D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

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Reply 560 of 2280, by Alexander

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Hi axelmoore,

you can change the values offered in many dropdown lists via the setup dialog: On the dialog page "Default values" (only visible in advanced mode) you can define the values offered on nearly every dropdown list in the profile editor. If you add here "1680x1050" to the "Resolution" list, this resolution will be offered on the graphics page of the profile editor and also in the multile profile editor.


Reply 561 of 2280, by sst

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Hi, ...

On the menubar = the word is = "Run program enter".

On the game selection section, if i RightClick, on a software, it show "Run game enter".

It make a cosmetic text problem, because, i have (4DOS 7.61, OpenGem, Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, windows 3.11), that it's not a game.

See Screenshot, ...

In the screenshot example, i RightClick on the software "OpenGem", and in see "Run game enter".

Simply show the text "Run program enter", instead of "Run game enter".

Sylvain St-Amand (sst)

Last edited by sst on 2009-02-02, 13:20. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 562 of 2280, by axelmoore

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Thank you very much! Solved!

Reply 563 of 2280, by Alexander

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Hi sst,
game -> program is fixed. If you find more discrepancies just tell me.

Reply 564 of 2280, by DrJones

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Not sure if this is already covered...but this is a 29 page thread already.

When filling in Program Information, is it possible to allow the use of the TAB button to go to the next field? So, after I typed or selected the Genre, that I can TAB down to the next field...and so on.

Another, perhaps a little tweak would be to let screenshots which are no larger than 320x240 be shown at full size? There's enough GUI room for that.

Reply 565 of 2280, by bobinator1992

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Hey, I've got a couple of questions.

1. Is there a way to transfer profiles to one computer to another? I tried it, but it made the game folders incorrect, and the games wouldn't play, even if I changed the folder to its correct location.

2. Is there a way to create new categories? I want to make a 'License' category, where I can set if my games are the full versions, demos, shareware, or freeware.

Reply 566 of 2280, by Alexander

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When filling in Program Information, is it possible to allow the use of the TAB button to go to the next field? So, after I typed or selected the Genre, that I can TAB down to the next field...and so on.

Sorry, the whole game information table is just one control. And pressing tab always cycles from one control to the next. I have tried to capture the tab key in the OnKeyDown event but can't get it. So I cannot (at least with an affortable amount of work) change this behaviour.

Another, perhaps a little tweak would be to let screenshots which are no larger than 320x240 be shown at full size? There's enough GUI room for that.

I do not understand exactly what you are meaning. On my system 320x240 screenshots are shown at 100% size in the screenshot previwer. Only if the window of the screenshot viewer would be to large, they got shown at a smaller zoom factor than 100%.

1. Is there a way to transfer profiles to one computer to another? I tried it, but it made the game folders incorrect, and the games wouldn't play, even if I changed the folder to its correct location.

Yes, there are two ways of transfering complete profiles: If both installations are on the same computer (for example one regular installation and one portable installation on a connected USB stick) you cane choose the transfer profiles function from the extras menu. By using this function you can also additionally create the portable installation in the destination path before transfering the profiles.

If you want to transfer profiles from one computer to an other or do some long term archivating, you can create exe installers or zip packages. (For multiple games at once from the extras menu and for the currently selected profile from the profile menu.) Making exe installers requires a NSIS installation, making zip packages requires no external tools.

But there is one general requirement: You need to use relative path names in your profiles. If you use absolute path names D-Fend Reloaded will not know where to place the file on the destination installation.

2. Is there a way to create new categories? I want to make a 'License' category, where I can set if my games are the full versions, demos, shareware, or freeware.

There is no way to extend the hardcoded list of game information categories. But: If you add a 'License' field to one of your profiles and you click on the add user data filed button on any other profile D-Fend Reloaded will offer you to add a field names 'License'. (So this is quite the same as the hardcoded variant but does not need any a priori setup.)

BTW: Just corrected the DFR initial screen size on smaller resolutions (like 1024x600). - Guess what I've just got yesterday. 😀

Reply 567 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi everybody,

it has been a long time since the release of D-Fend Reloaded 0.6.1 but finally here is the first beta release of the next version: D-Fend Reloaded 0.7.0 beta 1. One the beta download page you can also find a list with all new features and improvements since version 0.6.1.

Have fun with the new version and tell me what you are thinking about it / what is still missing / what is going wrong etc.

Reply 568 of 2280, by Neville

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I know that translating betas isn't encouraged, but couldn't wait to check out the new features and one thing led to the other. So here you are:

Reply 569 of 2280, by Alexander

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Hi Neville,

thank you for your fast translation. No problem, I haven't changed or added any language strings since the release of beta 1. Today I've tried to add some Vista game explorer integration to the installer. - But saidly without any success.

Reply 570 of 2280, by skatz

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Hi, Alexander!
I runned DFR for some time and here is first bug report:
1. On WinXP SP2 when I use 'Restore window size on program start' mode - after restarting program (not maximized) main window has no menu. Something is happened while recreating window. The quick solution may be following -


2. In history window on window resizing list control goes out of its postion.
3.Uninstaller does not remove registry records for uninstaller program, so DFR remains in application list.

And will XML export/import appear in next release? I have some suggestions concerning current hidden implementation but maybe it is not proper time for that yet.

Reply 571 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi skatz,

1 to 3 are fixed. Thank you for the bug reports. Additionally I have noticed the installer creates the start menu entries in the current user start menu instead of the all user start menu. I have fixed this, too.

The option to import and export profiles as XML files was just for compability to DOG and DBGL. About one year ago there have been some discussions about creating an interchange format between this two frontends. And of course I also wanted to be able to read and write this files. But then on DOG and DBGL nothing happend so I haven't done anything on this eihter. The current implementation is very basic, incomplete and not well thought-out.

I have written some programs using big and complex XML data files, so I know the advantages of the XML format but I think this is really not needed for D-Fend Reloaded. At the moment I'm not planning to define a XML profile format, in particular as long as D-Fend Reloaded would be the only program to read and write this files.

Greetings and have a nice weekend

Reply 572 of 2280, by sst

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Hi, ...

1) I test D-Fend Reloaded 0.7 beta 1.

Some Bugs =

A) The French Canada language translation, = display English text.
---> Then to fix this = Use temporary, the French language translation.

B) At D-Fend Reloaded 0.7 beta 1 installation, i use the default game directory ".\VirtualHD\" instead of .\VirtualHD\
= This mean that in default Game directory. And after each game have a directory bug, in "Game Profile | Drives | Folder / Images".
---> To fix this, i can do on each game = the "Game Profile | Drives | Auto Create Button", option.
--------->Please made a global option to change, the "Game Profile | Drives | Folder / Images" drive.

= look at the Screenshot "GameDriveDirectoryBug", for further details.

C) "Edit Multiple Profile", can be extended with some functions.
-------> 1) Set for each profile selected, the default game directory.
-------> 2) Set for each profile selected, the DosBox Priority (Foreground and Background ).
-------> 3) Set for each profile selected, the Joystick type.
-------> And others type of default multiple options, ...

D) Can you link a DOS ScreenShot WebSite, to download Screenshot, of a program.

Example = I have the "Winter Games 1991", games. But it dont show screenshot by default. Then can an option, maybe made to download some screenshot from an internet website, and display in your D-Fend Reloaded software, each game screenshot that can be downloaded, for programs ?

This is like, i dont whant to made myself (Press Ctrl-F5), for each game, to have some screenshot(s) for a program. (I can do manual screenshot myself), but an automatic screenshot(s) download will be more used.
Also, that Screenshot(s),that can be shared with others.

I dont know, if it exist on Internet = a website that contain Screenshot for all dos game(s), and others softwares, ...
For the moment, no other thing to report.
Sylvain St-Amand (sst)

Reply 573 of 2280, by windle

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Rank Newbie

Hi everybody !

I recently installed this fabulous software and I just have a little collection of games... But now I have a problem... When try to "build zip packages for multiple games", with some games the operation is OK but in other cases an error message is displayed. See the captured screen...

Can anybody help me ??

Thanks !

Reply 574 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

Hi sst,

A) Fixed.
B) Added an option to the multiple profile editor.
C) 1-3 added, and I will think of "And others type of default multiple options" on the next version after 0.7.
D) I do not know any such site either. But as far as I know the content of the screen in a game is also copyrighted as the game itself. So distributing screenshots might be problematically. An to avoid getting posts here again saying "DFR is linking to illegal sites, so remove DFR from here!" I will not link to any site as long as I'm not absolutely sure the content of the site is not against the law somewhere. But of course you can add any screenshot distributing site to your game search links list in D-Fend Reloaded.

Hi windle,

in D-Fend Reloaded 0.6.1 there is a known weakness (I still don't know if its a DFR or a Windows problem) with deleting huge amounts of files. Sometimes the deleting process even fails with the message "Operation successfully finished." First of all, to get your temp folder clean again you can just delete the folder shown in the error message via the explorer. (You can delete the DFR base temp folder "C:\DOCUME~1\WINDLE~\CONFIG~1\Temp\D-Fend Reloaded zip package".) Have you tried the new beta version of D-Fend Reloaded 0.7 ? In this version the deletion of temp files should be more reliable.

Reply 575 of 2280, by oolie

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Rank Newbie

Hi windle

Seems that you have the same problem I have with DFR 0.6.1. On one PC with Windows XP Pro with user files stored in Documents and Settings folder all works great; on another machine with Windows XP Home and user files stored in c:\Program Files\D-Fend Reloaded folder I get the same messages you do and created zip packages sometimes contain games that weren't suppose to be there. Could you specify you system version and location of user files? Maybe that would give an idea where the problem lies.

Reply 576 of 2280, by windle

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Rank Newbie

Hi Oolie !

My system is a Windows XP Home, but the user files of D-Fend are located in Documents and settings folder --> Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp...

Important: I have installed D-Fend in another drive (D:\) with relative paths, not in Program Files folder...

I'm sorry for my poor english...
Thanks !

Reply 577 of 2280, by oolie

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Hi windle.

So the only thing in common here seems to be Windows XP Home... On the other hand I'm not sure if I haven't had 'relative paths' checked, but I'm not gonna be able to look into it until Friday.

Reply 578 of 2280, by Alexander

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Rank Oldbie

The deleting of temp files problem should not depend on whether you are using absolute or relative path names etc. The temp files are always stored in the same location. It's just a problem between Windows (which sometimes says "Error: File successfully deleted.") and D-Fend Reloaded (which in this cases thinks "Oh, an error, to be safe I will stop deleting any further files." - instead of simpliy continuing). Again: In the current beta release of D-Fend Reloaded 0.7 the deletion function should work more robust.

And may I repeat a request from the beta download homepage here:

D-Fend Reloaded 0.7 will support the use of external archiving programs to allow the user to use more different file formats for archivating. ("zip" and "7z" files are supported via internal functions, for all other formats an external program is needed). You can add external pack programs via the setup dialog. When selecting a program file and D-Fend Reloaded already knows this pack program it will automatically suggest the correct command line parameters for packing and extracting archives etc. And now the said thing: Until know D-Fend Reloaded only knows 7Zip. So if anybody uses any other pack program could you please tell me the supported formats and the parameters for creating/updating/extracting archives (see setup dialog for details) ? Thank you.

Reply 579 of 2280, by skatz

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Rank Member

Hi, Alexander

1.When I specify path to executable as 'relative to dosbox file structure', I get a message about absent parent directory (path 'DOSBOX:...' going through long-short name conversion brings an error).
And before showing error dialog, please, restore application (from minimized state). If DFR is minimized on runnning game, error dialog is hidden with whole main window and DFR waits for user input, but user does not see that.

2. Custom archivers. It works.
Default lines for winrar (winrar.exe (gui version) or rar.exe (console version))
extract: x "%1" "%2" -y -c-
add: a -y -r0 -ep1 "%1" "%2*.*"
update: u -y -r0 -ep1 "%1" "%2*.*"

Some problems:
a)I added RAR archiver anf getted two items in combo:7z and RAR. When I changes selection by selecting combobox items, after couple of changes I get button ''Set default values for 7z" visible for 'RAR' item and invisible for 7z. If I change selection by up/down buttons - 'set defautl' button bacames invisible at all.
b)And some times while running game from archive I get message 'cannot delete smth.rar'. Happens, e.g, if dosbox closes immediately (by any reason). Maybe archiver has not left file yet. You may insert pause before attempting to update archive and maybe try to delete it several times.
c)In file selection dialog 'all archives' filter has '.rar' extension but do not show any such file. Specific filter 'rar archive' works fine.

3. Genre/language translation.
a)When I flip 'Genre/Language' combo previously changed entries are stored, but if I choose another page(frame) of setup dialog - changes are loosed.
b) this translations are stored in file 'lang.cutsom.ini' in users lang folder. In portable\program mode this files appears in main lang folder, hence it is shown in interface language selection and in About dialog (transaltion page).
Suggestion: maybe add selection of genre/language names from existed profiles/templates?