Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 44320 of 53747, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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WJG6260 wrote on 2022-05-03, 00:15:

The D850EMV2, however, is a monster of a board. It's stable, fast, and really easy to work with. It's surprisingly modern, offering something akin to today's "fast boot" and boy does it boot fast! I appreciate that this board can drive the 3.06GHz Northwood with HT, and I've got one on the way just to see how it does. Unfortunately, however, I have discovered that this board--whilst being of late enough revision to natively run PC1066--cannot handle more than 1.5GB of PC1066 RAM, confirmed by the issues another fellow member of the forum had here. (Check out this build by the way, it's quite nice!) Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is the case? Apparently, it's fine with 2GB of PC800, and other RDRAM boards based on the i850E are good to go with 2GB of PC1066.

Are your RDRAM RIMMs (PC1066-32P) ECC or non-ECC, as the board is known to support 2GB (albeit rather grudgingly) with PC1066-32P ECC...http://wp.xin.at/archives/tag/d850emvr

Reply 44321 of 53747, by Meatball

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H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 06:56:
Nice, but ... :) […]
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Meatball wrote on 2022-05-03, 02:53:

I completed my set of 66MHz Celerons, from the original 266MHz up to the 766MHz. I also picked up another Slocket - I like the Pentium II casing on this one.

Nice, but ... 😀

According to my philosophy, there's a few more than that:

The Covingtons: 266 and 300, both exist in a version with a small lid and one with a big lid, all in Slot-1
Mendocino 300A, 333, 366, 400 and 433 both exist in Slot-1 and Socket 370 versions

So all in all that's a total af 25 variants 😉

However, you seem to have at least all speeds covered, but do you have both a 300 and a 300A? 😀

Now I understand why one of the slot 1 varieties I have has a small lid. Thanks!

My goal was only to cover the 66MHz FSB, one at each speed. Collecting all the variants, mobile, slot 1 or 370, or 100MHz versions we’re to be avoided.

Yes, one is the 300 and 300A. Also 533 and 533A is covered.

Reply 44322 of 53747, by imi

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AppleSauce wrote on 2022-05-03, 06:38:

My Awe 64 Gold came in today , I'll have to get it set up , but first ill need to figure out how to get a dual boot install of win95 alongside dos 6.22 since I don't want to lose all my files and game installs.

what's wrong with Win95s DOS mode? ^^

Reply 44323 of 53747, by Bancho

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Picked up this nice Adaptec TotalAdvantage VL SCSI/IDE card today. Was boxed complete with manuals, disks and SCSI cable. Got it for a nice price of £10. Plan to use it in my 486 machine.


Reply 44324 of 53747, by H3nrik V!

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Meatball wrote on 2022-05-03, 10:36:
Now I understand why one of the slot 1 varieties I have has a small lid. Thanks! […]
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H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 06:56:
Nice, but ... :) […]
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Meatball wrote on 2022-05-03, 02:53:

I completed my set of 66MHz Celerons, from the original 266MHz up to the 766MHz. I also picked up another Slocket - I like the Pentium II casing on this one.

Nice, but ... 😀

According to my philosophy, there's a few more than that:

The Covingtons: 266 and 300, both exist in a version with a small lid and one with a big lid, all in Slot-1
Mendocino 300A, 333, 366, 400 and 433 both exist in Slot-1 and Socket 370 versions

So all in all that's a total af 25 variants 😉

However, you seem to have at least all speeds covered, but do you have both a 300 and a 300A? 😀

Now I understand why one of the slot 1 varieties I have has a small lid. Thanks!

My goal was only to cover the 66MHz FSB, one at each speed. Collecting all the variants, mobile, slot 1 or 370, or 100MHz versions we’re to be avoided.

Yes, one is the 300 and 300A. Also 533 and 533A is covered.

That makes sense to have each speed. My goal is one of each "variant". That is, package type, speed, etc., covering all P5/P6 architecture CPUs. For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

If one would ever want to expand, there is also different sSpecs of each, as well as country of manufacture. That's the level I won't take it to ... (yet) 🤣

Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀

Reply 44325 of 53747, by Meatball

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H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:16:
Meatball wrote on 2022-05-03, 10:36:
Now I understand why one of the slot 1 varieties I have has a small lid. Thanks! […]
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H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 06:56:
Nice, but ... :) […]
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Nice, but ... 😀

According to my philosophy, there's a few more than that:

The Covingtons: 266 and 300, both exist in a version with a small lid and one with a big lid, all in Slot-1
Mendocino 300A, 333, 366, 400 and 433 both exist in Slot-1 and Socket 370 versions

So all in all that's a total af 25 variants 😉

However, you seem to have at least all speeds covered, but do you have both a 300 and a 300A? 😀

Now I understand why one of the slot 1 varieties I have has a small lid. Thanks!

My goal was only to cover the 66MHz FSB, one at each speed. Collecting all the variants, mobile, slot 1 or 370, or 100MHz versions we’re to be avoided.

Yes, one is the 300 and 300A. Also 533 and 533A is covered.

That makes sense to have each speed. My goal is one of each "variant". That is, package type, speed, etc., covering all P5/P6 architecture CPUs. For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

If one would ever want to expand, there is also different sSpecs of each, as well as country of manufacture. That's the level I won't take it to ... (yet) 🤣

I was wondering if you might take it that far...heh.

Reply 44326 of 53747, by RaiderOfLostVoodoo

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H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:16:

For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

Wait, what? There is a 1500MHz Tualatin?
Probably gonna cost you 2 kidneys and your firstborn, right?

Reply 44327 of 53747, by Gmlb256

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imi wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:08:
AppleSauce wrote on 2022-05-03, 06:38:

My Awe 64 Gold came in today , I'll have to get it set up , but first ill need to figure out how to get a dual boot install of win95 alongside dos 6.22 since I don't want to lose all my files and game installs.

what's wrong with Win95s DOS mode? ^^

The main reason for this is that certain programs doesn't work propely with FAT32 partitions (a FAT16 partition or RAM drive could be used as workaround) and proper support for Windows 3.x (there is W3XSTART but I don't recommend that because it isn't optimal). This only applies if the Windows 95 version is OSR2 and later which has MS-DOS 7.1 internally.

There are also some software that checks which DOS version is being used and refuses to work if isn't the expected version. SETVER can used to get around this but it isn't perfect.

If the computer is solely used for gaming, this is mosly redundant. There are ways to boot directly into MS-DOS mode without running the GUI.

For CTCM and CTCU, here is a solution: Patched CTCM/CTCU to remove Windows detection

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 44328 of 53747, by Cuttoon

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AppleSauce wrote on 2022-05-03, 06:38:

My Awe 64 Gold came in today , I'll have to get it set up , but first ill need to figure out how to get a dual boot install of win95 alongside dos 6.22 since I don't want to lose all my files and game installs.

Sigh, it is a nice card. I'm so glad that I got one before the tide came in... Also with a minor bling bling factor, yet still to be had in the single digits:

The attachment Terratec_Xfire_1024.JPG is no longer available

Nice for orphaned 5.25 slots in old cases and apart from actual HDDs, it offers the option of accessing a CF card from the front and store floppys. Produced in this millennium, so built like a yoghurt bucket, but it includes two little fans.

The attachment 100_0670.JPG is no longer available

I like jumpers.

Reply 44329 of 53747, by H3nrik V!

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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-05-03, 13:45:
H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:16:

For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

Wait, what? There is a 1500MHz Tualatin?
Probably gonna cost you 2 kidneys and your firstborn, right?

Tualatin-based Celeron, i.e. 256KiB Cache, 100MHz FSB . It has sSpec SL6C5 ..

Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀

Reply 44330 of 53747, by TrashPanda

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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-05-03, 13:45:
H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:16:

For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

Wait, what? There is a 1500MHz Tualatin?
Probably gonna cost you 2 kidneys and your firstborn, right?

Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ?

There is a model number (SL6C5) for it but no Intel ARK page link which makes me think that it was never publicly released and is likely a ES sample, there is also no release date for it either which just adds to it being a ES chip.

Should such a rare beast ever show up on eBay I give it a half life of less than 5 seconds before it gets sniped.

On a side note I picked up this lovely bit of kit for a retro server build, I want to try and setup a local file network for my retro machines to make it easier to get files to and from them.

The attachment s-l1600.jpg is no longer available

Comes with a 3ghz P4 and 2gb of ram along with all the accessories, since I have a PCI-X SCSI card and a PCI-X Parhelia I figure I will move them to this build, I do wish it had the AGP Pro slot but it doesnt have it but it may be possible to solder one since its got the unpopulated space for it. The board does have SATA Raid so I will also use some Raptors I have as a second array !

Reply 44331 of 53747, by chrismeyer6

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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:16:
Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ? […]
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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-05-03, 13:45:
H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:16:

For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

Wait, what? There is a 1500MHz Tualatin?
Probably gonna cost you 2 kidneys and your firstborn, right?

Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ?

There is a model number (SL6C5) for it but no Intel ARK page link which makes me think that it was never publicly released and is likely a ES sample, there is also no release date for it either which just adds to it being a ES chip.

Should such a rare beast ever show up on eBay I give it a half life of less than 5 seconds before it gets sniped.

On a side note I picked up this lovely bit of kit for a retro server build, I want to try and setup a local file network for my retro machines to make it easier to get files to and from them.


Comes with a 3ghz P4 and 2gb of ram along with all the accessories, since I have a PCI-X SCSI card and a PCI-X Parhelia I figure I will move them to this build, I do wish it had the AGP Pro slot but it doesnt have it but it may be possible to solder one since its got the unpopulated space for it. The board does have SATA Raid so I will also use some Raptors I have as a second array !

That'll make quite the nice retro file server. As for the agp slot if you have the ability to do that kinda work can't hurt to try adding it.

Reply 44332 of 53747, by TrashPanda

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chrismeyer6 wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:42:
TrashPanda wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:16:
Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ? […]
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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-05-03, 13:45:

Wait, what? There is a 1500MHz Tualatin?
Probably gonna cost you 2 kidneys and your firstborn, right?

Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ?

There is a model number (SL6C5) for it but no Intel ARK page link which makes me think that it was never publicly released and is likely a ES sample, there is also no release date for it either which just adds to it being a ES chip.

Should such a rare beast ever show up on eBay I give it a half life of less than 5 seconds before it gets sniped.

On a side note I picked up this lovely bit of kit for a retro server build, I want to try and setup a local file network for my retro machines to make it easier to get files to and from them.


Comes with a 3ghz P4 and 2gb of ram along with all the accessories, since I have a PCI-X SCSI card and a PCI-X Parhelia I figure I will move them to this build, I do wish it had the AGP Pro slot but it doesnt have it but it may be possible to solder one since its got the unpopulated space for it. The board does have SATA Raid so I will also use some Raptors I have as a second array !

That'll make quite the nice retro file server. As for the agp slot if you have the ability to do that kinda work can't hurt to try adding it.

It will, not sure if I should throw Linux on it or use Windows NT4, NT would possibly be the less painful choice since I have more experience with it than Linux and finding drivers would be easier. (I also have no idea if the Parhelia even has Linux drivers)

Off to find a decent PCI-X network card for it to add extra networking options. (a gigabit network card would be pretty awesome for it)

Last edited by TrashPanda on 2022-05-03, 15:53. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 44333 of 53747, by chrismeyer6

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For easy of use I'd go the NT Server or 2K server route and it's also fun playing with these old server versions of windows.

Reply 44334 of 53747, by TrashPanda

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chrismeyer6 wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:53:

For easy of use I'd go the NT Server or 2K server route and it's also fun playing with these old server versions of windows.

Server 2k should play ok with the older systems, figured NT4 would be better for older DOS and Windows setups but if I can use 2k then that would be even easier.

Reply 44335 of 53747, by H3nrik V!

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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:16:
Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ? […]
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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-05-03, 13:45:
H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:16:

For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

Wait, what? There is a 1500MHz Tualatin?
Probably gonna cost you 2 kidneys and your firstborn, right?

Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ?

There is a model number (SL6C5) for it but no Intel ARK page link which makes me think that it was never publicly released and is likely a ES sample, there is also no release date for it either which just adds to it being a ES chip.

Should such a rare beast ever show up on eBay I give it a half life of less than 5 seconds before it gets sniped.

You may be right. I never actually did the search before now, I was just certain that when it had an sSpec number it would exist for real 🤣

Edit: not in any user's collection here https://www.x86-guide.net/en/cpu/Intel-Celero … cpu-no3016.html

Last edited by H3nrik V! on 2022-05-03, 16:11. Edited 1 time in total.

Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀

Reply 44336 of 53747, by chrismeyer6

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Yeah 2k server should suit your needs perfectly @TrashPanda.

Reply 44337 of 53747, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
TrashPanda wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:16:
Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ? […]
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RaiderOfLostVoodoo wrote on 2022-05-03, 13:45:
H3nrik V! wrote on 2022-05-03, 11:16:

For the Celerons, I am only missing 900 and 1500 MHz Tualatin versions.

Wait, what? There is a 1500MHz Tualatin?
Probably gonna cost you 2 kidneys and your firstborn, right?

Hmm would Intel have made a Celatin that was faster than the Flagship 1400 ?

There is a model number (SL6C5) for it but no Intel ARK page link which makes me think that it was never publicly released and is likely a ES sample, there is also no release date for it either which just adds to it being a ES chip.

Should such a rare beast ever show up on eBay I give it a half life of less than 5 seconds before it gets sniped.

On a side note I picked up this lovely bit of kit for a retro server build, I want to try and setup a local file network for my retro machines to make it easier to get files to and from them.


Comes with a 3ghz P4 and 2gb of ram along with all the accessories, since I have a PCI-X SCSI card and a PCI-X Parhelia I figure I will move them to this build, I do wish it had the AGP Pro slot but it doesnt have it but it may be possible to solder one since its got the unpopulated space for it. The board does have SATA Raid so I will also use some Raptors I have as a second array !

ESs have different s-specs, so I reckon SL6C5 was supposed to be a full release product which obviously got never released.
I also don't remember there being an actual Pentium III 1400MHz Tualatin with 256kb cache, even though it should exist (s-spec SL64W and SL6C2).
Thankfully for us the Tualatin-s 1400 is much more common 😜

Whats missing in your collections?
My retro rigs (old topic)
Interesting Vogons threads (links to Vogonswiki)
Report spammers here!

Reply 44338 of 53747, by luckybob

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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:51:

Off to find a decent PCI-X network card for it to add extra networking options. (a gigabit network card would be pretty awesome for it)


those cards are "BIS" as the young people say. reference: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=BiS

I ONLY use Intel cards, the drivers ALWAYS work. The exception is 10/00 and I use 3com or intel.

not having to faff about with drivers is worth the extra cash.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 44339 of 53747, by pancakepuppy

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luckybob wrote on 2022-05-03, 16:49:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/125010729521 […]
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TrashPanda wrote on 2022-05-03, 15:51:

Off to find a decent PCI-X network card for it to add extra networking options. (a gigabit network card would be pretty awesome for it)


those cards are "BIS" as the young people say. reference: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=BiS

I ONLY use Intel cards, the drivers ALWAYS work. The exception is 10/00 and I use 3com or intel.

not having to faff about with drivers is worth the extra cash.

PRO/1000 T is regular old 64-bit PCI. If one wants PCI-X, search for the PRO/1000 XT (single port) or PRO/1000 MT (dual port)