Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 50280 of 53747, by Repo Man11

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H3nrik V! wrote on 2023-09-04, 15:06:
Repo Man11 wrote on 2023-09-04, 01:52:

I dismantled the 939 system and cleaned the case. I cheated and replaced only the two popped caps because I only had two caps that were the correct voltage and capacitance, and they were generic unbranded Ebay ones (and they are scarily identical to the failed ones). So that'll do for now until I get some quality ones and replace all of them. Board is working fine, XP is installing while I'm typing this. My other 939 board has a Via chipset, so it's nice that this SATA controller works with an SSD.

The build of this thing wasn't good. Every drive in it was only held in place with two screws on one side, and the motherboard standoffs were mismatched with some being fine thread, while others were coarse thread.

It's too bad there are so many scratches as it's a nice color, and I like this case for sentimental reasons. Maybe if I get really ambitious I could paint it.

Is that light in those side things? Looks sooooo 90's awesome!

Yes, they are illuminated by LEDs. I found one nearly identical - mine is dark blue rather than black, and it has space for two 80 MM exhaust fans rather than just one. The lights look good with black, so I might try black wrinkle paint.

"I'd rather be rich than stupid" - Jack Handey

Reply 50281 of 53747, by DerBaum

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Shponglefan wrote on 2023-09-04, 15:39:

it's so bad it's good. 😁

Sadly all of the art is gone today. All white boxes.
Back in the day you could print chrome rhinos on your product and call it a day 😁

The attachment 2023-09-04 17.52.57.jpg is no longer available


Reply 50282 of 53747, by acl

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tobiasrieper wrote on 2023-09-04, 13:56:
acl wrote on 2023-08-30, 21:52:
debs3759 wrote on 2023-08-30, 21:37:

It's 64-bit 128MB DDR. I got the info from the MSI website a few years ago. Unfortunately, the specs pages don't load in archive.org, or I'd provide a link.

But the box still looks nice.
And i must admit i bought several items in the past just because the box looked great.

I received the card! Was super excited and wow what I let down. As pete posted earlier LF=Low Framerate version.
Couldn't be more apt.. not only does it have a 64 bit address bus but clocks are even lower than the other models. We'll, at least it works and I learned something 😀

If you're still planning to use it, core can almost certainly be overclocked to normal (or sometimes better freqs). For memory, it depends on the chips used.

"Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
My collection (not up to date)

Reply 50283 of 53747, by PcBytes

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tobiasrieper wrote on 2023-09-04, 13:56:

I received the card! Was super excited and wow what I let down. As pete posted earlier LF=Low Framerate version.
Couldn't be more apt.. not only does it have a 64 bit address bus but clocks are even lower than the other models. We'll, at least it works and I learned something 😀

Can't be any worse than Sparkle's version of the 64-bit FX5200 that straight up shows as running in PCI mode.
Yes, I have that one, and it showed PCI among at least three different mainboards, as well as different drivers.

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 50284 of 53747, by tobiasrieper

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acl wrote on 2023-09-04, 16:06:
tobiasrieper wrote on 2023-09-04, 13:56:
acl wrote on 2023-08-30, 21:52:

But the box still looks nice.
And i must admit i bought several items in the past just because the box looked great.

I received the card! Was super excited and wow what I let down. As pete posted earlier LF=Low Framerate version.
Couldn't be more apt.. not only does it have a 64 bit address bus but clocks are even lower than the other models. We'll, at least it works and I learned something 😀

If you're still planning to use it, core can almost certainly be overclocked to normal (or sometimes better freqs). For memory, it depends on the chips used.

I can get memory to just over 224mhz but core will not go past 172mhz 🙁.

That's the first thing I tried 😁

Reply 50285 of 53747, by Shponglefan

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DerBaum wrote on 2023-09-04, 15:58:
Sadly all of the art is gone today. All white boxes. Back in the day you could print chrome rhinos on your product and call it a […]
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Shponglefan wrote on 2023-09-04, 15:39:

it's so bad it's good. 😁

Sadly all of the art is gone today. All white boxes.
Back in the day you could print chrome rhinos on your product and call it a day 😁
2023-09-04 17.52.57.jpg

Oh wow, that box art is amazing! Such glorious retro cheesiness. 😁

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 50286 of 53747, by acl

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tobiasrieper wrote on 2023-09-04, 18:05:
acl wrote on 2023-09-04, 16:06:
tobiasrieper wrote on 2023-09-04, 13:56:

I received the card! Was super excited and wow what I let down. As pete posted earlier LF=Low Framerate version.
Couldn't be more apt.. not only does it have a 64 bit address bus but clocks are even lower than the other models. We'll, at least it works and I learned something 😀

If you're still planning to use it, core can almost certainly be overclocked to normal (or sometimes better freqs). For memory, it depends on the chips used.

I can get memory to just over 224mhz but core will not go past 172mhz 🙁.

That's the first thing I tried 😁

Wow ! It's impressively low !
Regular 5200 sould normally run at 250 core / 200 mem. Or something like that

"Hello, my friend. Stay awhile and listen..."
My collection (not up to date)

Reply 50287 of 53747, by Big Pink

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Dammit. It happened again. I thought I would be outbid on this Voodoo Banshee so I placed a bid on a second one that popped up. Won both of them. This is the TNT2 Ultra situation all over again.

I thought IBM was born with the world

Reply 50288 of 53747, by debs3759

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Big Pink wrote on 2023-09-04, 19:04:

Dammit. It happened again. I thought I would be outbid on this Voodoo Banshee so I placed a bid on a second one that popped up. Won both of them. This is the TNT2 Ultra situation all over again.

That's why I use gixen.org's sniping service. You can group multiple bids together, and specify the maximum number you want to bid on. Then you can just forget it 😀 I pay a mere $11 every two years! And it has saved me a fortune while winning only what I really want.

See my graphics card database at www.gpuzoo.com
Constantly being worked on. Feel free to message me with any corrections or details of cards you would like me to research and add.

Reply 50289 of 53747, by Kahenraz

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acl wrote on 2023-09-04, 18:34:
tobiasrieper wrote on 2023-09-04, 18:05:
acl wrote on 2023-09-04, 16:06:

If you're still planning to use it, core can almost certainly be overclocked to normal (or sometimes better freqs). For memory, it depends on the chips used.

I can get memory to just over 224mhz but core will not go past 172mhz 🙁.

That's the first thing I tried 😁

Wow ! It's impressively low !
Regular 5200 sould normally run at 250 core / 200 mem. Or something like that

I wonder how well this would compare to a TNT2 or a GeForce 2 MX, 🤣. I suspect that it might even be slower than the GeForce 2 Ultra.

Reply 50290 of 53747, by pete8475

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Big Pink wrote on 2023-09-04, 19:04:

Dammit. It happened again. I thought I would be outbid on this Voodoo Banshee so I placed a bid on a second one that popped up. Won both of them. This is the TNT2 Ultra situation all over again.

How much did you end up spending on these Banshee cards?

It seems like all 3dfx stuff is up in price lately. I'm glad I got my pair of Voodoo 2's back when people thought they were junk.

Reply 50291 of 53747, by Kahenraz

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He also got an Obsidian branded Banshee. They were the highest quality board partner. So getting that one wasn't so bad. He can probably recoup some of the cost by selling the box as well.

Reply 50292 of 53747, by A. Fig Lee

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Robin4 wrote on 2012-01-20, 12:47:
Iam not really happy with that EVEREX card. I hoped it had a RTC, but is doesnt. Because […]
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Robin4 wrote:
New in the box an EVEREX I/0 card, with a RTC clock. Its a still sealed box Its for my V20 nec computer. […]
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New in the box an EVEREX I/0 card, with a RTC clock.
Its a still sealed box
Its for my V20 nec computer.

Some hard to find memory chips they are almost very rare.

Iam not really happy with that EVEREX card. I hoped it had a RTC, but is doesnt. Because

EVEREX- EV170 has a RTC
EVEREX- EV170A does not..

But the good is it was still new in sealed box, manual sealed, there is a floppy in it also..
Maybe i going it used in my new 80286 system build.. So i dont need a RTC on a 286 computer..

But i still had a ACE in my hand (iam not stupid)

So i give this one a try:

Only need a new battery in i hope.. But i have bought more times from this seller and have a good feeling about this..

I know it is old thread. just for the reference:
Base address of the RTC chip MM58167 on the EV-170 board is 0x2C0.
Just dissassembled their clock utility.
That would made it easier to create extension BIOS to use this RTC on 5160 etc.

Reply 50293 of 53747, by Artex

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Knocked a few more unicorns off the list:

Ad Lib Gold 1000 8-bit ISA (Sealed) (1991)

AMD K5-PR200 (AMD-K5-PR200ABX)

3DFX Voodoo - Quantum3D Obsidian 50SB-4440 (650-4400-02) with Original Amethyst Daughterboard (650-0040-01) 12MB PCI (Boxed) (1996)

2 x 3DFX Voodoo - Quantum3D Obsidian 100SB-4440 + 2 Original SHADES Modules - 20MB PCI (1997)

3DFX Voodoo2 - STB Black Magic 3D 12MB PCI (Boxed) (1998)

My Retro B:\ytes YouTube Channel & Retro Collection

Reply 50295 of 53747, by mrfusion92

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Kahenraz wrote on 2023-09-05, 04:59:

Can I borrow your time machine?

I wouldn't be surprised if he has actually a DeLorean in his garage

Reply 50296 of 53747, by CharlieFoxtrot

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Artex wrote on 2023-09-04, 23:50:

Knocked a few more unicorns off the list:

Blimey! That is some pretty sweet stuff!

Reply 50297 of 53747, by Big Pink

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pete8475 wrote on 2023-09-04, 20:47:

How much did you end up spending on these Banshee cards?

It seems like all 3dfx stuff is up in price lately. I'm glad I got my pair of Voodoo 2's back when people thought they were junk.

I hope I'm not feeding into the bubble by stating the prices: 75GBP for the unbranded one and 82GBP for the boxed Quantum3D one.

It might seem odd to be chasing after a Banshee (muh period correct budget build), but I've already had my luck when it comes to getting cheap Voodoos. The key is patience and not jumping on the first buy-it-now overvalued card that shows up first on eBay.

I thought IBM was born with the world

Reply 50298 of 53747, by CharlieFoxtrot

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This is what I got today, bought these socket A boards 10€/kg, which practically translates to a 10€/piece. No guarantees if they work, but they do look excellent and hopefully are at least repairable:

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