First post, by Jubal the Wizard
Hey all,
I have recently acquired two ABIT BP6 motherboards. Both will not boot, however neither provides BIOS beep codes nor do they display errors on my motherboard diagnostics chip. After hours of troubleshooting, I think I have a solution, though I want to run it by you all before I pull the trigger on a new Ebay thing:
I have two 533 MHz Celeron procs. Those required a BIOS flash to work with the BIOS. Would this cause my no-display issue without a beep code on both boards?
Steps I've already taken:
I have swapped the RAM between PC66 32 MB and PC 100 128 MB,
reduced capacity to one stick,
reduced CPU count to only one (tried to boot with both CPU socket one and two)
tested the 20-pin connector of my power supply with a multimeter (one 5V rail read 4.8V... but that was the only anomaly)
tried 6 different graphics cards (PCI and all different speeds of AGP)
replaced the CMOS battery,
and discharged the CMOS after each change.
pwease hewp me. uwu.