Post pics of your CRT monitors

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Reply 460 of 547, by Pentium4User

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Many CRTs do a degauss after being switched on. Search YouTube for CRT degauss sound. It should sound similar.
Often you can also call that via the menu button.

Reply 461 of 547, by Vynix

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Decided to take some better pictures of this lil' fellow, my LG 702S from 2003. Despite being a mid-to-low end model it still has a dual focus tube (a feature often found on high end CRT monitors)

Only 17 inches but it's still insanely bright for its age, probably hinting that it is a low hour unit which didn't see much use.

Proud owner of a Shuttle HOT-555A 430VX motherboard and two wonderful retro laptops, namely a Compaq Armada 1700 [nonfunctional] and a HP Omnibook XE3-GC [fully working :p]

Reply 462 of 547, by kixs

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bestemor wrote on 2020-10-15, 15:02:
Just wondering, does your ViewSonic give out a loud 'bang' every time it is turned on ? Mine does, and have done that since I bo […]
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kixs wrote on 2020-10-04, 12:20:
Latest additions to my collection :lol: […]
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Latest additions to my collection 🤣

22" ViewSonic P227f
17" Sony G200



Just wondering, does your ViewSonic give out a loud 'bang' every time it is turned on ?
Mine does, and have done that since I bought it brand new in box... Not sure if I should worry etc...
Seems fine otherwise, so... (?)

And, what month/year is yours from ?

PS: and in what kind of marvellous shop did you find these monitors ?!
As I notice they even have SEVERAL Voodoo 5500 AGP for sale, on the shelves in the background there...?!! 😮

Higher end monitors did the degause at power on. So there is nothing to worry about.

Mine is from 2006/02.

I found the monitor locally - around 180km from me. I needed half a year to make the trip as I never go in that direction 🤣

"The shop" is actually my storage place in the attic 😁 Yes, many nice things are there... sometimes I even surprise myself as I forget what I have 🤣

Requests are also possible... /msg kixs

Reply 463 of 547, by SVD

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Posted this in the bought today tread already, did not know about this tread.
This Nokia 21" 445Xi will be my main retro monitor now ^^ It also made the biggest degauss sound i ever heard when i fired it up the first time, so i guess that is normal 😀
Unfortunately it got a scratch in the antiglare, i dont know if i will remove it or not yet. Anyone tried using something else as a antiglare replacement? I have read about someone using film used for tinting car windows with good effect (for black levels) but i am a bit skeptical.

Reply 464 of 547, by UltimateElectronic

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AcerView 34e CRT monitor from 1997. 14" (13.1" viewable). Quite a nice monitor to use, works well for classic DOS gaming. The heater is actually visible from outside when the monitor is switched on. Only downfall is that it has a bit of a problem with "CRT bloom". Wish that I could get 1024x768 @ 75Hz but it's not listed as a factory mode and the image goes skewed if I try to display it. Looks as though it possibly was more of a budget monitor at the time, I'm not sure. Doesn't have any sort of OSD, not even a "No Signal" screen. All of the adjustments made are using those "select" and "adjust" buttons. I've seen the exact same set up in other monitors, so perhaps it was a fairly common circuit board that many manufacturers used. All of the relays inside it must be solid state, because I don't hear any "tick" noises coming from the monitor after it degausses or anything. Unfortunately there's no way to manually degauss it by pressing any button combinations or anything, the only way to make it degauss is to disconnect it from power for a few minutes. Oh and yes it was a pain to get a photo of it running, the flicker is real when you try and photograph a CRT.

Reply 465 of 547, by MMaximus

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UltimateElectronic wrote on 2020-10-28, 06:59:

... Oh and yes it was a pain to get a photo of it running, the flicker is real when you try and photograph a CRT.

the trick is to use a lower shutter speed on your camera, otherwise you will see noticeable lines on the photograph. For starter, try a shutter speed of 1/30s if your monitor has a 60hz refresh rate.

Hard Disk Sounds

Reply 466 of 547, by UltimateElectronic

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MMaximus wrote on 2020-10-28, 20:09:

the trick is to use a lower shutter speed on your camera, otherwise you will see noticeable lines on the photograph. For starter, try a shutter speed of 1/30s if your monitor has a 60hz refresh rate.

Interesting. Always knew it was to do with the refresh rate and shutter speed not lining up and all that but the thought of adjusting the shutter speed on the camera somehow never ctossed my mind. I'll have a play around with my camera's settings. Cheers mate! 😀

At the highest resolution it runs at 60Hz but it was at 75Hz in that photo.

Also have to figure out whether the poor HV regulation is possibly old, possibly dried/leaking caps, or just a bad internal design. My knowledge of HV regulation CRTs only goes so far. :p

Reply 467 of 547, by Chris1701

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Hi all,


Can anyone please have a look at this and suggest what the brand might have been? It's the monitor I got with my 386 I had back in 1991.

The system wasn't from a main manufacturer, but custom built. All I remember about it is that it was SVGA with 512k of screen memory or something like that?

It looks so similar to an IBM screen that I wondered if it might have been a re-badged model from the same factory or just a design knock-off. I had a mate who suggested it might have been Sampo, or Taxan, but I've googled the hell out of this and can't find an IBM style monitor with a brand name in the centre like that. I've even looked through old PC mags for adverts that might give me a clue. It's driving me mad that I can't remember - considering how many hours I spent staring at the darn thing!


Reply 468 of 547, by Jed118

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I have this sitting on top of my 486 -


It's only a D-SUB (no BNC 🙁 ) but it's 19 inches of 90s decentness.

Youtube channel- The Kombinator
What's for sale? my eBay!

Reply 469 of 547, by bjwil1991

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Compaq Portable 1 internal monitor (Paradise Basic EGA card being used with the internal monitor header board I designed -- needs a bit of work, but it looks nice):


Discord: https://discord.gg/U5dJw7x
Systems from the Compaq Portable 1 to Ryzen 9 5950X
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/retropcuser

Reply 470 of 547, by LewisRaz

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My little Del CRT and the PC it goes with. Have the boxes for both 😀

My retro pc youtube channel

Reply 471 of 547, by bymember

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ADI MicroScan G700+UH-200


Last edited by bymember on 2021-05-27, 10:17. Edited 2 times in total.


Reply 472 of 547, by vad4r

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The attachment Iiyama Vision Master Pro 451.jpg is no longer available


vae victis!

Reply 473 of 547, by kixs

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Recent acquisition SONY CPD-G520 21" with BNC cable. Didn't do much testing (and even cleaning yet) 😉


On the desk against a 30" Dell 🤣


Requests are also possible... /msg kixs

Reply 474 of 547, by kdr

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After nearly two years of repairs to get this Philips CM8833-II monitor working again (it took three tries) it is finally back to its former glory! I've carefully adjusted the focus and screen (G2) voltages to get a crisp clear picture when the contrast dial is turned up to max. Such a great CRT deserves to be paired with some awesome 640x200 graphics output from an EGA card:

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(Zeliard and Bandit Kings are two of the very few EGA games to take advantage of the 640x200 mode - it's still limited to the regular 16 RGBI colour palette but is 100% compatible with normal CGA monitors.)

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Reply 475 of 547, by EddieHimself

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The first "retro" CRT I got (as in, when they were considered retro and not just a cheap monitor for when you couldn't afford a flat-screen!) was this Relisys TE-555 15" monitor:


I then got this one for the princely sum of £1. It turns out it's got a problem with the menu though, where it randomly pops on the screen. I wired in a latching switch to the exit button to stop it from coming up, but clearly, a more substantial repair is needed...


Then, I got this one for absolutely gratis from a guy I work with at this computer repair place. It was from an old Sempron PC whose VRM capacitors had all blown on the motherboard, so I'm planning on fixing that up at some point.


Both of these are 17" models with a maximum resolution of 1280x1024, pretty standard stuff for the early to mid 2000s. I've also got this:


It's a Samsung Hitron, I think it's called. Anyway, it's a Trinitron clone from after Sony's patent on Trinitron technology expired. Here, I've got it with my old PS1 as well as an AV switch, which will allow me to plug in other consoles and devices to the TV and switch between them.

Reply 476 of 547, by trixster

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My Commodore 1942 dual sync 14” crt, with and without swivel stand

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Reply 477 of 547, by bjwil1991

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My Sony PVM-9L1 (modded to allow RGB input (consoles only)).

Love this little set and it's worth every penny I paid for this thing back in 2016 and with the RGB mod, it's amazing.

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Discord: https://discord.gg/U5dJw7x
Systems from the Compaq Portable 1 to Ryzen 9 5950X
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/retropcuser

Reply 478 of 547, by AppleSauce

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Sony Triniton G420

Only monitor I've got now , other ones got sold off.
Found it on the side of the road ages ago , was in surprisingly decent condition and works pretty nice.

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Reply 479 of 547, by Radical Vision

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Did have before x1 Compaq 17 and x2 DELL 19 inch monitors (inside SONY Trinitron), but they take too much space, so i sold them.

Currently i have these 2 both working fine.
BMC BM-1010E made in Japan
IBM 9518 made in UK

Dont mind the strange stuff on the XT system, the CGA adapter have some problems (prob bad solder joints) and need fix, as well as the PSU..

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Mah systems retro, old, newer (Radical stuff)
W3680 4.5/ GA-x58 UD7/ R9 280x
K7 2.6/ NF7-S/ HD3850
IBM x2 P3 933/ GA-6VXD7/ Voodoo V 5.5K
Cmq P2 450/ GA-BX2000/ V2 SLI
Cmq DeskPRO 486/33
IBM PS/2 Model 56
SPS IntelleXT 8088