First post, by krivulak

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Some time ago I got this card.

The attachment P_20190902_160410.jpg is no longer available
The attachment P_20190903_221556.jpg is no longer available

It is an oldschool POST card with more features built in. In the box it came with three dongles and three EPROMs with some features. The deal is, of course, mine came with no EPROM whatsoever, it is a dumpster saved card. Do anybody here have one of those too? I would be very happy if anybody could make me a dump so I can make my card work. Thanks!
https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/landma … -v-8-1795736782

Last edited by krivulak on 2023-08-02, 20:24. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 7, by krivulak

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Let's necropost my own post 😁

Quite many years had passed and today I finally managed to found somebody with second card whose ROM was actually still present. So naturally - I dumped the chip, digitalised the label and made a little bit better photos.
To provide some details - the card was made by Landmark Research and the original box included 3 passthrough dongles - LPT, wide COM and standard COM. The package also contained two more ROMs used as a BIOS drop-in for the board and the manual. Those things are sadly almost impossible to find nowadays. The saddest thing about this is that I had the chips in my hands but back in the day I didn't have a programmer so I didn't manage to dump the chips.

Revision 1 (mine)

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Revision 2 (friends)

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The attachment IMG_2111.JPG is no longer available

ROM + label

The attachment Kickstart_2_v1_8.zip is no longer available

Reply 2 of 7, by Sphere478

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Rank l33t++

I have this card also. And would like to play with it at some point.


Mine is blue. Looks like that rev 2

And I believe new/complete

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)

Reply 3 of 7, by krivulak

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Sphere478 wrote on 2023-08-03, 05:16:

And I believe new/complete

Do you have the two extra ROMs?

Reply 4 of 7, by Sphere478

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Rank l33t++
krivulak wrote on 2023-08-03, 11:38:
Sphere478 wrote on 2023-08-03, 05:16:

And I believe new/complete

Do you have the two extra ROMs?

As in floating free? No, but there are some things that plug into the ports at the end I have those and also there are some chips installed in the sockets if memory serves.

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)

Reply 5 of 7, by krivulak

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Through sheer luck I found another version. Also - the manual, though it is too big for this site to be uploaded (17MB)

The attachment KickStart2_v1.2.zip is no longer available


Reply 6 of 7, by Sphere478

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Rank l33t++

Split it up in a zip maybe? I always fear years later external links will be dead and future retro nerds will be left without the goods.

Sphere's PCB projects.
Sphere’s socket 5/7 cpu collection.
SUCCESSFUL K6-2+ to K6-3+ Full Cache Enable Mod
Tyan S1564S to S1564D single to dual processor conversion (also s1563 and s1562)

Reply 7 of 7, by MobyGamer

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Rank Member

I have one of these in the package, and I believe it is complete. Is anything still needing preservation? (I don't have an EEPROM reader, but am willing to buy one if you need the ROMs read. Suggest a cheap but decent one I can have shipped to the USA and I'll buy it.)