D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 2040 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

I'm not using ScummVM very much so I haven't tested all games with it and don't know which additional settings are required for each game. But: If you have figured out a configuration working with your game and DFR is not able to cover this with the regular GUI you can add any additional ini keys you want to the generated ini file by putting them in the "Custom settings" box. The lines entered here will be added to the generated ini file and therefore will overwrite the configuration keys written by DFR.

Reply 2041 of 2280, by Uetam

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Rank Newbie

Hi, guys.
I'm Sorry for my bad english... but I hope you can understand me. I'm using windows 7 64 bits.
I have a curious problem with d-fend reloaded (last vers.) and two windows games: (1) "Tortuga Two Treasures" and (2) "Discworld Noir".
With "tortuga", if I start the game with desktop icon, it works fine. But If I do with DFR , the screen is freezing or simply show the main screen of the game, but don't start.
With "Discworld Noir", exactly the same, but don't start the game, simply i can see a black screen and a few seconds later hangs on. I can play both games fine starting the main "exe" without DFR.
I have a lot of games installed on DFR and it works perfect. I have seen the conf file but appears normal. I can't see any wrong command within.
The last question is: when I configure a profile game, when I click on the icon folder (for example for select the exe or config file) do nothing.
When i used the DFR in W7 32 bits, then when i click on the icon, it open the explorer for search the concrete file.
Thanks a lot.

Reply 2042 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

I don't know these two games but I assume they are DOS games? Additionally I assume by saying "start the game with desktop icon" you mean starting the game via a desktop icon created by DFR? In this case there should be no difference between starting the game via the desktop icon or via DFR directly. The desktop icon link is only starting DFR and telling it to start the game (nothing else than clicking on the game entry in the DFR games list). So in this case the only difference is the DFR window flickering for a short time before the game is started. DOSBox is a very powerful program allowing to run many DOS games on nearly any graphics card configuration on a modern system, but sometimes there are some problems in some configurations. So if you have problems running a DOS game in DOSBox via DFR (even if the problem only occurs in some situations), you can try changing the graphics settings for the game (see "Graphics card" section in the profile editor).

I can play both games fine starting the main "exe" without DFR.

If you can start the game exe file directly from the Windows explorer without DFR and DOSBox the game is no DOS game. You can also add Windows games to the DFR games list. But in this case DFR is doing nothing more than just starting the exe file so there is no advantage in using DFR before just running the game directly (via the Windows explorer, the start menu etc.).

when I configure a profile game, when I click on the icon folder (for example for select the exe or config file) do nothing.

Sorry, I cannot reproduce this problem (running Windows 7 64 bit, too). At first, I think you mean: When you are clicking the "Select game exe file" button next to the game exe input line on the "Profile" page of the profile editor nothing happens. This would be strange, because DFR is just showing the default Windows file select dialog via the default Windows API function.

Reply 2043 of 2280, by Uetam

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Rank Newbie

Hi, Alexander. Thanks. But the big and strange problem is the second point you comment. The games we're talking about are not DOS games. I use DFR for launch all my games them both: DOS and Windows games. It's more easy for me. Usually I haven't problems. First I try the game direct with it main "exe" and if it works, then I add in DFR list. Question is: Why launching this games with DFR they don't work and if I execute them directly they works fine??!!! ... It's posible that DFR make internal "something" different than affect the graphics or whatever?
Respect the last point, I will investigate about API. Thx.

Reply 2044 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

DFR is doing nothing else than the Windows Explorer would do. The only difference is that - depending on you configuration - the DFR main window will appear shortly and then get minimized etc. If the game has already changed the screen resolution at this point or is just changing it Windows can get confused if another window moves on the desktop (just like an instant message popup while a game is running).

This is the code used to start the Windows program. It should be nearly the same as the Explorer does:

FillChar(ShellExecInfo, SizeOf(ShellExecInfo), 0);
with ShellExecInfo do begin
cbSize := SizeOf(ShellExecInfo);
Wnd := Application.MainForm.Handle;
lpVerb := 'open';
lpFile := PChar(FileName);
lpParameters := PChar(Parameters);
lpDirectory := PChar(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter((ExtractFilePath(FileName))));
nShow := SW_SHOW;

if ShellExecuteEx(@ShellExecInfo) then begin
Result := ShellExecInfo.hProcess;
end else begin

Reply 2045 of 2280, by Uetam

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Rank Newbie

Hi again Alexander.
I don't know for what damn reason, but DFR main program, was running in compatibility windows 7 mode. Can you believe it?!!... I just put DFR in normal mode and the games works perfect. I regret the inconvenience. Thanks a lot.

Reply 2046 of 2280, by Rod Primitive

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Does D-FR work with Daum?

Reply 2047 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Yes, you can use D-Fend Reloaded with Daum DOSBox builds. Just install Daum DOSBox to a folder of your choice, open the setup dialog in DFR and add the DOSBox version on the External programs->DOSBox page. (Then in the profile editor you can choose which DOSBox version to use for running the game.) If you select advanced mode at the bottom right of the setup dialog, a new page External programs->DOSBox->DOSBox CVS features will appear. On this page you can enable additional GUI elements for the profile editor allowing you to setup the Daum specific features directly in the DFR GUI. (All Daum features not covered by this GUI of course can be addressed via the "Custom settings" field on the DOSBox settings page of the profile editor.)

Reply 2048 of 2280, by Rod Primitive

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Thanks. 😀

Reply 2049 of 2280, by rotaxt

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Rank Newbie

hi i hope you can help me. i want to use dosbox daum inside of D-Fend Reloaded and i want to use mt32-roland-sound for wing commander.
if i use dosbox alone i only have two copy copy these two needed mt32-rom-files into the root of dosbox daum, chose roland sound in the setup
of wing commander and everything works fine.

i was wondering now how to let D-Fend Reloaded know that I want to use Wing Commander with MT32-Sound.

Do I have to copy these two rom files also anywhere else inside of D-Fend? And where in the settings of D-Fend an/or the Wing Commander Profile can I setup the MT32 sound?

Reply 2050 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi rotaxt, DFR does not need these mt32 rom files. There's not much to do if you want to use the Daum build with Roland sound in DFR. Just do the same as if you want to run DOSBox directly. The only thing is you will need to add the special DOSBox conf keys not covered by the DFR profile editor GUI in the "Custom settings" field on the DOSBox settings page of the profile editor. That's it.

Reply 2051 of 2280, by anormal

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Rank Newbie

hi guys,
i don't know if this has been explained before, as i am a new user here... so excuse my newbieness

can i import a folder with many zips? each zip is a dos game? i've tried but failed...
it could be great, just import a folder with zips, and one profile is created for each file, when you launch the game first time it asks for the main executable and run it (saving it for future uses), also when you run the file first time, the subfolder is created and the zip uncompressed,
is this possible? thanks!!

Reply 2052 of 2280, by Rod Primitive

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Not to sound rude but, you joined almost 10 years ago and call yourself new? 😜 Sure, your postcount is pretty damn low. But still, you're far from new. 😀

Reply 2053 of 2280, by anormal

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Rank Newbie

haha, you are right, i joined in 2005!! but i was talking about d-fend, not dosbox 😉
i am trying now to make a little program, maybe delphi maybe a batch file to unpack the zips and prepare for import in d-fend, because i think it don't work as i thought

also excuse my english i am spanish

Reply 2054 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi anormal,
you can just select multiple archive files in the Explorer and drag and drop them at once to the DFR main window for batch importing.

Reply 2055 of 2280, by anormal

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Rank Newbie

hi, i was trying different emu fronteds and found that Emulators organizer 6.3 works quite good, allows temporal zip unpack, ask for the file to run after to unpack, etc...

alexander: i already tried what you say, i selected folders (with zips inside, with subfolders with zips unpacked, etc) but in d-fend reloaded only get the icon unable to add (the circle with the slash inside), also tried to drag'n'drop a bunch o zips but i got the same error

maybe i am doing something bad, btw, i am using windows 8.1 and d-fend reloaded 1.4.2 portable

Reply 2056 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

If you already get the "drop forbidden" mouse pointer symbol, it's not DFR which is blocking the drag & drop operation but Windows itself. Maybe you have started DFR or the Explorer process from which you are dragging the files with admin rights? Windows is not allowing drag & drop operation between normal and admin rights programs.

Reply 2057 of 2280, by waltgallus

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Rank Newbie

Windows 8.1 64bit
DosBox 0.74
DFend Reloaded 1.4.2
Geoworks 2.0 --> Tetris


I have attached the DosBox configuration file. When I run Geoworks DosBox opens an I can see the splash screen of Geoworks for a very short moment. One second later everything closes without any error message. I can repeat this many times, runnig from DFend or with shortcut, also after reboot of computer. As I am a newbie I do not know what additional information could be helpful.

Thanks very much in advance and kind regards

Walt Gallus

Reply 2058 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi waltgallus,

running GeoWorks in DOSBox is quite tricky. Some versions seem to be not able to be executed in DOSBox at all. Others need special drivers or need an MS-DOS or FreeDOS to be booted in DOSBox. So there is not much DFR related I can tell you to help you running GeoWorks.

Reply 2059 of 2280, by waltgallus

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Rank Newbie

Thank you for your information, Alexander. I am lrunning the same version of GeoWorks 2.0 on two other computers, both with Windows 8.1 32bit. So the only difference is 64bit instead of 32bit. Can tis make the difference?

Where would you suggest I should post my problem?

Thanks again!

Walt Gallus