I have three of these boards. Two working, one none working. The none working still has the bios chip in it, and I know its still good as I swapped the chip with the another one from a working board and the working board booted just fine.
I haven't played around with it much (been busy with all these new babies!) but looks interesting. One has a 486 Overdrive 75Mhz in it, the other two a 386DX-33. I have about a dozen or so different oscillators (25Mhz up to 80MHz), but need to understand how it works in this board. Most boards the oscillator are double the CPU MHz, so a 40MHz 386 needs an 80MHz crystal. However, on some boards it seemed that its exactly the CPU MHz. Is it just for 486 that its the exact same speeds, and the 386 is halved?
386DX-40MHz-8MB-540MB+428MB+Speedstar64@2MB+SoundBlaster Pro+MT-32/MKII
486DX2-66Mhz-16MB-4.3GB+SpeedStar64 VLB DRAM 2MB+AWE32/SB16+SCB-55
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