Asus P5A not working

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Reply 20 of 42, by fool

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Crazy means that the multimeter start with a low value and then it goes up up up up

That happens when you have large capacitor connected in parallel with the multimeter charging up.

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 21 of 42, by Nemo1985

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I see thank you... Should I try to measure again until I get the highest value?

Reply 22 of 42, by fool

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Nemo1985 wrote on 2023-02-04, 18:24:

I see thank you... Should I try to measure again until I get the highest value?

If it rises to some "highish" value it's OK.

I would be more interested about those low ohmic values 200-300 ohm.

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 23 of 42, by Nemo1985

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Any test I can do to understand if those low values are ok?

Reply 24 of 42, by bloodem

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Well, if the readings are correct, at first glance it does look good (although, for some reason, you measured 15 pins on HIP6013, even though it only has 14 pins 😁 ). Indeed, the pins on HIP6013 with sub 300 ohms are suspicious, but might be OK.
In this case, I would compare resistances with your working board (rev 1.03). The two boards should be very similar (if not identical) when it comes to the CPU power delivery. Also check the MOSFETs for shorts.

1 x PLCC-68 / 2 x PGA132 / 5 x Skt 3 / 9 x Skt 7 / 12 x SS7 / 1 x Skt 8 / 14 x Slot 1 / 5 x Slot A
5 x Skt 370 / 8 x Skt A / 2 x Skt 478 / 2 x Skt 754 / 3 x Skt 939 / 7 x LGA775 / 1 x LGA1155
Current PC: Ryzen 7 5800X3D
Backup PC: Core i7 7700k

Reply 25 of 42, by Nemo1985

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bloodem wrote on 2023-02-04, 18:45:

Well, if the readings are correct, at first glance it does look good (although, for some reason, you measured 15 pins on HIP6013, even though it only has 14 pins 😁 ).
In this case, I would compare resistances with your working board (rev 1.03). The two boards should be very similar (if not identical) when it comes to the CPU power delivery. Also check the MOSFETs for shorts.

Lol I thought something was wrong, I measured one 0.l twice, corrected.
How can I check the mosfets for shorts?

Reply 26 of 42, by bloodem

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Nemo1985 wrote on 2023-02-04, 18:47:

Lol I thought something was wrong, I measured one 0.l twice, corrected.
How can I check the mosfets for shorts?

In the exact same way (after checking the datasheet of the MOSFETs). Only the ground should have very low resistance.

1 x PLCC-68 / 2 x PGA132 / 5 x Skt 3 / 9 x Skt 7 / 12 x SS7 / 1 x Skt 8 / 14 x Slot 1 / 5 x Slot A
5 x Skt 370 / 8 x Skt A / 2 x Skt 478 / 2 x Skt 754 / 3 x Skt 939 / 7 x LGA775 / 1 x LGA1155
Current PC: Ryzen 7 5800X3D
Backup PC: Core i7 7700k

Reply 27 of 42, by Nemo1985

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The attachment 001.jpg is no longer available

From left to right (I measured the complete legs only):

Up to 2k and down

The attachment 002.jpg is no longer available


I get roughly the same values from the working board.
I'm going to measure the values for HIP6008 and HIP6013

Reply 28 of 42, by fool

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I made reference measurement from controllers. No CPU & power attached.



and HIP6013:

>1k (480)
Last edited by fool on 2023-02-05, 08:12. Edited 1 time in total.

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 29 of 42, by Nemo1985

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Rank Oldbie

Thank you very much, I remeasured the values, the most sure difference is on pin 4 of the HIP6013, I get 0.L which I suppose means infinite, while you get 7m.
Same goes for pin4 on the other chip, I get a completely different value from yours, I tried with continuity and it seems in short.

Reply 30 of 42, by fool

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Nemo1985 wrote on 2023-02-04, 20:00:

Thank you very much, I remeasured the values, the most sure difference is on pin 4 of the HIP6013, I get 0.L which I suppose means infinite, while you get 7m.
Same goes for pin4 on the other chip, I get a completely different value from yours, I tried with continuity and it seems in short.

I'm staring at value of HIP6013 pin#8 = PHASE = regulator output. Do you have something connected to the board?

Pin#4 in HIP6008 is traced to VID select jumper, what probably shorts it to ground?

Last edited by fool on 2023-02-04, 20:21. Edited 1 time in total.

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 31 of 42, by Nemo1985

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Rank Oldbie

It has the cpu and a memory module and the cr coin battery, I disconnected the ATX cable.
I remeasured just to be sure, it starts low as 200 and goes to 450.

Reply 32 of 42, by fool

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Nemo1985 wrote on 2023-02-04, 20:10:

It has the cpu and a memory module and the cr coin battery, I disconnected the ATX cable.
I remeasured just to be sure, it starts low as 200 and goes to 450.

If you get low value even without CPU and RAM installed there could be something wrong with the diode or capacitor.

EDIT: I guess that value is fine. When I measure it rises to 1k then drops down to 480.

Last edited by fool on 2023-02-05, 08:03. Edited 1 time in total.

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 33 of 42, by Nemo1985

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Without cpu and ram I get a value of 480 on HIP6013 pin#8.
You are right about pin4, being connected to vid could it be the reason for different values in resistance?

Any guess about what capacitor or diode is responsible?

Reply 35 of 42, by Nemo1985

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fool wrote on 2023-02-05, 08:19:

What does this mean?

HIP6008 PIN#9: 2k and then goes down

It should be connected to ground, giving close to zero resistance.

You are right, I redid the reading, ot the upper part of the chip, I get 0.2
Sometimes I get crazy readings by the way, the latest pin when I started to measure gave me 55k and now it gives more than 2m and goes down...
Probably I'd need to desolder the controller but I'm not good with this stuff, I barely desolder caps.

Reply 36 of 42, by fool

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Values looks now good enough.

For what it looks now is that 45N03 MOSFET is not functioning nor getting control from HIP6008 to it's gate pin. Those mosfets are hard to measure in-circuit and also to remove.

Toshiba T8500 desktop
SAM/CS9233 Wavetable Synthesizer daughterboard
Coming: 40-pin 8MB SIMM kit, CS4232 ISA wavetable sound card

Reply 37 of 42, by Nemo1985

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Rank Oldbie

Thank you for the help once again.
I can't locate this mosfet, the ones near the controller are pbyl or nec, there is a third one near the ide ports but it's smaller.
I can try to buy one and then find someone who is able to properly desolder and solder the new one.

Reply 39 of 42, by Nemo1985

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Rank Oldbie

I see, any suggestion about what to buy? Probably the mosfets improved in the years so something new would be even better for power consumption and heat generation?