Help with Azza U694BC

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First post, by Mad_Wolf

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Rank Newbie

Hello I have an old Azza U694BC motherboard with an isa slot.
I'm going to use this motherboard but I have some problems.
Anybody with the latest bios or do you know anywhere where I can find it ?


Reply 1 of 3, by Horun

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Rank l33t++

The last BIOS version I could find is B11 with this code:
"a2U694TW.B11 FOR U694BC / BX.X / U694BC
Award 08/21/2001-694T-686B-6A6LJP8CC-00"

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 2 of 3, by Mad_Wolf

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Rank Newbie
Horun wrote on 2020-08-15, 22:46:

The last BIOS version I could find is B11 with this code:
"a2U694TW.B11 FOR U694BC / BX.X / U694BC
Award 08/21/2001-694T-686B-6A6LJP8CC-00"

The attachment azza.jpg is no longer available

I think my motherboard has the same bios?
As I searched the internet there is some info that there is a b12 version.
But I'm not sure and they arent downloadable.

https://www.elhvb.com/supportbios.info/Archiv … 4-BC/index.html

Reply 3 of 3, by Mad_Wolf

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Rank Newbie

Also the temp readings are wrong I think. I'm using it with 1.13 tualatin
The cpu temp shows like 53c but when I touch the cooler its warm max
I tried some software like cpu temp, core temp, sandra and cpu fan
They show 0 or the same result
Any advice