First post, by LLugnuto779

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would it be possible to make a lin-lin adapter by de-soldering the socket off of a cheap celeron only slotket and modding it to be a diy lin-lin?
as in do all the pin modding on the socket taken off of the cheap slotket, instead of on a nice slotket or a motherboard

Reply 1 of 9, by gbeirn

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The problem I see with that is once you desolder a ZIF socket the pins in the socket now look like the newer LGA sockets do. Meaning the PCB is what keeps it all together. Desoldering it would just let the socket pins fall out of the plastic holding mechanism.

At least I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Reply 2 of 9, by stamasd

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No need to desolder anything. You can do the mod on the slocket without desoldering. Use enameled wire of a small diameter (28 gauge or finer) on top of the socket, and for the pins that need to be insulated you can enlarge the socket holes with a small dremel bit, then slide insulating sleeves (made from stripping appropriate lengths of it from insulated wire) over the pins of the CPU before putting it in the slocket.

I've done it succesfully back in the day. I'd post pictures but I don't know where that modded slocket is in my pile of stuff. I ended up running a 1.2GHz Celeron on an Abit BH6.

I/O, I/O,
It's off to disk I go,
With a bit and a byte
And a read and a write,
I/O, I/O

Reply 3 of 9, by kaputnik

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stamasd wrote:

No need to desolder anything. You can do the mod on the slocket without desoldering. Use enameled wire of a small diameter (28 gauge or finer) on top of the socket, and for the pins that need to be insulated you can enlarge the socket holes with a small dremel bit, then slide insulating sleeves (made from stripping appropriate lengths of it from insulated wire) over the pins of the CPU before putting it in the slocket.

I've done it succesfully back in the day. I'd post pictures but I don't know where that modded slocket is in my pile of stuff. I ended up running a 1.2GHz Celeron on an Abit BH6.

Done the same thing, works perfectly. Posted about it (with pics) here. Also did the same mod to a couple of MSI MS-6905 Master slotkets later. Can recommend those, since they've got voltage clamp jumpers. Just make sure to get one of the later revisions with combinations for voltages < 1.8V if you're gonna use it with Tualatins.

The enlarging of holes and insulating of pins is kind of fiddly though, the next time I do it, I'm gonna try simply doing a bridge and cutting the trace going from AK4 to the edge connector instead.

Last edited by kaputnik on 2018-08-20, 12:59. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 4 of 9, by kixs

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Lin-Lin adapter is for s370 boards not Slot-1. Looks like this:


Requests here!

Reply 5 of 9, by LLugnuto779

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Rank Newbie
kixs wrote:
Lin-Lin adapter is for s370 boards not Slot-1. Looks like this: […]
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Lin-Lin adapter is for s370 boards not Slot-1. Looks like this:


yes i know, i have an asus slocket that i have bought from someone, but still in shipping.
its a s370-dl rev 1.02

i want a lin-lin because i do not have a good soldering iron (and the tip is also missing)
and i do not want to accidentally ruin a slotket/slocket/cpu.

Reply 6 of 9, by LLugnuto779

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i have just learned that the pre-modded tualatins that the south korean guy sells have lin-lins soldered to them.
HE is the reason they are so hard to find.

edit: i was wrong, the guy uses a custom pcb based off of the lin-lin

Reply 7 of 9, by amijim

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Hello there,
i have plenty of lin link adapters for sale, both green and purple black pcb editions.I will get back in oct for sale.

Iwill ZmaxDP
Tyan s2885
Iwill MPX2
Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW+
Compaq SP700
Compaq ml350

Reply 8 of 9, by LLugnuto779

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Rank Newbie
amijim wrote:

Hello there,
i have plenty of lin link adapters for sale, both green and purple black pcb editions.I will get back in oct for sale.

Thanks! where do you sell them?

Reply 9 of 9, by StevOnehundred

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I have a 1266S Tualatin.
I have an incompatible 815e board.
Methinks I need a Lin-Lin.