First post, by DataQueue

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Hi all,

First post, been viewing the site for ages. Intending on making this a 3 for one build log.

I have been using computers since my c64. Broke and fixed my mother's 8088 XT PC many times as a kid. Never looked back.

I have dug up the following with some friends helping:
Athlon x2-5200+ and Asus m2n board.
An Athlon 3500+ Compaq PC.
I also dug up a core2quad Xeon and an Inte extreme board
A voodoo banshee
Vx1 oxegyn
Matrix g450
GeForce 2mx
FX 5200 (from a mate)
GeForce 9600gt (4gb)
Ct4830 sound blaster live

On the way:
Sb xfi extreme music
Celeron 300a with a slot 1 440bx board
P3 866 on an 815 chipset board
A p4 2.4 cheapie with motherboard as it was cheap.
Diamond voodoo 2 8mb because I had to have at least one.

Looking to put together:
- late dos/early win98 gaming. Want a 3dfx card in it.
- late win98 gaming.
- winxp gaming

Need advice on the following, any opinion welcome.
System a: Was thinking on using the core 2 or athlon X2 for win xp with the gt 960.

System B: The P3 with the fx 5200 for the late win98.

System C: EDIT: I'll probably look for a Pentium MMX or a AMD equivalent for the 98/dos machine. Still with the voodoo2 (maybe a second later) and the matrox for the early 98 and late dos setup. Either that or just the banshee. Or even the gf2mx with the voodoo 2. The 300A is just because I wanted one back in the day, I was originally going to use it for this, but it's probably too troublesome for some of the DOS games.

Everything I have (almost) except for the FX 5200 and vx1 was something I had or desired back in the day. Looking to collect a bit more stuff too. Audigy 2 zs, etc etc.

Thanks all. Been watching heaps of YouTube vids for the nostalgia value, and attached pics of some of my AGP cards. I expect I'll need something different for sound in the w98/dos PC.

Reply 1 of 8, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++

I would recommend

late dos/early win98
I'd actually say the BX motherboard is perfect for this job!
The SBLive is fine as you already have it.
You have an ISA slot for Dos sound card,
Most late dos games aren't speed sensitive (most common will be the Pascal related which is solved by a simple patch.
https://www.pcmicro.com/elebbs/faq/rte200.htm … 0Error%20200%20(Divide,unit%20included%20with%20these%20compilers.

Either the Banshee or GF2 are good choices. Good dos compatibility and about right pairing for a C300.
The C300 will hold you back a little for Win9x games but as you also want a late 9x gaming PC this won't matter.
(for reference I do most my late dos gaming on a PIII 600 on a BX board)

Late win98
Depending on the chipset the P4 will probably make for good late 9x
GF FX is about as late as you can go while maintaining 9x compatibility
Pair it with the V2
Audigy 2 ZS as its the final card with Win9x support.

The Compaq may work depending on drivers but the Asus M2N doesn't seem to have 9x drivers from quick look of the Asus site

Faster the better so whatever hardware makes a complete system.
The SB XFi is perfect for this build as last card with XP support

Reply 2 of 8, by Joseph_Joestar

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Rank l33t
DataQueue wrote on 2024-02-11, 08:49:

System a: Was thinking on using the core 2 or athlon X2 for win xp with the gt 960.

That's a fine choice, but if you want something that packs a bit more punch, official WinXP drivers do exist for Intel's Ivy Bridge platform, as well as Nvidia's GTX 980 cards. Having more power can be beneficial for demanding WinXP titles like F.E.A.R. and Neverwinter Nights 2, especially if you want to play them at higher resolutions.

System B: The P3 with the fx 5200 for the late win98.

Similarly, I'd go with a faster Pentium 4 or an Athlon64 here, if you want to max out some of the later games like Serious Sam and Deus Ex. Also, the FX5200 is low performing budget GPU, so you probably want something better like a 5600 or 5900XT.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 3 of 8, by DataQueue

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Rank Newbie

Thanks. Some good advice.

Was trying to fit in what I had, for now. The 5200 it seems doesn't want to work, so I'll keep looking for a bargain to replace it. I'll hang on to the 5200 and try to fix it later just to have a working FX.

Reply 4 of 8, by DataQueue

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Rank Newbie
chinny22 wrote on 2024-02-11, 23:34:

The Compaq may work depending on drivers but the Asus M2N doesn't seem to have 9x drivers from quick look of the Asus site

Foiled by the compaq, it's a pci-e board. No AGP 🙁 Otherwise the SB Live and a fast AGP card would be perfect with an Athlon 64 3500+ I heard on the rumour mill that the x800xt and the 7800gtx work. May be worth going that route.

EDIT: Ignore this. I do have a P4 coming. sis 651 chipset and there are drivers on Phil's website that makes me optimistic. P4 2.4 on the board.

Second Edit: A mate found a Quadro FX1500 (PCIE) as well. I'll give that a go on the Compaq. I see him in a week or two. So it seems I have options now.

Reply 5 of 8, by DataQueue

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Rank Newbie

The XP machine progress pic.

Still waiting on the xfi extreme music to arrive so it has an SB Live in there for now.

Xeon x3350 (core 2 quad)
DX48BT2 X48 Motherboard
2gb corsair 1333 ddr 3
GTX 960 2gb
240gb Sata ssd
DVD drive
Sblive (to be swapped for an xfi extreme music)
Cougar MX330-s case.

I'll post some other pics later as I button it all up and install everything.

Reply 6 of 8, by DataQueue

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Rank Newbie

The XP machine Lives GPU motherboard and sound drivers installed on the XP build.

Easiest of the three gets a tick for now.

Need to bench test it and stability test before I move it off my workbench and start installing more software.

Reply 7 of 8, by DataQueue

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Rank Newbie

Oh yeah. X-fi extreme music. I'll put that in the XP machine and start installing games etc tonight. It's running very stable so far.

Reply 8 of 8, by DataQueue

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Rank Newbie

Really enjoying the XP machine.

This is the basic setup of one of the 98 machines. Yet to finalise and put an OS on it. Also awaiting the second voodoo2.

Currently a p3 866 with a gf2 mx and a voodoo2 with a sblive.
It's in a jonesbo case as I am having a very hard time finding beige cases. Also a 3d printed IO panel.