First post, by tEiS
i'm new to dosbox's forum.
so first off, great job with this dosbox utility!!!
i'm also one of those nostalgic tracker freaks. i've switchted to winxp
two years ago, back then i still had an isa awe64gold and win98se.
with winxp i never got ft2 to run, even with the awe64 still plugged in.
i've tried vmnsound and soundfx2000 or what they are called.
the sound is all ok with those tools, but fastracker2 doesn't like winxp.
then i've found dosbox and was suprised getting out some sound
with ft2. now with 0.63 i've also managed to get a decent conf together
wich makes working with ft2 acceptable. even with 44100hz and almost
all 32 channels.. but i still notice some crackles, like buffer underruns or so.
i have an audigy2zs and use the kxproject drivers. before i installed
those kx drivers, i used the normal ones. and in dosbox i used a buffer of 1024 wich won't work with kx drivers anymore. don't know why.
and yes, with the creative drivers i also noticed these crackles.
but my actual question is what these sound crackles are. where they come from. it isn't because of low cpu power, it sounds like something can't followup the emulation ..
they aren't very often, those crackles, like 3-6 times. but it's still disturbing 😀
is there any way of using finding/fixing this problem
or maybe using the soundcard's hardware?