First post, by LeCroebar

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Rank Newbie

Hey friends!
I have the (pictured) card. I downloaded the Diamond_Stealth_64_DRAM_Win_3.1_driver_v1.22 driver from VOGONS, it installed but after setting the resolution and a custom monitor (with specs that I know are valid) the system hard-locks when entering Windows and has to be reset.

I know there were a lot of "Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM" cards with all sorts of changes. I cannot for the life of me find any other drivers, though.
Also, not to brag, but I've got a BLISTERING 2mb of DRAM in this hot-rod!

Would any of you happen to have the correct Win3.1 driver for this card or a link to a place that has different drivers? I've tried a generic S3 Trio64 driver as well, and though it doesn't lock, I get no picture in resolutions above 800x600. This is on an Acer AC713 monitor, which I'm sure is PnP, but supports a lot of refresh rates and resolutions beyond what this card can do.

(thanks Cyrix200+ for the image from your thread)

For anyone else having this issue - Download the Diamond Super CD, it has the right drivers under .\INSTALL\GRAPHIC\STEALTH\64DRAM

From Vogons
From Archive.org

Reply 1 of 3, by LeCroebar

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Rank Newbie

The performance difference in upgrading from 1mb to 2mb on the S3 Trio64 is small. In DOS Quake, Doom, etc, it's about a 5-10% performance gain, and to put that in perspective Quake I was running about 39fps in default resolution, it runs about 42 now. This was consistent with other DOS benchmark apps.
Windows 3.1, however can run 1024x768 in hi color modes and higher refresh rates.

To me it was worth $6 just to tinker with it and see how it performed.

Reply 2 of 3, by kixs

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Rank l33t

Usually there is no performance benefit in DOS going from 1 to 2MB.

Requests are also possible... /msg kixs

Reply 3 of 3, by LeCroebar

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Rank Newbie
kixs wrote on 2022-10-24, 12:23:

Usually there is no performance benefit in DOS going from 1 to 2MB.

Had I not run benchmarks I don't think I would have seen the change. I didn't expect there to be any change either, but there was.
If you're looking for a performance upgrade though, this is definitely not the way to do it 😀