Dosbox vs Qemu+Freedos

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First post, by divinity

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Dosbox and Qemu are about the same speed ( 15-25 FPS in Quake 2 Dos (320x200 resolution) http://dk.toastednet.org/Q2DOS/ ).
But when i enable KVM for Qemu i get 80-85 FPS at 800x600. http://wiki.qemu-project.org/Features/KVM
Would it be possible to implement KVM for Dosbox?

My PC and OS: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz with a GTX 760 - Arch Linux x64

Reply 1 of 7, by awgamer

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qemu+kvm is essentially virtualbox. virtualbox took qemu as its base and uses hardware virtualization features, kvm is hardware virtualization features bolted to qemu.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lvF9n … pNU/edit#gid=12

Not the same thing but wine has integrated dosbox

As for your question, yes it's possible, but not the focus of dosbox so with the source available it'd be up to you or someone else to implement such an integration and it has been talked about before.
https://github.com/joncampbell123/dosbox-x/bl … 20driver%29.txt

Reply 2 of 7, by gdjacobs

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Wouldn't hardware virtualization complicate DOSBox throttling as well?

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Reply 3 of 7, by awgamer

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virtualbox has cpu throttling.

Reply 4 of 7, by DosFreak

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divinity wrote:
Dosbox and Qemu are about the same speed ( 15-25 FPS in Quake 2 Dos (320x200 resolution) http://dk.toastednet.org/Q2DOS/ ). But […]
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Dosbox and Qemu are about the same speed ( 15-25 FPS in Quake 2 Dos (320x200 resolution) http://dk.toastednet.org/Q2DOS/ ).
But when i enable KVM for Qemu i get 80-85 FPS at 800x600. http://wiki.qemu-project.org/Features/KVM
Would it be possible to implement KVM for Dosbox?

My PC and OS: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz with a GTX 760 - Arch Linux x64

This isn't a competition. Qemu has different goals than DOSBox.

Use the original binary or a port for your host OS for Quake 2.

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Reply 5 of 7, by divinity

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I just wanted to show Dosbox with KVM could be 4x times faster and i used Quake 2 as a Benchmark.
@awgamer The spreadsheet is interesting.

Reply 6 of 7, by Ringding

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Because with KVM, it’s the hardware doing its job at full speed.

DOSBox does not use hardware virtualization for many (good) reasons.

- It can run in a virtualized guest OS
- It can run on non-Intel systems
- It can probably provide a better debugging environment (?)

Reply 7 of 7, by wadrasil

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You can run dosbox-x within dos on qemu after loading hx-dos. This works with whpx and kvm. So no need to add this to dosbox directly.