Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 52800 of 53748, by Shadzilla

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PC Hoarder Patrol wrote on 2024-04-29, 10:33:
Shadzilla wrote on 2024-04-29, 07:42:
LoK wrote on 2024-04-29, 00:24:
This is definitely some kind of Inwin S5xx branded as Systemax. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Industrial_Company […]
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This is definitely some kind of Inwin S5xx branded as Systemax.


Oh nice find! Yes it looks like you're absolutely right, mine just has a different front panel. It looks like I might be missing some 5-1/4" bay sleds too, that's annoying.

The info pic on the back suggests it might be an Enlight case (compare yours on the right with my two current Enlight cases, centre & left)


It could be, unless those stickers were generic and mass produced for case manufacturers perhaps. Apart from the front panel my case looks to be an exact match for the previously posted schematic.

Reply 52801 of 53748, by myne

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Dan386DX wrote on 2024-04-26, 18:57:
I'm sorta, kinda, maybe considering buying this old mystery PC as a project. […]
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I'm sorta, kinda, maybe considering buying this old mystery PC as a project.

Anyone care to venture what the motherboard looks like from this very limited eBay listing?

Seller has no info about the PC.

I can see it's ATX, 4 dimms EDIT: Actually, looks like 2x2 different RAM kinds. (1 AGP?) 1 AMR. 5 PCI and and I think I see an ISA lurking in the shadows at the bottom.




Mostly lines up. Probably a different revision. The notable difference is between the PCI slot and southbridge. Something's different there, but everything else looks spot on,

And now I look, even with the terrible lighting, the ram slot has a hint of blue, and the board a hint of red.

I'd expect whatever the cheapest 478 Celeron was in ~2002-3

The biggest hint that it was a hunk of junk, that led me to find that board was the Xcel southbridge (SIS with a cheap respray)

Things I built:
Mechwarrior 2 installer for Windows 10/11 Re: A comprehensive guide to install and play MechWarrior 2 on new versions on Windows.
Dos+Windows 3.11 auto-install iso template (for vmware)
Script to backup Win9x\ME drivers from a working install

Reply 52802 of 53748, by squeeb

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Rank Newbie

Recent pickups - G200 and G400 Max.

Unfortunately the G200 has artifacts 😭

The attachment g200.JPG is no longer available
The attachment g400.JPG is no longer available

- FX-6300/ R9 290x/Sound Blaster X-Fi (Win7)
- Pentium III/G400 Max/Vortex 2 (Win98)
- Pentium III/Voodoo 3 2000/XWave 6000 (Win95)
- MT32-pi, Roland SC-88, Yamaha MU500

Reply 52803 of 53748, by H3nrik V!

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Rank Oldbie
squeeb wrote on 2024-04-29, 15:30:
Recent pickups - G200 and G400 Max. […]
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Recent pickups - G200 and G400 Max.

Unfortunately the G200 has artifacts 😭



But if the G400Max works, so be our work it with the G200; IIRC they're a lot more common?

[edit] Major typo 🤣 Hopefully makes sense now ...

Last edited by H3nrik V! on 2024-04-30, 05:21. Edited 2 times in total.

Please use the "quote" option if asking questions to what I write - it will really up the chances of me noticing 😀

Reply 52804 of 53748, by myne

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squeeb wrote on 2024-04-29, 15:30:
Recent pickups - G200 and G400 Max. […]
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Recent pickups - G200 and G400 Max.

Unfortunately the G200 has artifacts 😭



Got a soldering iron?
I'd first try reflow the passives around the memory see if that works.
Then replace caps.
Then replace the ram. There is testing software that might be able to isolate the exact chip.
Then try reflow the core.

Things I built:
Mechwarrior 2 installer for Windows 10/11 Re: A comprehensive guide to install and play MechWarrior 2 on new versions on Windows.
Dos+Windows 3.11 auto-install iso template (for vmware)
Script to backup Win9x\ME drivers from a working install

Reply 52805 of 53748, by squeeb

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Rank Newbie
H3nrik V! wrote on 2024-04-29, 15:54:

But if the G400Max works, so be our work it with the G200; IIRC they're a lot more common?

[edit] Major typo 🤣 Hopefully makes sense now ...

Indeed, the G200 is more common so I'm not too distraught over it!

myne wrote on 2024-04-30, 04:41:
Got a soldering iron? I'd first try reflow the passives around the memory see if that works. Then replace caps. Then replace th […]
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Got a soldering iron?
I'd first try reflow the passives around the memory see if that works.
Then replace caps.
Then replace the ram. There is testing software that might be able to isolate the exact chip.
Then try reflow the core.

Thanks for the advice. My thoughts immediately went to the vram. I do have a soldering iron, perhaps I'll give some of the components [you mentioned] a reflow.

- FX-6300/ R9 290x/Sound Blaster X-Fi (Win7)
- Pentium III/G400 Max/Vortex 2 (Win98)
- Pentium III/Voodoo 3 2000/XWave 6000 (Win95)
- MT32-pi, Roland SC-88, Yamaha MU500

Reply 52806 of 53748, by Jccwu

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Rank Newbie

A friend sent me a new cooler for my P3-1400

Reply 52807 of 53748, by oh2ftu

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oh2ftu wrote on 2024-04-29, 08:30:

Two voodoo2 and one voodoo3 agp. Untested, unknown condition. A good deal if they work. If not... well it was an auction. Don't judge me 😀

Oh my!
At least the V3-2000 and both V2 works. Well, these are just preliminary tests (Q2 timedemo works).
I had to install a new testbench, my P3-1Ghz seemed a little too much. Although it might've taken a slower celeron as well.
Now running on a GA-6PMM (via PM133 or similar) with Cel466 😀 (I don't have a 440BX mobo (yet))

Reply 52808 of 53748, by demiurge

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Post the new S3 S27 to https://vgamuseum.info/

Reply 52809 of 53748, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie
Jccwu wrote on 2024-04-30, 15:05:

A friend sent me a new cooler for my P3-1400

nice friend, looks good - its always nice to have such things still in display box and the use them!

Reply 52811 of 53748, by zecahue

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Rank Newbie
dexvx wrote on 2017-11-08, 21:06:

Looks like OPL YMF715-S and GM YMF721-S.

I'v bought the same today, waiting to arrive.
Do you still have it? Care to share some information?
I am curious to understand why this board uses both an opl3 and opl4 chip, because in theory the 721 also has an opl3.

Reply 52812 of 53748, by Tiido

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Rank l33t

YMF721 is for MIDI music, and when the DAC inside YMF71x is used for the MIDI chip, OPL3 internal to YMF71x has no more output and one in YMF721 takes its place instead. It is possible to have both OPL3 as on my YMF71x card but it requires external DAC chip for YMF704/721.

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 52814 of 53748, by Ozzuneoj

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Rank l33t

I have found all sorts of cool PC hardware lately (will post more at some point), but this one caught me off guard. I bought a Sound Blaster 2.0 box with most of the disks and other stuff in it, and the seller included this as a surprise freebie:

The attachment 20240503_153406 (Custom).jpg is no longer available

Anyone ever seen one of these? Looks like a mirror that you'd stick on the wall of your cubicle so you could know when the boss was coming. It has a sticky pad on the back that hasn't been used and it came in a little plastic bag. I'm assuming these were a common trade show table item and Creative had some made with their logo to hand out to visitors.

Judging from the other items that the seller had, and the fact that they also sent me a handful of random 5.25" floppies, I'm guessing this isn't a recent promo item. In fact, it's such a goofy\cheap looking promo item that I would guess that it came from the Creative of the early to mid 90s, rather than the behemoth of the late 90s to early 2000s... but I can't say for sure.

Now for some blitting from the back buffer.

Reply 52815 of 53748, by 3lectr1c

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Ensign Nemo wrote on 2024-04-28, 23:46:

GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT

Should indeed be a decent XP gaming system as long as it works, but I'll warn you that the GPU it has is extremely unreliable (bumpgate)

I probably have too many old laptops.

Reply 52816 of 53748, by Ensign Nemo

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Rank Oldbie
3lectr1c wrote on 2024-05-04, 02:25:
Ensign Nemo wrote on 2024-04-28, 23:46:

GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT

Should indeed be a decent XP gaming system as long as it works, but I'll warn you that the GPU it has is extremely unreliable (bumpgate)

Thanks for the heads-up. Hopefully, I'll get a bit of life out of it. Apart from the GPU, the entire laptop does get a bit toasty.

Reply 52817 of 53748, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++
Ozzuneoj wrote on 2024-05-03, 23:33:
I have found all sorts of cool PC hardware lately (will post more at some point), but this one caught me off guard. I bought a S […]
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I have found all sorts of cool PC hardware lately (will post more at some point), but this one caught me off guard. I bought a Sound Blaster 2.0 box with most of the disks and other stuff in it, and the seller included this as a surprise freebie:

20240503_153406 (Custom).jpg

Anyone ever seen one of these? Looks like a mirror that you'd stick on the wall of your cubicle so you could know when the boss was coming. It has a sticky pad on the back that hasn't been used and it came in a little plastic bag. I'm assuming these were a common trade show table item and Creative had some made with their logo to hand out to visitors.

Judging from the other items that the seller had, and the fact that they also sent me a handful of random 5.25" floppies, I'm guessing this isn't a recent promo item. In fact, it's such a goofy\cheap looking promo item that I would guess that it came from the Creative of the early to mid 90s, rather than the behemoth of the late 90s to early 2000s... but I can't say for sure.

I'm slow tonight, spent seconds too long wondering what a punos card was (pic)

Those mirrors were usually intended to go on the bezel of a monitor I think, so you could see anyone coming up behind you or shoulder surfing your stuff. "Monitor rearview" kind of thing. Monitors usually had much wider bezels in the CRT days of course.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 52818 of 53748, by PcBytes

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Rank l33t
Ensign Nemo wrote on 2024-05-04, 03:22:
3lectr1c wrote on 2024-05-04, 02:25:
Ensign Nemo wrote on 2024-04-28, 23:46:

GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT

Should indeed be a decent XP gaming system as long as it works, but I'll warn you that the GPU it has is extremely unreliable (bumpgate)

Thanks for the heads-up. Hopefully, I'll get a bit of life out of it. Apart from the GPU, the entire laptop does get a bit toasty.

Check when was the laptop built. 8600M GTs made after sometime in 2008 have the fixed underfill that was subsequently used in Geforce 9 series.

Or, if you open it up, look at the GPU die and numbering.

The rules I know of:
- even models are defective (e.g G84-770-A2)
- odd models are fixed (e.g G84-771-A2)
- revised G84 and G86 chips should have a milky coloured underfill (have had a revised G86 from an Acer, renamed into 9300MG, actual card being a 8400MG)

"Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door..."
Main PC: i5 3470, GB B75M-D3H, 16GB RAM, 2x1TB
98SE : P3 650, Soyo SY-6BA+IV, 384MB RAM, 80GB

Reply 52819 of 53748, by Ensign Nemo

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Rank Oldbie
PcBytes wrote on 2024-05-04, 08:48:
Check when was the laptop built. 8600M GTs made after sometime in 2008 have the fixed underfill that was subsequently used in Ge […]
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Ensign Nemo wrote on 2024-05-04, 03:22:
3lectr1c wrote on 2024-05-04, 02:25:

Should indeed be a decent XP gaming system as long as it works, but I'll warn you that the GPU it has is extremely unreliable (bumpgate)

Thanks for the heads-up. Hopefully, I'll get a bit of life out of it. Apart from the GPU, the entire laptop does get a bit toasty.

Check when was the laptop built. 8600M GTs made after sometime in 2008 have the fixed underfill that was subsequently used in Geforce 9 series.

Or, if you open it up, look at the GPU die and numbering.

The rules I know of:
- even models are defective (e.g G84-770-A2)
- odd models are fixed (e.g G84-771-A2)
- revised G84 and G86 chips should have a milky coloured underfill (have had a revised G86 from an Acer, renamed into 9300MG, actual card being a 8400MG)

Thanks for the info! I'll see if it's not too difficult to open up.