Which CPU is better ?

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First post, by matze79

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I recently found a Compaq D500 on the sidewalk, it came with a P4 1.8Ghz Williamette CPU,
i also have a Northwood Celeron with 2,6Ghz.

The Williamette has 256Kb Cache and the Northwood 128Kb..
Is it worth replacing the Williamette with the Northwood Celeron ?



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Reply 1 of 10, by Roman78

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Found on the side walk, like what tha f... You keep up finding the strangest things.

If it works, I would say the 2.6 is much faster on most cases. Well, it depends on what you want to do whit it. Make some benchmarks.

But I had some older PIV branded Computer (Compaq, HP and IBM), and those wouldn't go higher than 2.4. After installed a 2.6 or 2.8 it wouldn't boot.

Reply 2 of 10, by matze79

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early P4 System with SD-Ram, TNT Vanta 16Mb AGP, 256Mb Ram, 20Gb HDD.

The Unsupported Celeron gives me a Microcode not found error.
But F1 allows to proceed.

Must be pretty hot inside, the Caps on the CPU Coolerside are partially broken.

it smells like fresh tobacco, was used in BAT Cigarette Factory 😳

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Reply 3 of 10, by Nipedley

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My workplace had so, so many of these things. They came in SFF and tower formats, the SFF were my nemesis because everytime a power supply went (which was all the time), I couldn't find any (reasonably priced) replacements at the time. The cases were so cramped inside there was basically no airflow.

Also, they ran Windows XP slower than my Pentium 3 does. It was not fun ! Is there any way to modify the BIOS to use newer P4's (modify whitelist/update microcode)?

Reply 4 of 10, by matze79

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i think its because of the celeron, maybe a P4 should work..

i upgraded it to 1GB SDR and a 6200 512Mb AGP LowProfile, needed to remove the Cooler and add a much smaller one but powersupply fan sucks air over it..
XP runs very well.

Compaqs Support says the latest bios supports northwood 😒
It should also support 3Gb - 3x 1Gb SDR-Ram.

also this thing complains about Checksum of Option ROM are wrong but this is not the case.
i double checked it and reflashed the videobios..
it does not like the 512Mb 6200 GeForce..
Anyway all is working fine, just bypass Errors.

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Reply 5 of 10, by matze79

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Modified GeForce 6200, Cooler doesnt fit, replaced it with a smaller one.

The attachment IMG_20160831_054715.jpg is no longer available

Capacitorbank, near CPU Cooler.

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BIOS Errors:

The attachment IMG_20160831_055446.jpg is no longer available

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Reply 6 of 10, by matze79

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the Celeron 2,6Ghz Northwood recieves 3690 3DMarks 2001
The Williamette P4 1,8Ghz gets 4661 3DMarks 2001.

The Celeron is really crippled with 128Kb Cache.
It gets skippy framerates.
Where the P4 gives a almost solid one.

Seems 128Kb are not enough to feed the CPU Core.

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Reply 7 of 10, by GuyTechie

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matze79 wrote:
Ok, the Celeron 2,6Ghz Northwood recieves 3690 3DMarks 2001 The Williamette P4 1,8Ghz gets 4661 3DMarks 2001. […]
Show full quote

the Celeron 2,6Ghz Northwood recieves 3690 3DMarks 2001
The Williamette P4 1,8Ghz gets 4661 3DMarks 2001.

The Celeron is really crippled with 128Kb Cache.
It gets skippy framerates.
Where the P4 gives a almost solid one.

Seems 128Kb are not enough to feed the CPU Core.

Good to know. I would have never guessed that. Now I thought the clock speed between 1.8 and 2.6 Ghz was large enough were clock speed would just win. I guess not!

I remember those Celeron 300As were found to be great overclockers. I wasn't in the market for one back then (had a PII-450 already), but later on when I found coppermine Celerons in the 900 MHz range, I bought them to upgrade my PII-450. I figured with that huge of a clock jump, it should overcome the smaller L2 cache. I figured it also helped that the Celeron's cache was on die. I don't recall doing benchmarks between the 2 CPUs. If I did, that was a long time ago, so I don't recall how much faster the Celeron was compared to the PII.

Reply 8 of 10, by Rawrl

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They're both really strangled by that SDRAM, too. Netburst likes bandwidth.

Reply 9 of 10, by Snayperskaya

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I recommend a fully recap if you plan using it.

Reply 10 of 10, by matze79

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Only the caps near the cpu cooler are affected i desoldered a few other measured them, and they are fine, some are at 150% Capacity and no Vloss at all.
But near the CPU Cooler you can see the electrolyte flowing if you press lightly on the Cap.
i replaced them with hand measured and selected used caps from more modern Stuff which died from other Plagues.

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