Reply 40 of 49, by Bruninho

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DosFreak wrote on 2020-01-09, 14:34:

Even if it was which I doubt is the code it uses open source? The virtualization products have never had good sound quality, features or compatibily compared to emulators mostly due to that's not what those products are intended for.

I agree with you, but VMware Fusion getting SB16 emulation is not only for games, but also for music (I know some people who still use very old music apps and needed it).

But I agree they aren't and shouldn't be intended for gaming purposes - DOSBox is better at this, but does not have wifi networking functionalities, hence why I use VMware.

I'm deaf, and I use a cochlear implant in my right ear since around 2007-2008. If the recently-added SB16 on Fusion can play it better than DOSBox or not, I can't tell the difference. Hence why I am asking it...

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 42 of 49, by dreamer_

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James-F wrote on 2020-01-09, 15:38:

If everything goes smoothly, DOSBox will have awesome SB16 filtering emulation.

Is lack of perfect filtering emulation a root cause for clicking sound when using anything other than SB1? Or does the real hardware behave the same and the existing emulation is actually correct?

I think this problem was mentioned on forum already, but it was definitely reported as a bug: https://sourceforge.net/p/dosbox/bugs/510/

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Reply 43 of 49, by gdjacobs

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James-F wrote on 2020-01-09, 15:38:

This is exactly what Qbix is trying to do,, WinFilter can export C or VHDL code.
If everything goes smoothly, DOSBox will have awesome SB16 filtering emulation.

I haven't worked with WinFilter, although the excess ringing and overshoot on the knee looks a lot more like a truncated sinc function without an optimized window. Windowed sinc also provides a parameterized transition band, so you can make a more gentle or steep transition depending on sound preference or accuracy needs. I've done similar data filtering (not on audio) by tapering the Fourier series before transforming back to the spatial set, but windowed sinc looks like a more shake-and-bake way of doing it. I'm just not sure if the performance budget is sufficient for this amount of processing. However, sinc also looks like it's fairly trivial to vectorize, so there are probably avenues to take for squeezing out enough cycles.

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Reply 46 of 49, by appiah4

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At this point it's a priority for only you and me I'd guess 🤣

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Reply 47 of 49, by Spikey

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I mean, it's something that should to me be fairly obviously implemented without the need for any further discussion, but given the lack of response here, maybe James-F should talk to DOSBox-X or other branches to get it working correctly. I moved over to X years back and only use "vanilla" for games that need it.

Reply 48 of 49, by KainXVIII

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appiah4 wrote on 2022-04-15, 14:05:

At this point it's a priority for only you and me I'd guess 🤣

(too bad i can't help in any way =( )

Reply 49 of 49, by Gmlb256

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appiah4 wrote on 2022-04-15, 14:05:

At this point it's a priority for only you and me I'd guess 🤣

It is also important for me. 😁

PCem implemented it and it's not a bad idea to talk with DOSBox-X's developer due to similar focus in accuracy.

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