Hallo Alexander,
Happy New Year auch von meiner Seite an alle.
Zuerst einmal möchte ich ein RIESENGROSSES Lob ausprechen für die Arbeit und den Ehrgeiz, den du in dieses Projekt bereits gesteckt hast und auch weiterhin investierst. Ich nutze DFR nun auch bereits seit über einem Jahr und bin begeistert, wie sich die Software so entwickelt.
After some serious meant honoring now switching to english so it's more understandable for all readers here.
To give you some idea about my intention for using DFR:
I am collecting games, having much more than 1000 games (mostly DOS & early windows games) physically in my collection. For this collection I am running a webbased database holding many additional information such as buying price, age rating, where they are stored etc.. I am using a lot of data from TheLegacy and as return service I add data and Covershots etc. to TL.
I tested a lot of game frontends and finally worked with the old DFend for quite some time in the past before I switched and started again with Dfend Reloaded having also many hundreds of abandonware games set up & running (which I not necessarily own in my collection).
I now would like to combine or better migrate both datasources to one common database or better said both DB's should hold the same info for easy echange and update. My userdefined columns in DFR are the same as in my Online Database.
This may be a problem as you are not working with a standard database which I can easily access.
I have following feature-request to add some day to DFend Reloaded.
- Export games list: to csv or similar format which can be read/imported by/to for example excel.
The current export format is not line based (e.g. 1 line for each game having according columns). Working with my information (such as "running in DOSBox, Win 95,98...", "portable", "Copy protected" etc.) stored in your "Database" is very inconvenient. Btw, also it is not exporting the "Benutzerdefinierte Informationen" und die "Bemerkungen"
- Import games list: also helpful would be an import & updating function working with the same format. Leading database would/should always be DFR, but for the start with DFR one collector could import his games list in the beginning and work them down.
I am using DFR fully portable and despite holding my game collection infromation one of my personal goals is also to get most of my (Windows-)Games fully portable either by NoCD cracks or providing the ISO's or Disk-Images.
In general (mis-)using your DFR as a Collectors-Database automatically leads to a lot of additional requests, but for the first I leave you with this one "only" and are awaiting your comment. 😀 Probably I am the only one who wants to use DFR as a "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (have fun while google-translating this, Folks 😀) and can't expect to spent your time in features no one else wants to have.
Many thanks for your time in advance
best regards