Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 50000 of 53747, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++

Nice, I was thinking about rounding up a pair of ThinkVisions until I got a surprise steal on a pair of new Sansuis ... still might grab any ThinkVisions that cross my bows cheap though.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 50001 of 53747, by BitWrangler

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We has base levels of functionality, out of the VGA port of a Pavillion G6 with HD6520 graphics. Some shadowing not sure if craptacular output or craptacular cable or what. Little on the fuzzy side. Not sure what refresh is on that, wasn't showing me. Just a quick test before I got it out of the way. I am certain I can improve pic with some fiddling around, gotta download manual and embrain all the specifics.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 50002 of 53747, by pentiumspeed

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That is not signal quality. This is CRT's out of focus. Adjust the focus on back of flyback transformer with sharpened wood chopstick.


Great Northern aka Canada.

Reply 50003 of 53747, by HanSolo

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Got a bag full of cards for free. I wouldn't have spent any money on this since they are all in a horrible condition. However at first glance I didn't notice any obvious damage except some bulging capacitors. But all are untested.

Sapphire X1550 256MB
PixelView GeForce FX5200 128MB
ATI All-In-Wonder X800 VE 256MB
Asus V9560 TD FX5600 128MB
Matrox G100 8MB

PowerColor Radeon HD 5450 512MB
Radeon X700 Pro 256MB
Dell ATI Radeon X1300 256MB
Powercolor AX5750 HD5750 1GB
Leadtek WinFast PX6600 TD GF6600 256MB
NVIDIA GeForce 8600GS 512MB (all capacitors open)
Colorful GeForce 9600GT 512MB

SB Live CT4830 (2x)
SB Live SB0060
SB Audigy SB0570
Trust 5.1 Sound Expert

The only somewhat interesting card seems to be the All-In-Wonder X800, but at that price I'm not complaining 😀 Or what do you think?

Reply 50004 of 53747, by Nexxen

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HanSolo wrote on 2023-08-06, 00:37:
Got a bag full of cards for free. I wouldn't have spent any money on this since they are all in a horrible condition. However at […]
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Got a bag full of cards for free. I wouldn't have spent any money on this since they are all in a horrible condition. However at first glance I didn't notice any obvious damage except some bulging capacitors. But all are untested.

Sapphire X1550 256MB
PixelView GeForce FX5200 128MB
ATI All-In-Wonder X800 VE 256MB
Asus V9560 TD FX5600 128MB
Matrox G100 8MB

PowerColor Radeon HD 5450 512MB
Radeon X700 Pro 256MB
Dell ATI Radeon X1300 256MB
Powercolor AX5750 HD5750 1GB
Leadtek WinFast PX6600 TD GF6600 256MB
NVIDIA GeForce 8600GS 512MB (all capacitors open)
Colorful GeForce 9600GT 512MB

SB Live CT4830 (2x)
SB Live SB0060
SB Audigy SB0570
Trust 5.1 Sound Expert

The only somewhat interesting card seems to be the All-In-Wonder X800, but at that price I'm not complaining 😀 Or what do you think?

5750 and 6600 aren't uniteresting.
At least you have a few to test motherboards and, in the event of a deadly short, nothing to mourn. 😀

Btw, free=always yes!!

PC#1 Pentium 233 MMX - 98SE
PC#2 PIII-1Ghz - 98SE/W2K

Reply 50005 of 53747, by RandomStranger

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Today is a rainy day so I decided this will be the monthly vintage market where I find something special for almost free.

Almost no sellers came. I got another Abit Media XP fromt panel, this time with all the cables as well as an Arctic Cooling Super Silent 4 for s478. I used to own that cooler back in the day and aftermarket (I still have the box somewhere) coolers for s748 are starting to get rare.

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Also seen some s939 and socket A boards with CPUs in them. I considered picking up one with an Athlon XP 3000+ to upgrade the 2800+ in my Win98BOX, but decided againts it. Even with the 2800+ it doesn't lack CPU power.

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 50006 of 53747, by Kahenraz

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I snagged an NVIDIA TNT2 Ultra for about $30. It's defective and has artifacts, according to the seller, but it boots up. The QFP memory should be easy to swap out once I find a suitable replacement. I also found a damaged SMD capacitor during inspection, which I will fix first to see if there is any improvement.

I have several TNT2s already, but I don't have an Ultra in my collection. And they have been selling for way more than I would ever want to pay.

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Reply 50007 of 53747, by Karbist

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Kahenraz wrote on 2023-08-06, 16:04:

I snagged an NVIDIA TNT2 Ultra for about $30. It's defective and has artifacts, according to the seller, but it boots up. The QFP memory should be easy to swap out once I find a suitable replacement. I also found a damaged SMD capacitor during inspection, which I will fix first to see if there is any improvement.

It could be a loose leg on memory chip or one of those low ohm resistor arrays on memory data line went open.
I have fixed numerous old cards with artifacts that had defective resistors.

Reply 50008 of 53747, by HanSolo

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Got an interesting system: a Dell Optiplex GXPro 200, with Pentium Pro 200, Elsa Winner 2000 Pro/X (S3) and integrated SB16 Vibra. It starts up but stops with a keyboard error (tried with 2 PS2 and an USB-Keyboard. Not even the Num-Lock LED reacts). Fell free to suggest anything I could test 😀
That's my first PPro-system so maybe that's normal: why does the PSU have an ATX-connector and one AT-connector plugged into the board? (Or maybe that isn't ATX?)

Reply 50009 of 53747, by DerBaum

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HanSolo wrote on 2023-08-06, 23:30:

...why does the PSU have an ATX-connector and one AT-connector plugged into the board? (Or maybe that isn't ATX?)

I am preparing a early Socket 423 Pentium 4 build. When i got the mainboard it also had a seperate "AT style" connector and a 20 PIN ATX connector.
When i looked it up i found out that this is a early version of the secondary power connector / 24 PIN ATX ... and i also found out that none of my power supplies had such a "P4" plug.
I had to buy a buy a special power supply from the early phase of Pentium 4 with 20 PIN ATX and "P4" connector because it was only used there.

I can imagine that this is something similar.


Reply 50010 of 53747, by pentiumspeed

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No power on keyboard, means you have lost 5V supply for the PS/2 keyboard and mouse port. Find the nearby fuse and check it with meter.


Great Northern aka Canada.

Reply 50011 of 53747, by Kahenraz

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HanSolo wrote on 2023-08-06, 23:30:

Got an interesting system: a Dell Optiplex GXPro 200, with Pentium Pro 200, Elsa Winner 2000 Pro/X (S3) and integrated SB16 Vibra. It starts up but stops with a keyboard error (tried with 2 PS2 and an USB-Keyboard. Not even the Num-Lock LED reacts). Fell free to suggest anything I could test 😀
That's my first PPro-system so maybe that's normal: why does the PSU have an ATX-connector and one AT-connector plugged into the board? (Or maybe that isn't ATX?)

Look for a jumper near the PS/2 port. Sometimes the port can be disabled if that jumper falls off.

Reply 50012 of 53747, by kalgon

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Hello, I got this Gravis Ultrasound card for free 🥳🥳🥳

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The only problem (so far, I haven't tested it yet) is that the bracket is bent.

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I removed the two screws near the gameport but it won't come lose, it seems to be fixed near the audio line and microphone inputs (there seems to be some some sort of serrated rings around them that hold the bracket to the card).

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How am I supposed to remove the bracket so I can make it straight? I don't want to pull on it and risk breaking something.

Reply 50013 of 53747, by dormcat

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HanSolo wrote on 2023-08-06, 23:30:

That's my first PPro-system so maybe that's normal: why does the PSU have an ATX-connector and one AT-connector plugged into the board? (Or maybe that isn't ATX?)

Dell was notorious for using the same ATX connector but with different, proprietary pinout: https://www.smps.us/power-connectors.html

Check the power switch on the case: a true ATX power switch should be momentary (i.e. only connects two pins for a fraction of a second), while many AT power switch on early Dell Pentium computers must stay at the connecting position in order to supply power to the entire computer.

Reply 50014 of 53747, by Daniël Oosterhuis

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kalgon wrote on 2023-08-07, 07:21:

How am I supposed to remove the bracket so I can make it straight? I don't want to pull on it and risk breaking something.

It's indeed the rings on the audio jack holding it in place.
I think something like a lens spanner would be the ideal tool to use, as it can be adjusted to grab the ring by the two slots on each side, which can then be screwed loose easily.

That said, with some care you might be able to loosen the rings by just using a flathead screwdriver on one of the slots, or carefully using a pair of pliers.
Once it's loosened, it should be able to be further removed by just twisting them off by hand.


Reply 50015 of 53747, by kalgon

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Daniël Oosterhuis wrote on 2023-08-07, 07:38:

That said, with some care you might be able to loosen the rings by just using a flathead screwdriver on one of the slots, or carefully using a pair of pliers.

Thanks, that worked!

Reply 50016 of 53747, by Big Pink

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So earlier in the year I got lumbered with a 5150 case when I thought I was getting a 5160. Naturally this then unleashed a new (and expensive) restoration project. All the motherboard listings on this side of the pond were well above three figures, leading me to look stateside. Got an offer for this broken board and snapped it up. It's just a blown cap at C7. I watch Adrian's Digital Basement - how hard can it be to fix? 😉

I thought IBM was born with the world

Reply 50017 of 53747, by Kahenraz

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Big Pink wrote on 2023-08-07, 15:59:

I watch Adrian's Digital Basement - how hard can it be to fix? 😉

I wouldn't have known how volatile old tantalum caps are without having watched his show. They are solid state and look as durable as ceramic, but this simply isn't true. I think he nicknames them "poppers", like "popcorn", because they look like little yellow kernels.

Reply 50018 of 53747, by Kahenraz

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kalgon wrote on 2023-08-07, 07:21:

How am I supposed to remove the bracket so I can make it straight? I don't want to pull on it and risk breaking something.

The audio jack is threaded and the metal ring is holding it firmly against the bracket. Add a single drop of oil and it should twist free with some pliers. Use a paper towel or something else between the pliers and the ring so that you don't leave any marks.

Favor a twisting force rather than compression. It's serrated for grip, so you shouldn't have to squeeze very hard to keep it from slipping.

Reply 50019 of 53747, by CharlieFoxtrot

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Just received this Zida 4DPS V2.11 accompanied with AMD DX4-100 and two four meg ram sticks. What an adorable little board.

I guess I need to find some time for next weekend to build another DOS machine. I should have everything I need for a pretty nice and beefed up 486. AMD DX4 120 is the fastest CPU I have.