First post, by Smack2k

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Looks like my CUV4X Motherboard has bit the dust as it gets power but does not POST, no matter what I have tried....so that being said...

Can someone recommend a good motherboard I can run Windows 98 and DOS on? Would need 1 AGP Slot,5 PCI Slots and 1 ISA slot (for ISA AWE64 for DOS, PCI for SB for Windows). Processor doesnt matter, as I have a bunch of procs both Intel and AMD or I will get one if needed. RAM type does not matter as I have plenty in PC133 or DDR.

Want this to be a good Win 98 / DOS rig that can play games from 97-2002-ish. Will have either a 9800XT or a Ti4600 running in it plus Voodoo2 in SLI.....


Reply 1 of 11, by Ampera

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I use the SE440BX-2, the one with P3 support. Stick one of the faster Slot 1 P3s or, if supported, maybe even a slotket. These things are damn cheap, and I think are still being sold NOS on E-Bay for pennies (that's where I got mine). It hits all the check marks, and isn't susceptible to the capacitor plague.

Reply 2 of 11, by The Serpent Rider

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Soyo, MSI, ABIT, DFI Shuttle boards with Via 694T chipset. All of them have at least 1 ISA slot (Soyo have 2).

I must be some kind of standard: the anonymous gangbanger of the 21st century.

Reply 3 of 11, by dionb

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Rank l33t++

CUV4X died spontaneously... have you checked the capacitors?

Possible fixes aside, your requirements are so wide there are literally hundreds of boards that would easily fit, pretty much anything from the period with 1 ISA slot. If you want games to 2002, I wouldn't recommend anything older than the CUV4X that deserted you. Maybe an early Socket A system with ISA (Abit KT7A springs to mind, at least if you're OK with replacing bad caps).

Other than that - try coming up with more specific requirements for a more specific advice 😉

Reply 4 of 11, by Radical Vision

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Some slot 1 mobo like ASUS P2B, P3B-F, Gigabyte BX2000 or BX2000+, ABIT BE6 series, MSI BX Master series, Soyo, that are at least one of the better ones...

Mah systems retro, old, newer (Radical stuff)
W3680 4.5/ GA-x58 UD7/ R9 280x
K7 2.6/ NF7-S/ HD3850
IBM x2 P3 933/ GA-6VXD7/ Voodoo V 5.5K
Cmq P2 450/ GA-BX2000/ V2 SLI
Cmq DeskPRO 486/33
IBM PS/2 Model 56
SPS IntelleXT 8088

Reply 5 of 11, by Smack2k

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Rank Oldbie
dionb wrote:

CUV4X died spontaneously... have you checked the capacitors?

Possible fixes aside, your requirements are so wide there are literally hundreds of boards that would easily fit, pretty much anything from the period with 1 ISA slot. If you want games to 2002, I wouldn't recommend anything older than the CUV4X that deserted you. Maybe an early Socket A system with ISA (Abit KT7A springs to mind, at least if you're OK with replacing bad caps).

Other than that - try coming up with more specific requirements for a more specific advice 😉

Yeah, the Capacitors are fine. The board powers on, but wont POST at all. I have taken every card out, swapped RAM around, reseated things, pulled all the IDE cables out leaving only a video card, changed video cards, reset CMOS, checked jumpers (I had it set to jumper free mode), reseated the proc, loosened the screws on the board to the case, and changed power supplies. Every time, it turns on, no POST beep, and nothing....I havent taken it completely out of the case and tried, which I guess I could , but dont know how much good that'll do.

I have a P2B which I didnt think I could use for a 1 GHZ PIII until I saw the ugprade chart that mentioned I could use a SLOTKEY with Voltage Jumpers and it would work. So I ordered an ASUS S370-133 and Retention Mechanizm from ebay (got them pretty cheap to) this morning. Hopefully they will do the trick...In the meantime, I can keep messing with the CUV4X and see if I cant find the culprit to why its doing what its doing....

Reply 6 of 11, by Radical Vision

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Depend of the revision of your P2B, as they not all support Coppermine 1GHz, depend on the voltage regulator. For example my P2B is older rev and does not support newer, and is suited only for Pentium II and early Pentium III...

Mah systems retro, old, newer (Radical stuff)
W3680 4.5/ GA-x58 UD7/ R9 280x
K7 2.6/ NF7-S/ HD3850
IBM x2 P3 933/ GA-6VXD7/ Voodoo V 5.5K
Cmq P2 450/ GA-BX2000/ V2 SLI
Cmq DeskPRO 486/33
IBM PS/2 Model 56
SPS IntelleXT 8088

Reply 7 of 11, by Smack2k

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I checked the ugprade guide and my revision of the board will apparently work with the Slotkey and 133 MHZ PIII 1 GHZ, I Just have to set the voltage on the Slotkey.

What is used for heatsync / fan on the slotkeys? Can I just use a P2 / PIII Slot 1 fan / heatsync? IF so, how do they attach? I dont see any holes in the slotkey to attach them?

Reply 8 of 11, by Radical Vision

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You can use PGA 370, socket 462 coolers, or even socket 7 coolers...
My cooler here is from socket 370. Both 370 and 462 coolers fit really well on Slot 1 adapters, after all the socket on that cards are just regular PGA 370.........

The Cooler in the system is some small ThermalTake not sure the model, and the fan is thin fan so it can fit there...

Mah systems retro, old, newer (Radical stuff)
W3680 4.5/ GA-x58 UD7/ R9 280x
K7 2.6/ NF7-S/ HD3850
IBM x2 P3 933/ GA-6VXD7/ Voodoo V 5.5K
Cmq P2 450/ GA-BX2000/ V2 SLI
Cmq DeskPRO 486/33
IBM PS/2 Model 56
SPS IntelleXT 8088

Reply 9 of 11, by Smack2k

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the info....hoping one of my coolers will fit on it...if not, will have to order one!

Reply 10 of 11, by Kamerat

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Smack2k wrote:

Looks like my CUV4X Motherboard has bit the dust as it gets power but does not POST, no matter what I have tried....so that being said...

Perhaps the flash chip for the BIOS got corrupted or died. You can try flash it with an external programmer or hot flash it in another board.

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Reply 11 of 11, by Smack2k

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Rank Oldbie

I think I found the culprit....

When I was putting the heatsink on, the flathead slipped and scraped the board...think it took out a couple traces....will have to fix...

Have a seperate question...with the P2B I am limited to only 4 PCI slots but have 2 ISA Slots. with this configuration, it appears I will need to use an ISA NIC Card (10/100 is fine as its on a closed network with a couple other PCs just to share files). Any issues with ISA NIC cards and Win 98?