First post, by Prez

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Hi !
I got my hands on 5 Toshiba Satellite 4070 or 4090CDT or so.
They all appear to be dead. I opened all of them and they are very bad subjects to batteries leaking.
I cleaned all and checked the battery leak didn't touch the motherboard, and that the case, they are safe (well, it seems visually at last).

But still no one from this bunch of 5 are starting good. I had a 6th one some months ago and it is working fine. When i press the power button on the 5 dead, the power led goes on, and 4 on 5 show signs of cpu heating (=working) and sometimes disk spinning. Still, nothing boots, nothing on screen or vga out.

What is going on ? i have several and tester power chargers so it is not their fault.

If anyone has any idea about it, i will be glad to save a part of them at least, or else i will be forced to sell every working parts apart...

Best regards,

Last edited by Prez on 2022-05-29, 11:18. Edited 1 time in total.

Old computers and videogames freak
President of french association https://mo5.com
Get better, get old ! 😁

Reply 1 of 2, by Prez

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Some picts of the batteries leaking :

The attachment IMG_20220527_214032.jpg is no longer available
The attachment IMG_20220527_204904.jpg is no longer available
The attachment IMG_20220527_203832.jpg is no longer available

Still the motherboards remained untouched, it seems.

Old computers and videogames freak
President of french association https://mo5.com
Get better, get old ! 😁

Reply 2 of 2, by Prez

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Rank Member

Okay i found this :
https://support.dynabook.com/support/viewCont … ontentId=108864

and :

wt floppy !
I think all the problems of these models are from the power stage. I need to dig on that.

Old computers and videogames freak
President of french association https://mo5.com
Get better, get old ! 😁