells and whistles) on old hardware, unless you have a Creative 3d Blaster card - is that correct?

This is only correct for the first game that was shown in the video, the sequel which is Rebel Moon Rising isn't a DOS game and requires a CPU supporting MMX instructions.

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 244 of 246, by Shreddoc

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Rank Oldbie
Gmlb256 wrote on 2023-01-23, 22:53:
Shreddoc wrote on 2023-01-23, 22:36:

In quick summary, what are the modern options for playing Rebel Moon Rising? I am inferring that it can't be played (with all graphical bells and whistles) on old hardware, unless you have a Creative 3d Blaster card - is that correct?

This is only correct for the first game that was shown in the video, the sequel which is Rebel Moon Rising isn't a DOS game and requires a CPU supporting MMX instructions.

Thanks for the clarification. Very interesting. I definitely want to give it a try some time, it's quite unique and striking looking.

Reply 245 of 246, by Lawnie

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Rank Member

Update the hundred and fourth!

Like enjoyable and informative conversation between updates, this thread keeps going!

This week's video was the start of a Let's Play of the Omnicron Conspiracy remake, an obscure DOS game from the 80s that deserved better and is finally getting it thanks to subscribers $treaks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g213MwrY8w

It was completely overshadowed by the fact that I finally played TIE Fighter. The best DOS game of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbBi9ZS7ZC8

But TIE Fighter wasn't the only game to go the distance on the Random DOS Game Show! You see, Harvest was the (non-Random) pick for number 666. Raising suspicions that the show is NOT entirely randomised after all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Tc0dp29Vc

Over an hour's worth of my rambling in just three videos? How could you say no? Quite easily...actually. LAWNIE. AWAY.

GET OFF MY LAWN - Yet another retro PC game review channel.

Reply 246 of 246, by Vanessaira

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Rank Newbie

Can confirm. Tie Fighter is the best ever, or is it the original C&C... Nah it's Tie Fighter.


An Analog Girl in a Digital World