First post, by superfury

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I'm currently testing my MPU emulation (which is the Dosbox mpu.cpp as the 'front-end' and my own MIDI emulation (everything producing sound and processing the MIDI commands send to the output) as the 'backend'. I'm currently trying to get my .mid file playback correctly. I do get sound, but it seems to go very fast and crashes in the end:

#include "headers/types.h"
#include "headers/support/zalloc.h" //Zalloc support!
#include "headers/hardware/ports.h" //MPU support!
#include "headers/emu/timers.h" //Timer support!
#include "headers/support/mid.h" //Our own typedefs!

#define MIDIHEADER_ID 0x6468544d
#define MIDIHEADER_TRACK_ID 0x6b72544d

word byteswap16(word value)
return ((value & 0xFF) << 8) | ((value & 0xFF00) >> 8); //Byteswap!

uint_32 byteswap32(uint_32 value)
return (byteswap16(value & 0xFFFF) << 8) | byteswap16((value & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); //

uint_32 activetempo = 0x500000; //Current tempo!

word readMID(char *filename, HEADER_CHNK *header, TRACK_CHNK *tracks, byte **channels, word maxchannels)
FILE *f;
TRACK_CHNK currenttrack;
TRACK_CHNK *curtracks = tracks;
word currenttrackn = 0; //Ammount of tracks loaded!
uint_32 tracklength;

byte *data;
f = fopen(filename, "rb"); //Try to open!
if (!f) return 0; //Error: file not found!
if (fread(header, 1, sizeof(*header), f) != sizeof(*header))
return 0; //Error reading header!
if (header->Header != MIDIHEADER_ID)
return 0; //Nothing!
if (byteswap32(header->header_length) != 6)
return 0; //Nothing!
if (byteswap16(header->format)>1) //Not single/multiple tracks played simultaneously?
return 0; //Not single track!
nexttrack: //Read the next track!
if (fread(&currenttrack, 1, sizeof(currenttrack), f) != sizeof(currenttrack)) //Error in track?
return 0; //Invalid track!
if (currenttrack.Header != MIDIHEADER_TRACK_ID) //Not a track ID?
Show last 311 lines
return 0; //Invalid track header!
if (!currenttrack.length) //No length?
return 0; //Invalid track length!
tracklength = byteswap32(currenttrack.length); //Calculate the length of the track!
data = zalloc(tracklength,"MIDI_DATA"); //Allocate data!
if (!data) //Ran out of memory?
return 0; //Ran out of memory!
if (fread(data, 1, tracklength, f) != tracklength) //Error reading data?
freez((void **)&data, tracklength, "MIDI_DATA");
return 0; //Error reading data!

++currenttrackn; //Increase the number of tracks loaded!
if (currenttrackn > maxchannels) //Limit broken?
freez((void **)&data, tracklength, "MIDI_DATA");
return 0; //Limit broken: we can't store the file!

channels[currenttrackn - 1] = data; //Safe the pointer to the data!
memcpy(tracks, &currenttrack, sizeof(currenttrack)); //Copy track information!
++tracks; //Next track!
if (/*(byteswap16(header->format) > 0) &&*/ (currenttrackn<byteswap16(header->n))) //Format 1? Take all tracks!
goto nexttrack; //Next track to check!

/*if (!feof(f)) //Not @EOF when required?
freez((void **)data, byteswap32(currenttrack.length), "MIDI_DATA"); //Release current if there!
return 0; //Incomplete file!
activetempo = 500000; //Default = 120BPM = 500000 microseconds/quarter note!
return currenttrackn; //Give the result: the ammount of tracks loaded!

void freeMID(TRACK_CHNK *tracks, byte **channels, word numchannels)
uint_32 channelnr;
for (channelnr = 0; channelnr < numchannels; channelnr++)
freez(&channels[channelnr], byteswap32(tracks[channelnr].length), "MIDI_DATA"); //Try to free!

byte consumeStream(byte **stream, byte *result)
if (!memprotect(*stream, 1, "MIDI_DATA")) return 0; //Error: EOS!
*result = **stream; //Read!
++(*stream); //Increase pointer in the stream!
return 1; //Consumed!

byte peekStream(byte **stream, byte *result)
if (!memprotect(*stream, 1, "MIDI_DATA")) return 0; //Error: EOS!
*result = *(*stream); //Consume a byte!
return 1; //Consumed!

byte read_VLV(byte **midi_stream, uint_32 *result)
uint_32 temp = 0;
byte curdata;
if (!consumeStream(midi_stream, &curdata)) return 0; //Read first VLV failed?
for (;;) //Process/read the VLV!
temp |= (curdata & 0x7F); //Add to length!
if (!(curdata & 0x80)) break; //No byte to follow?
temp <<= 7; //Make some room for the next byte!
if (!consumeStream(midi_stream, &curdata)) return 0; //Read VLV failed?
*result = temp; //Give the result!
return 1; //OK!

float calcfreq(uint_32 tempo, HEADER_CHNK *header)
float PPQN, speed;
byte frames;
byte subframes; //Pulses per quarter note!
word division;
division = byteswap16(header->division); //Byte swap!

if (division & 0x8000) //SMTPE?
frames = (float)((division >> 8)&0x7F); //Frames!
subframes = (float)(division & 0xFF); //Subframes!
speed = frames; //Default: we're the frames!
if (subframes)
//We don't use the tempo: our rate is fixed!
frames *= subframes; //The result in subframes/second!
speed = frames; //Use (sub)frames!
//PPQN method!
PPQN = (float)division; //Read PPQN!
speed = (float)tempo; //Convert to speed!
speed /= 1000000.0f; //Divide by 1 second!
speed /= PPQN; //Divide to get the ticks per second!
speed = 1.0f / speed; //Ammount per second!
speed *= 0.5f; //Divide by 2 for slower speed!
//We're counting in ticks!
return speed; //ticks per second!

//The protective semaphore for our flags!
SDL_sem *MID_timing_pos_Lock = NULL; //Timing position lock!
SDL_sem *MID_BPM_Lock = NULL; //BPM/Active tempo lock!

uint_64 timing_pos = 0; //Current timing position!
float BPM = 0.0f; //No BPM by default!

void updateMIDTimer(HEADER_CHNK *header) //Request an update of our timer!
addtimer(calcfreq(activetempo, header), (Handler)&timing_pos, "MID_tempotimer", 0, 2, MID_timing_pos_Lock); //Add a counter timer!

//The protective semaphore for the hardware!
SDL_sem *MIDLock = NULL;

#define MIDI_ERROR(position) {error = position; goto abortMIDI;}

void playMIDIStream(word channel, byte *midi_stream, HEADER_CHNK *header)
byte *curstream = midi_stream; //Copy the stream!
byte curdata;

//Metadata event!
byte meta_type;
uint_32 length; //Our metadata variable length!

uint_64 play_pos = 0; //Current play position!

uint_32 delta_time; //Delta time!

byte last_command = 0; //Last executed command!

int_32 error = 0; //Default: no error!
for (;;) //Playing?
//First, timing information and timing itself!
if (!read_VLV(&curstream, &delta_time)) return; //Read VLV time index!
play_pos += delta_time; //Add the delta time to the playing position!
for (;;)
if (timing_pos >= play_pos)
break; //Arrived? Play!
delay(0); //Wait for our tick!

if (!peekStream(&curstream, &curdata))
return; //Failed to peek!
if (curdata == 0xFF) //System?
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) return; //EOS!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &meta_type)) return; //Meta type failed? Give error!
if (!read_VLV(&curstream, &length)) return; //Error: unexpected EOS!
switch (meta_type) //What event?
case 0x2F: //EOT?
dolog("MID", "channel %i: EOT!", channel); //EOT reached!
return; //End of track reached: done!
case 0x51: //Set tempo?
removetimer("MID_tempotimer"); //Remove old timer!

if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) return; //Tempo 1/3 failed?
activetempo = curdata; //Final byte!
activetempo <<= 8;
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) return; //Tempo 2/3 failed?
activetempo |= curdata; //Final byte!
activetempo <<= 8;
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) return; //Tempo 3/3 failed?
activetempo |= curdata; //Final byte!
//Tempo = us per quarter note!


dolog("MID", "channel %i: Set Tempo:%06X!", channel, activetempo);

default: //Unrecognised meta event? Skip it!
dolog("MID", "Unrecognised meta type: %02X@Channel %i; Data length: %i", meta_type, channel,length); //Log the unrecognised metadata type!
for (; length--;) //Process length bytes!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) return; //Skip failed?
else //Hardware?

if (curdata & 0x80) //Starting a new command?
dolog("MID", "Status@Channel %i=%02X", channel, curdata);
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(1) //EOS!
last_command = curdata; //Save the last command!
if (last_command != 0xF7) //Escaped continue isn't sent!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, last_command); //Send the command!
dolog("MID", "Continued status@Channel %i: %02X=>%02X",channel, last_command, curdata);
if (last_command != 0xF7) //Escaped continue isn't used last?
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, last_command); //Repeat the status bytes: we don't know what the other channels do!

//Process the data for the command!
switch ((last_command >> 4) & 0xF) //What command to send data for?
case 0xF: //Special?
switch (last_command & 0xF) //What subcommand are we sending?
case 0x0: //System exclusive?
case 0x7: //Escaped continue?
if (!read_VLV(&curstream, &length)) MIDI_ERROR(2) //Error: unexpected EOS!
for (; length--;) //Transmit the packet!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(3+length) //EOS!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Send the byte!
case 0x1:
case 0x3:
//1 byte follows!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(2) //EOS!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Passthrough to MIDI!
case 0x2:
//2 bytes follow!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(2) //EOS!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Passthrough to MIDI!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(3) //EOS!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Passthrough to MIDI!
default: //Unknown special instruction?
break; //Single byte instruction?
case 0x8: //Note off?
case 0x9: //Note on?
case 0xA: //Aftertouch?
case 0xB: //Control change?
case 0xE: //Pitch bend?
//2 bytes follow!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(2) //EOS!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Passthrough to MIDI!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(3) //EOS!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Passthrough to MIDI!
case 0xC: //Program change?
case 0xD: //Channel pressure/aftertouch?
//1 byte follows
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(2) //EOS!
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Passthrough to MIDI!
default: //Unknown data? We're sending directly to the hardware! We shouldn't be here!
if (!consumeStream(&curstream, &curdata)) MIDI_ERROR(2) //EOS!
dolog("MID", "Warning: Unknown data detected@channel %i: passthrough to MIDI device: %02X!",channel,curdata);
PORT_OUT_B(0x330, curdata); //Passthrough to MIDI!
if (error)
dolog("MID", "channel %i: Error @position %i during MID processing! Unexpected EOS? Last command: %02X, Current data: %02X",channel,error,last_command,curdata);
SDL_SemPost(MIDLock); //Finish up!
return; //Abort on error!
SDL_SemPost(MIDLock); //Finish: prepare for next command!

The loader:

extern uint_64 timing_pos; //Current timing position for MIDI speed playback!

word MID_RUNNING = 0;


SDL_sem *MID_channel_Lock = NULL; //Our channel lock for counting running MIDI!

byte *MID_data[100]; //Tempo and music track!
TRACK_CHNK MID_tracks[100];

void handleMIDIChannel()
word channel;
channel = (word)getthreadparams(); //Gotten a channel?
playMIDIStream(channel,MID_data[channel], &header); //Play the MIDI stream!
dolog("MID", "Channel %i finished", channel); //We're finished!
--MID_RUNNING; //Done!

//All used locks!
extern SDL_sem *MIDLock;
extern SDL_sem *MID_timing_pos_Lock;
extern SDL_sem *MID_BPM_Lock;


	memset(&MID_data, 0, sizeof(MID_data)); //Init data!
memset(&MID_tracks, 0, sizeof(MID_tracks)); //Init tracks!

word numchannels = 0;
if ((numchannels = readMID("MPU.mid", &header, &MID_tracks[0], &MID_data[0], 100)))
//Initialise our device!
PORT_OUT_B(0x331, 0xFF); //Reset!
PORT_OUT_B(0x331, 0x3F); //Kick to UART mode!
updateMIDTimer(&header); //Update the timer!

//Create the semaphore for the threads!
MIDLock = SDL_CreateSemaphore(1);
MID_timing_pos_Lock = SDL_CreateSemaphore(1);
MID_BPM_Lock = SDL_CreateSemaphore(1);
MID_channel_Lock = SDL_CreateSemaphore(1);

//Now, start up all timers!

word i;
MID_RUNNING = numchannels; //Init to all running!
for (i = 0; i < numchannels; i++)
startThread(&handleMIDIChannel, "MIDI_STREAM", (void *)i, DEFAULT_PRIORITY); //Start a thread handling the output of the channel!

delay(10000); //Wait a bit to allow for initialisation (position 0) to run!

startTimers(0); //Start our timers!

byte running = 1; //Are we running?

for (;;) //Wait to end!
delay(1000000); //Wait 1sec intervals!
running = 0; //Not running anymore!
if (!running) break; //Not running anymore? Start quitting!

//Destroy semaphore

removetimer("MID_tempotimer"); //Clean up!
freeMID(&MID_tracks[0], &MID_data[0], numchannels); //Free all channels!

What happens:
- The loader does the normal 'CPU' work.
- The midi channel processes a channel and send it to the MPU-401.
- The Dosbox mpu.cpp sends command and data bytes it to my emulated MIDI processing layer (Dosbox itself sends it to Windows/Unix etc.), since it's in UART mode.
- My MIDI processing layer processes command and sets them a command at a time to my playback engine.
- My MIDI playback engine handles everything to generate the sound:
- 1. Process the command and execute it.
- 2. Voice sound thread: Make the correct sound using the SoundFont backend and envelopes.

Anyone knows if the above parser is correct?

BTW, the delay(us) function delays the current thread. PORT_OUT_B(port,data) sends data to the MPU-401.

Author of the UniPCemu emulator.
UniPCemu Git repository
UniPCemu for Android, Windows, PSP, Vita and Switch on itch.io