First post, by DosFreak

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https://www.tomshardware.com/laptops/framewor … aptop-16-review

Costs a bit but may save you some money down the road if you keep your laptops a long time and use the old parts between laptops or a case for them and may save on repair costs.
Don't really care about gaming performance. Gaming should be done on a PC with a monitor, any gaming done on a laptop should be older games with lower resolutions if you must game on it. You're just throwing money away for a gaming laptop. Nice thing here is you can just swap it out if you decide you do or don't want it.

Last edited by DosFreak on 2024-01-24, 03:52. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 1 of 7, by Ensign Nemo

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Has this company been around for awhile? I'd be concerned about being able to source parts in the future if needed.

Reply 2 of 7, by konc

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Rank l33t

I love the idea, but a basic configuration costs around 2K. I'm curious if they manage to sell enough to survive.

Reply 3 of 7, by mtest001

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Who needs a numpad on a laptop...

/me love my P200MMX@225 Mhz + Voodoo Banshee + SB Live! + Sound Canvas SC-55ST = unlimited joy !

Reply 4 of 7, by wierd_w

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mtest001 wrote on 2024-01-24, 08:03:

Who needs a numpad on a laptop...

Quite a few games make use of the numpad!

As for actual work-cases, the 10-key entry capability is VERY handy for fast number input. If you've ever gotten used to having a 10-key, you wont want to live without it.

Reply 5 of 7, by PD2JK

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mtest001 wrote on 2024-01-24, 08:03:

Who needs a numpad on a laptop...

My fingers can find most numbers on the top row blind because of the special characters. But when typing in IP adresses (IPv4) a numpad is a tad faster in my experience.

i386 16 ⇒ i486 DX4 100 ⇒ Pentium MMX 200 ⇒ Athlon Orion 700 | TB 1000 ⇒ AthlonXP 1700+ ⇒ Opteron 165 ⇒ Dual Opteron 856

Reply 6 of 7, by Pino

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Meh, it's not $2k cool, you can buy a similar speced notebook now for $1k and save $1k to buy another one down the road.

Reply 7 of 7, by Jasin Natael

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Pino wrote on 2024-01-24, 15:55:

Meh, it's not $2k cool, you can buy a similar speced notebook now for $1k and save $1k to buy another one down the road.

Pretty much my thoughts.
It's a great idea but at this point it's cost prohibitive.