Reply 20 of 42, by SysGOD

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ive tested the directx version of jjffe 28a7, the hires hack (from anton lindström) and anisos mod 0.9c. the music is working properly with these.

with the sdl version of jjffe and kolijocos binary i hear no music. also no converted files can be found in the MUSIC folder after playing.

when i rename the FX folder before running kolijocos binary, the missing sound files are logged in the stderr.txt file correctly. but with a renamed MUSIC folder nothing happens. it seems like the program is not using music at any way.

I have been playing around with kolijoco versions and I am quite impressed and didn't miss the lack of music...

hmm then it must be a problem with my system. i try to figure it out.

Reply 21 of 42, by Wintermute

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SysGOD wrote:

I have been playing around with kolijoco versions and I am quite impressed and didn't miss the lack of music...

hmm then it must be a problem with my system. i try to figure it out.

I think you misunderstood him somewhat. If I understand correctly, there is no music for him either in kolijoco's build, but since the music was faulty on his computer in the other versions, he didn't really miss it in this actual build.

Reply 22 of 42, by Malichite

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Yes, you are correct Wintermute, sorry for the confusion. I meant that on my Audigy 2 the music doesn't work properly using JJFFE with the original midi files from the cd, so I have to disable music in ALL versions to avoid the irritating stuck notes. I was only trying to saying that since I never play with music enabled, I wouldn't notice/care if kolijoco's version correctly supported the music midis.

You are also correct that regardless of how you setup kolijoco's version there is no music, so this is a discrepancy from the other versions that you mentioned. One thing I also noticed about Anton's hires version is that while music works, none of the videos have sound regardless of the in game settings. There is an updated source patch for Anton's version that mention fixing some sound issues, but I am not sure whether the binary I downloaded included that sound patch or not.

Lastly, that music problem I was referring to earlier is discussed on the official JJFFE FAQ under the heading:

Why do the notes seem to stick in the music?

Some of the FFE MIDI files (the ones not starting with QQ) were badly converted from the FE2 files. They seem to rely on soundcards automatically lifting notes after a few seconds. This generally works on FM chipsets but not with wavetable. Current workarounds include replacing the errant files or simply disabling them within FFE. Ideally someone would remove the stuck notes from the MIDI files, but it's not exactly my specialty.

Reply 23 of 42, by kolijoco

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true, there is no support in the sdl version for midi playback (anisos binary uses directx). i might fix that later, or rather add support for ogg playback instead. till then record the midis to mp3 and play them winamp in the background 😀

Reply 24 of 42, by SysGOD

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ok thx for the info guys. hehe i was very close to setting up a new windows installation because of this. 😊

Reply 25 of 42, by kolijoco

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the new full opengl rasterizer driven beta is up at
this is very beta (work in progress, but playable), i just couldn't help posting it 😀
let me know what you think. i'll fix fullscreen this weekend...
if someone comes up with some nice fonts, let me know!

Reply 26 of 42, by kolijoco

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fixed fullscreen. looks great on 16080x1050 😀
check the site for the new download.

Reply 27 of 42, by Malichite

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Excellent work! I played around a bit with it on the weekend and I definitely love the higher resolutions with OpenGL that also supports Anti-Aliasing! I was hoping someone would implement one of the scaling / filtering routines in order to remove the jaggies, but now I can use the built in abilities of the modern video cards instead. 😅

One slight problem that I have found is however in relation to using AA is that if enabled the text on the various menus (i.e. System Option Menu or the Ship Configuration Menu) disappears. If you rapidly click between various screen you can still briefly see that the text is properly display, but it is quickly replaced with a black box where the text usually should be. Not really sure if it is something with my settings or drivers, but you might want to try enabling AA and checking it out yourself.

Not to be ungrateful though, since playing at 1280x960 already helps the jaggies immensely even in exclusion of AA.


Reply 28 of 42, by kolijoco

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thanks for the feedback!
just posted v0.93 (might have to click reload on my homepage, to make sure you're looking at the latest version)
the font engine is finally what it should be :-)
fsaa bug is noted. fsaa doesn't seem to like my nifty double buffer hack, i'll try and fix it...
keep the feedback coming!
oh yeah, and spread the word on any elite related forums you stumble upon. i don't do irc or newsgroups (so someone could do that for me). any hints on websites that could link mine would also be welcome... (i know its a small community, thats why i'm trying to keep it alive :-)

Reply 29 of 42, by SysGOD

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AWESOME! great work. i tested v0.93 today and it runs good in 1280 with AA. the new scaled font is exactly what it should be 😀 but i have some graphical corruptions mostly during the intro. iam not sure if it is something with my settings or graphic driver but take a look at my combined screenshot. on the first one the FIRST ENCOUNTERS logo at the bottom shows up 1 or 2 sec to late. the second shows some wrong planet textures, this happens also ingame after a specific distance from the planet. the explosions on the third have a grey border.
all shots where taken from a clean FFE installation with 0.93 and default GLFFE.CFG file and no AA.
i try to isolate the corruption and let you know if i found something specific.

iam missing the glffe.cfg file in your zip. 😉

Reply 30 of 42, by kolijoco

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i'm awere of most of these, i can quick-fix most of these (the bottom of the screen not being clipped properly). the issue with textures and their colors is an interesting one: most of ffe's texturing in ffe is "simulated progressive", thus most textures are just detail textures with (just) 8 shades. when something is being textured a color lookup palette is passed to tell the renderer what colors those eight shades correspond to. the original code passes palette entries for colors, i tried to make it pass the original 12 bit color value - ffe's internal format - (before corresponding palette values are matched to them) hoping to improve color quality somewhat. this seems to work fine just about everywhere, except the terrain textures. i'm looking into it, and if i can't fix it, i'll revert to just using the palette (mostly because i can't see much improvement with using 12 bit colors).

Reply 31 of 42, by kolijoco

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also for the time being please validate visual bugs without FSAA as well, so i know which ones are realted to FSAA. opengl buffer swapping is pretty loose within the standard. double buffering combined with ss can have wide ranging results on differnet implementations (hardware/driver/platform) - thusits a b!@#$ to debug. 🙁

Reply 32 of 42, by kolijoco

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fixed terrain texturing and improved lower screen clipping in new version 0.94. i'll try to fix the journal issue next, than do a cockpit/console update. so the next update might take a while... check this thread or the homepage for updates... and keep the feedback coming 😀

Reply 33 of 42, by SysGOD

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thats it. i played 0.94 the whole night. no graphic issues or new bugs found.
hmm iam wondering if it is possible to make a fix that FFE remembers the settings in the options screen at startup (detail level, space color...). what do you think?

and good luck with your next release. 😉

Reply 34 of 42, by bastard14

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Ok i'm very drunk and i've NEVER used a forum before so apologies if this comes out all wrong.

Firstly thanks VERY much to kolijoco (or whatever) for this glffe thing. didnt expect to find anything this cool at all. was resigned to playing jjffe in crap-o-vision for the rest of my days so big TANKS!

I think u said u wanted bug reports tho' so here's one from me.

I get flickering screens when going from the 3d world view to station main screen ( u know witht al lthe options for stock market, bb, etc) its fine when goin to any other view tho. also if i go into the pause menu, for grtaphic options etc, it flickers from any screen.

By flickering i mean alternate frames will show the previous screen and then the present screen.

i hope this makes sense. i amd very drunk.

Big buig good karma pie at u tho for doin something excellent. tanks uou muchly 😀 😀

Reply 36 of 42, by SysGOD

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thanks for the info. the screenshots looks promising, i'll give it a try. 😉

PS: kolijoco has released v0.97 of his glFFE replacement executable with some bugfixes and new features.

Reply 37 of 42, by UK_John

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Well, I would love to use glFFE, but for some reason I do not get the video's of the shipyeards, etc. Just the voices, even though I have the vids in the dta folder. Run the game with any other mod, like jjffee,exe, etc and I get the vids! What's the point of having the full game on CD if you cannot play the vids! 😀

Reply 38 of 42, by SysGOD

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yes thats a known problem, but kolijoco didn't work on his project anymore. so you have to use jjffe (or other mods) if you want working videos for now. but given the choice between videos and hires, i know which i'd go for. 😉

btw, there is a great mod of glffe which makes it opengl 1.2 compatible, doubles the planet detail and has some bugfixes if you want to try it...


Reply 39 of 42, by UK_John

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SysGOD, I know about that mod, and it does make the graphics look better, but I am not a graphic whore, and I like the vids, and the fact that every other mod allows them, show that every other mod maker thought gamers wanted them or should have the option. Only this mod said, in so many words, 'you don't need them, 'cos I said so!' sort of thing!

Anyway, thanks for letting me know about the mod - you didn't know I already knew about it so you should feel good about your helpful self! 😀